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View Full Version : How many of you...

Lanny Freng
10-11-2007, 01:25 PM
follow up with your client after the inspection to find out how you did? I am a two man shop and I send out a small postcard that they invert and send back to me postage paid. On the card I have them rate "the inspector" in certain categories. I get probably 85% of these back and there is no better way to tell what you can improve on than to hear it directly from the customer. I make it genaric "from the company" so they feel more comfortable telling the truth. Just thought I would throw that out there for some newer people, this is a great way to critique yourself.

Rick Hurst
10-11-2007, 02:22 PM

I used to do this same thing, but after awhile gave up on the idea.

Always knew I did the best inspection I could for them so didn't need them to tell me so. All I ever got was suggestions like offering discounts, having coupons, bringing snacks or coloring books for the kids (yeah I actually got that one), tools with company name on them like flash lights, and some wished I could make them a prioritize list of what repairs should be done.

I always told them everything I called out as a repair should be done or it wouldn't have called it out in the first place.

Over the years I've learned to maybe do a twice a year (fall and spring) mailout with "Maintenance Suggestions" for that time of the year. That has worked better for me.


Lanny Freng
10-11-2007, 02:47 PM
I cant say I have ever had requests like that on there but I am sure they will come someday. I have them rate between 1 & 5, 5 being best, still have not scored lower than a 4 so must be doing something right... well I did have one knucklehead rate me a 3 on being punctual to the appointment. Funny thing was client was never at the house. I did the inspection without them there. Must of been watching me from the trees???