View Full Version : Some 'warning' signs

Chris Weekly
08-27-2012, 01:06 PM
This note was attached to the old fpe panel board and appears to have been there a long time. I didn't see any scorched or blackened areas in the walls or attic, but wouldn't be surprised if I had.
The new panel was installed when I did the inspection, but it just makes you wonder about what people will go through just to make an old, outdated, obstinate system work.
Cant you just imagine the snap, crackle and pop? when the folks followed the instructions?

John Kogel
08-27-2012, 08:55 PM
Old timer calls the breaker a 'fuse'. Yes, that is funny. I wonder if waiting for the breaker to cool a little would have done the same thing? Applying pressure in the off position does nothing, but it worked for him.