View Full Version : Who's watching you?

Brian Hannigan
03-19-2013, 12:03 PM
Just thought I share some interesting statistic with you. Well, they are interesting to me.

Today we had the most active users on the board at one time.

Active UsersThere are currently 11,087 users online (http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/online.php). 408 members and 10,679 guests
Most users ever online was 11,178, Today at 09:01 AM.

Out of the 10,679 guest 200 were search engine bots crawling the site to index the pages. So on top of the 408 members that have been posting and reading over 10,400 guest have also been reading what is on InspectionNews.

So, if you are ever on InspectionNews in the middle of the night and think you are the only one here..... think again.

Some other info:

Google alone has "About 180,000 results" (pages) in their system. No wonder it's so easy to find and brings in so much traffic.
InspectionNews.net has: Threads 17,662 and Posts 197,259
while the original site, InspectionNews.com (http://www.inspectionnews.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro&category=1) has: There are a total of 10,916 Topics and 106,674 Posts

So in total InspectionNews has 28,578 Threads and 303,933 Posts.

I think Jerry Peck had the most posts on the .com site at 12,001 and he also has the most posts on this .net site at 20,972 for a total of 32,973.

Jerry, How many keyboards have you gone through? ;)

I hope you are all enjoying the recent upgrades to this site and I have may more tweaks that will take place over time.

Thank you to all the loyal members who keep returning and remember it is the advertisers that keep the site free for you to use so please do your part, visit them and let them know you found them on InspectionNews.

Alton Darty
03-19-2013, 12:16 PM
Thanks for facilitating this forum. Since I was directed toward this site 7 years ago I have spent at least a couple of hours each week reading posts, asking questions and even answering a few. A great site that helps to promote sharing of information and ideas between each of us and helps to promote our profession with the public who often come here looking for answers.


Raymond Wand
03-19-2013, 01:07 PM
Yup its the 'best' forum for inspectors and its been consistently the top forum for years!

Good work Brian, but you already knew that.

Jerry Peck
03-19-2013, 05:25 PM
Jerry, How many keyboards have you gone through? ;)


Thank you for making this site available to us ... it's a good thing I memorized where the different keys are - the letters wear off in no time .. who do I sent the bill to for the keyboards? :)

Thank you again for making this available for us. (I just noticed that there is no 'cool' emoticon now when I went to use it.)

Brian Hannigan
03-19-2013, 05:40 PM

Thank you for making this site available to us ... it's a good thing I memorized where the different keys are - the letters wear off in no time .. who do I sent the bill to for the keyboards? :)

I just noticed that there is no 'cool' emoticon now when I went to use it.

OK, Cool emoticon will be on the list!

Lon Henderson
03-20-2013, 07:07 AM
OK, Cool emoticon will be on the list!

I agree that this is the best site of its type. Even after fifteen years in this business, I continue to learn things here. Even though it's kinda silly, I'd like to see the emoticon selection from .com brought over to here.