View Full Version : More on FPE

Bill Wieczorek
08-20-2012, 09:16 AM
I wonder what Jerry Peck's thoughts on this are ? I ran across while looking for an article pertaining to FPE. Read the info here


Thomas McKay
08-20-2012, 11:53 AM
"The components are PROBABLY all right", there is nothing probable about electricity; is it could fail it will fail at some point! :eek:

John Kogel
08-20-2012, 01:10 PM
I agree, brilliant stuff.
"If you have not had a problem with your equipment in the past, you are probably okay" :confused:

If you have not fallen overboard in the past, you are probably okay.
If you have not been run over by a truck in the past, you are probably okay. :D

Jack Feldmann
08-20-2012, 01:32 PM
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how misguided it is.
Since his paper is 10 years old, maybe he has revised his position by now.

Jerry Peck
08-20-2012, 01:42 PM
I was waiting for some other replies first, and those replies basically covered it, with this to add:

Let's see, FPE is known for *not* tripping, so ... if the breakers have *not* tripped during the past 30 years or so ... that means the breakers are "probably okay"?

Heck, breakers SELDOM trip - there is no reason for them to trip unless someone has overloaded the circuit or something happened to the circuit ... 'breakers occasionally trip' - if a breaker occasionally trips ... y'all got a problem.

Ross Neag
08-23-2012, 11:05 PM
I RECANT, different inspector and company. I didn't look at the PDF.

Aaron Miller
08-24-2012, 03:50 AM
Another believer in the fantasy that past performance is an indicator of future performance. Perhaps in the 10 years since penning this bit of nonsense his FPE panel morphed into the arc-welder-in-a-box that they all have the tendency to become, and he is no longer of the same opinion . . . passing over can be a mind changer.:D

Jerry Peck
08-24-2012, 05:30 AM
Another believer in the fantasy that past performance is an indicator of future performance.

I believe ...

I believe that not performing in the past is an indicator of not performing in the future ... :D

Florida is slowly getting rid of those FPE panels as the insurance companies are refusing to insure the houses unless those panels are replaced. :cool:

Bill Wieczorek
08-24-2012, 05:42 AM
Follow up on this. Yesterday I talked with the electrician that replaced the 200 amp FPE panel at my neighbors. He said from what he saw there was absolutely nothing wrong with it accept fot the FPE reputation. The breakers were clean and there were no signs of a problem.

I'm glad I wasn't the inspector that had to tell her about the panel. Now she can move on and take care of the radon problem, poor woman won't be making anything on the sale of her home.

Thanks for you input.

Jerry Peck
08-24-2012, 06:59 AM
Follow up on this. Yesterday I talked with the electrician that replaced the 200 amp FPE panel at my neighbors. He said from what he saw there was absolutely nothing wrong with it accept fot the FPE reputation. The breakers were clean and there were no signs of a problem.


The problems with FPE breakers is not a visual or visible problem. Bad FPE breakers look just as nice as not bad FPE breakers (I cannot bring myself to say 'good' along with 'FPE' breakers :) ).

There are two main problems with FPE panels.
1) The breakers jump out at you when you remove the cover and scare the bejeevies out of you. Breakers are supposed to remain in the panel when the cover is removed.
2) The breakers do not trip ... for example, a 20 amp FPE breaker can be used for arc welding, pulling 70 amps or more through it without tripping ... it has been done.

The reason that there is *no need* for an electrician *to evaluate* and FPE panel is because the electrician will not be testing the breakers to see if they trip - hence the one common solution ... replace the panel with another brand which comes with its own brand of breakers - no more FPE breakers, not even the purty ones which are still nice and clean looking. :)

John Ghent
08-25-2012, 05:27 AM
You know that bald tire on the left rear of your family van? Well, it ain't ever been flat wuz it? Then don't fret, pedal to the metal. If it ain't been bad before it probably is ok.

Tom Rees
08-27-2012, 05:36 AM
Good analogy John. If it has been ok for all these years, it's due.