View Full Version : What is this device on the breaker?

Welmoed Sisson
08-13-2013, 02:40 PM
This was on the furnace breaker in this morning's condo. Is it a security device of some kind?

01-21-2014, 03:25 AM
Generally furnaces breaker requires a dedicated circuit of their own to supply the electrical power requirements for the blower and thermostatic controls. A Furnaces breaker can easily install a lock to lock when cb works on the equipment.

Thank you.

Mark Lockhart
01-02-2015, 10:58 AM
lockout tagout device so repairman can safely work on item. See them in industrial plants all the time. http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/112545534/Safety_Lockout_Tagout_Tags.jpg

John Dirks Jr
01-03-2015, 07:53 PM
Breaker lockout. Usually when you see one, you will not see a service disconnect at the appliance that it serves. Code usually requires either a service disconnect at or within sight of the appliance , or, a breaker lockout device. It's a safety device to protect service personnel. You should have seen a little hole on the breaker lockout where the service tech could put a small padlock.

Jerry Peck
01-03-2015, 08:17 PM
Breaker lockout. Usually when you see one, you will not see a service disconnect at the appliance that it serves. Code usually requires either a service disconnect at or within sight of the appliance , or, a breaker lockout device. It's a safety device to protect service personnel. You should have seen a little hole on the breaker lockout where the service tech could put a small padlock.

The use of a lockout at the breaker is okay for basically all appliances except air-conditioning or refrigerating equipment, which requires the disconnect to be within sight from readily accessible from the equipment - within 50 feet straightline sight - nothing is permitted to block the view from the equipment to the disconnect.