View Full Version : gas pipe through heat duct

Russell Melville
12-03-2012, 10:01 AM
I'm sure this has been discussed but I couldn't find it after a quick search. This csst gas pipe passes into and through a furnace air return duct. Any comments?

Ken Rowe
12-03-2012, 10:10 AM
CSST manufacturer's installation requirements dictate a separation between the CSST and metal ducts, pipes, conduit etc.

H.G. Watson, Sr.
12-03-2012, 03:01 PM
I'm sure this has been discussed but I couldn't find it after a quick search. This csst gas pipe passes into and through a furnace air return duct. Any comments?

I'll throw you an IFGC/IRC example, but it is not allowed under the gas-fitting, mechanical, fuel gas, codes, structurally regarding fireblocking and the floor/ceiling assembly above, duct standards, and for many hosts of reasons, as pictured.

Using 2009 unmmended IRC, Chapter 24 Fuel Gas, because I'm being quick and not taking the time to check your specific locale, which I suspect uses RCNYS and I forget what parts of which standard fuel gas code it ammends (NFPA 54 or IFGC) and not taking the time to check the Uniform codes.

quick first, easiest prohibition:

2009 IRC
Chapter 24 - Fuel Gas

G2415 (404.1) Prohibited locations. Piping shall not be installed in or through a ducted supply, return or exhaust, or a clothes chute, chimney or gas vent, dumbwaiter or elevator shaft. Piping installed downstream of the point of delivery shall not extend through any townhouse unit other than the unit served by such piping.

Clickable link (load active X & scroll down to citation): Chapter 24 - Fuel Gas (http://publicecodes.cyberregs.com/icod/irc/2009/icod_irc_2009_24_sec015.htm)

technically, I believe you have pictured a return air plenum receiving return air from floor(s) above and recieving air from more than one opening/duct.