View Full Version : New Guy Here!

Maya Blue
10-14-2013, 10:59 AM
Hey everyone,
Thanks for allowing me in. Just a quick background about me, I'm currently in the Information Security field for 13 years, and while it is a good field to be in, I'm continually frustrated by it. I've been wanting to get into the construction field for a very long time and have been giving serious consideration to inspections. So my motives right now are to gather up as much info as I can, figure out where the best training is available, and start slow. Not jump in cold turkey. (I still have a family to feed).

Anyway, any advice and words of wisdom are appreciated. My goal (one day when I grow up) is to eventually build modern, contemporary, sustainable homes.


Billy Stephens
10-14-2013, 06:04 PM
Welcome Dave,

This is a very good learning site ( try some archived topics.)

You could contact the HI associations in the Huntsville Al. area and attend some meetings.


Maya Blue
10-14-2013, 08:34 PM
Thanks Billy. I intend to do just that. Would it be good to go ahead and join AHSI now?

Billy Stephens
10-15-2013, 07:15 AM
Go to a few Meetings and talk with those Guy.;)