View Full Version : "until you see the blue sky above"

Jerry Peck
01-28-2013, 09:30 PM
Talking about "until you see the blue sky above" on the other thread reminded me that I was going to post this "Just for Fun":

We all need to keep the Big Picture in mind - see attached file. :)

Ken Rowe
01-28-2013, 11:26 PM
Your comment "until you see the blue sky above" reminded me of an inspection last week when a client actually got it.

The deck was 6 feet off the ground and had a 4 foot cantilever. (approximately 10 x 12 foot deck). When I told her the deck needed another set of support posts because of the excessive cantilever she stated, "So I don't end up on the news!?"

Every now and then the clients actually get it. :)