View Full Version : Hard copies of inspection reports?
George Hallaron
01-20-2013, 05:36 PM
Hello all ,
I have a two part question that I'm sure will prevoke multiple awnsers. I'm looking forward to hearing what y'all have to say on this issue. OK here it is.
1.) Does anyone offer a hard copy of thier reports to the client in addition to the electronic version?
2.) If so how and when is it delivered?
Dan Harris
01-20-2013, 06:10 PM
Hello all ,
I have a two part question that I'm sure will prevoke multiple awnsers. I'm looking forward to hearing what y'all have to say on this issue. OK here it is.
1.) Does anyone offer a hard copy of thier reports to the client in addition to the electronic version?
2.) If so how and when is it delivered?
#1 .. I used to print all of my reports on site. With the exception of 1 new home community , Now I provide apx 1 hard copy per 25-30 Inspections. Most of the customers that want a hard copy state they do not have a computer, or state they have printer or computer problems
#2.. Most of the time I do it on site so I don't have the hassel of mailing or hand delivering it later.
Rick Cantrell
01-20-2013, 06:19 PM
I don't remember when I last had a printed report, 5-6 years ago I suppose.
Eric Barker
01-20-2013, 06:39 PM
George, I don't give out hard copies so I can't answer your question. But I am interested in why you provide both.
Jim Luttrall
01-20-2013, 06:47 PM
#1 - no
#2 - n/a
If the client has no computer they can get a friend, relative, etc. to help them access but I have not heard a comment like that for several years.
First and foremost, they get the verbal briefing on the big stuff at the close of the inspection and the report via email within 24 hours (usually)
Jack Feldmann
01-20-2013, 07:45 PM
I had one or two inspections in 2012 where my client did not own a computer. I printed a copy and mailed it for one, the Realtor did it for the other.
Otherwise, its only a PDF.
George Hallaron
01-20-2013, 08:29 PM
George, I don't give out hard copies so I can't answer your question. But I am interested in why you provide both.
Eric, it is something that I tried as an experiment in 2012 as part of my marketing strategy. I gained a lot of positive feedback from my clients but find that it is to costly to continue. While it has made a difference with my past client referals, I don't believe that it makes a difference as far as realtor referals go which has been the majority in 2012.
Thanks guys for the feedback. Looks like I'm going all digital for 2013.
Lon Henderson
01-21-2013, 08:17 AM
Fifteen years ago when I started, I used a paper check off report on NCR paper. Several years ago, some real estate agents asked if I could offer an illustrated photo report alternative for some of their higher end clients who wanted that form of report. So, today, I offer two formats; a paper report without photos and a more expensive illustrated report (they take longer to prepare, so I charge a little more). I deliver the illustrated reports within 24 hours via email. For buyers needing to act on the Inspection Notice immediately, I have a paper summary form that they can have onsite. Clients get their copy of the paper report on site, if that's the format they chose.
My paper report is excellent for that format, but though the illustrated report is far better, only about 10% of my clients choose it. Even on very expensive purchases, some folks will choose to save a few bucks with the paper report. I think I am one of the few inspectors around here, still doing paper reports.
Markus Keller
01-21-2013, 09:10 AM
Years ago I used to print out a hardcopy, take it to Kinko's and get it coil bound with a front and back cover. This was of course before everybody had easy email. I also offered to put it on a CD for clients. Sometimes I would mail it out. Usually though I would just drop it off. Since most of my work is in the City and I am all over, it was never really an issue.
I actually had to do a hardcopy for an older client not long ago. I will readily supply a hardcopy, CD or SD card to a client upon request. It happens so infrequently that the time or cost issues are inconsequential. I don't mind. If it were something that came up a lot I would probably raise prices by $5 to cover the cost.
Ted Menelly
01-21-2013, 10:49 AM
I also once provided paper reports but when I started doing PDFs it has been close to 100% since than and that was many years ago. In the very beginning of PDFs a lot of folks still had poor email programs that rejected any sizable,and not that big, of reports with pictures. Todays standards and what it has been for years is almost all email can accept larger reports with pictures. Those that do not have a computer I would say all say they will get a copy if I just send the PDF to their Realtor. They go over it in the end with the Realtor anyway.
As far as a report without pictures. Not as long as digital cameras have been around. I think that was back in 1910, right? Or there abouts. Even then I would take pictures with an instamtic or what every manufacturer called them for only the big ticket items.
Jack Feldmann
01-21-2013, 10:49 AM
Lon, when I used paper reports I took a photo printer to the inspection and printed out the photos and made notes by hand and stapled them tto the report. Of course, I found that printers really don't like to be hauled around in a truck, and was going thur them several times a year.
I offer CD's or tell my client to bring a flash drive to the inspection. I didn't burn one CD last year, and only loaded a handfull of reports to flash drives. All inspections were loaded to web, and only two clients didn't have a computer.
Rick Vernon
01-21-2013, 11:15 AM
George, I do what Marcus K does, I offer hard copy printed on site, burn to CD or SD card, flash drive, or email. Printing on site takes longer and I'll only do it for the clients who do not have an email address. Some of the older clients like something in their hands when you get their check.
As to why, its about whatever media the client prefers or if they are at the 10 day limit for inspections and need it fast. I can email a draft from on site if needed but note I said draft as that's without photos or photo review.
Almost all of my reports are email and I prefer email but will give them what they want.
Ken Amelin
01-21-2013, 02:10 PM
I don't offer hard copy reports, but every so often I get a client that tells me they don't have a computer and want hard copy. Even though printing is a pain in the neck and costs extra, it just doesn't happen that often.
Quite a few of you (flatly stated) you don't provide hard copies. What do you tell the person that tells you - "no access to computer" - "no email"?
Ted Menelly
01-21-2013, 03:21 PM
I don't offer hard copy reports, but every so often I get a client that tells me they don't have a computer and want hard copy. Even though printing is a pain in the neck and costs extra, it just doesn't happen that often.
Quite a few of you (flatly stated) you don't provide hard copies. What do you tell the person that tells you - "no access to computer" - "no email"?
They can get one...if they do need it. Almost never happens today. Another avenue I already discussed is their realtor is going to go over the report with them in their office anyway and the very tiny few that did have access concerns say just send it to the relator because they are going to meet there anyway.
Trent Tarter
01-21-2013, 03:36 PM
I email about 98% off my reports. I get a few people that need a hard copy because they don't have a computer. In this case I print off a hard copy and put in a clear plastic report cover, for a professional look. I drop off the hard copy at the Realtors office, unless it's a FSBO. As an inspector it's my job to deliver my client a report that they can access and read.
01-21-2013, 08:40 PM
my uncle doesn,t have a computer he,s 99
Jim Luttrall
01-21-2013, 08:47 PM
I email about 98% off my reports. I get a few people that need a hard copy because they don't have a computer. In this case I print off a hard copy and put in a clear plastic report cover, for a professional look. I drop off the hard copy at the Realtors office, unless it's a FSBO. As an inspector it's my job to deliver my client a report that they can access and read.
Never trust a Realtor to deliver your report to your client. Ask me how I know sometime.:mad:
01-21-2013, 08:49 PM
i charge $40 for written report--paper and mail
Dan Harris
01-21-2013, 09:20 PM
Never trust a Realtor to deliver your report to your client. Ask me how I know sometime.:mad:
I agree. About 4 weeks ago I had a customer tell me she didin't have an email address, send the report to her realtor, a friend of the family, because he was going to make sure everthing got corrected on the list.
At the end of the inspection I went over all of the photos and notes with her,and her realtor. Everything was fine, [ I thought]
A couple weeks later she called and wanted me to mail her a hard copy.
Last week while I was IW she called all POd because he never gave her a copy. I guess after she recieved the hard copy she figued out a few things on the report didn't get done, and she wanted me to tell her again what really needs to be done. I told her I don't decide what does or does not get repaired, and everything that I went over with her and her realtor at the inspection should be corrected, and it's all listed in the report and on the summary with photos
. Besides that her realtor told you and me everthing would be corrected prior to closing.
Now she's really POd and wants a refund because I didn't do my job.
John Kogel
01-22-2013, 10:29 PM
I agree. About 4 weeks ago I had a customer tell me she didin't have an email address, send the report to her realtor, a friend of the family, because he was going to make sure everthing got corrected on the list.
Now she's really POd and wants a refund because I didn't do my job.Sorry to hear you have to deal with this now, having done your job perfectly well. I suggest you give her a CD copy of the report you gave her realty buddy. She can take it to a library to read it. And most people have a neighbor or relative with a 'puter.
I have always written a summary, so have no problem writing one out for them longhand, on a nice sheet of lined paper that says Summary, this is not the complete report.
The rest of the report is fluff, the fridge is a Kelvinator, there is a loose knob, and a bird's nest in the attic. That stuff just reassures them that you checked the place out real well.
I don't want to jerk around with a printer because they jam up when you're in a rush. I sometimes will print a report sheet for a special occasion, like a roof inspection report.
But with a summary in hand, they are happy, and can get down to it with the realtor while I'm heading out the door.
Matt Fellman
01-22-2013, 10:31 PM
As a general rule it's just email.... as with some others once or twice a year I get the little old lady with no computer so I'm happy to drop a copy in the mail.
Another general rule I have is I try to never answer a client's question with a flat out "No". I'm curious some of the responses you guys who refuse to mail a copy have gotten? It must be nice to be so busy that you don't have to bother with little things like customer service.
Aaron Miller
01-23-2013, 04:27 AM
A hard copy is a very quaint idea, like a fax, land line, 3 lb. cell phone with an antenna, or a computer with a floppy disc for a hard drive. If the client is technologically challenged, i.e. living in the mid 20th century in a trailer in the deep woods, I will send them a hard copy out of sympathy. I think I sent one last year and maybe one the year before that. The charge was $0.25 per sheet plus postage, or about $30.
Dan Harris
01-23-2013, 08:52 PM
A hard copy is a very quaint idea, like a fax, land line, 3 lb. cell phone with an antenna, or a computer with a floppy disc for a hard drive. If the client is technologically challenged, i.e. living in the mid 20th century in a trailer in the deep woods, I will send them a hard copy out of sympathy. I think I sent one last year and maybe one the year before that. The charge was $0.25 per sheet plus postage, or about $30.
Yesterday I did a new home inspection for this little ole lady [80ish ] today she called me to send her a hard copy because she could not figure out how to make her printer work.
Hmm , since some one from her church referred me, and she probley knows some one else that may need an inspection I think it's in my best interest to send her a copy at no charge. :)
Now if I could only convince my wife that we can save photos and copies of emails on the computer, then I would save a lot of ink and paper :D
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