View Full Version : How to Keep Your Basement Dry During Rapid Snow Melt

CJ Johnson
03-04-2014, 12:06 PM
Hi Everyone,

C.J. Johnson, full disclosure and as many of you already know, I litigate home inspection cases but this post does not relate to an active case. We've just experienced very significant snowfall and melting in Missoula and posted How to Keep Water Out of Your Basement When the Snow Starts to Melt (http://www.bigskytrial.com/blog/x/3/1/2014/how-to-keep-water-out-of-your-basement-when-the-snow-starts-to-melt) on our blog.

The question is, what if any additional advice would you offer to someone looking to keep water out of their basement under these circumstances? Thanks.

John Kogel
03-04-2014, 03:38 PM
Hello CJ, since this is partly about generating hits to your web page, congrats, I checked it out. ;)
Good advice, keep melting snow away from the walls.

I have a tip to add.
5. Go down to the plumbing store and buy a water alarm. I bought a little one a couple of weeks ago for $17.
The $89 model will call your cell phone.

6. If flooding is a possibility, do you have a Sump pump or know where to get one?

CJ Johnson
03-04-2014, 04:33 PM
Hello CJ, since this is partly about generating hits to your web page, congrats, I checked it out. ;)
Good advice, keep melting snow away from the walls.

I have a tip to add.
5. Go down to the plumbing store and buy a water alarm. I bought a little one a couple of weeks ago for $17.
The $89 model will call your cell phone.

6. If flooding is a possibility, do you have a Sump pump or know where to get one?

Guilty as charged, John, thanks. I've not seen too much on water alarms, great call, and the sump issue is a good thought and we'll blog separately on that one. I'll let you know so you can check it out . . . ;) Thanks again.

Rick Cantrell
03-04-2014, 04:58 PM
Since your getting insight from us, would it be too much to ask for you to post a few tips that we (Home Inspectors) may benefit from.

Raymond Wand
03-04-2014, 06:33 PM
An industrial wet capable vac works well for vacuuming up basement leaks.

Ken Rowe
03-04-2014, 10:19 PM
The only sure way to keep water out of your basement is to not have a basement.

That being said:

Full gutter system with downspouts and extensions draining the water at least 6 feet from the foundation. In the winter, don't use a fully enclosed extension, use open top extensions (like a plastic gutter). They won't freeze solid.

Clear the snow 6 feet away from your foundation walls.

Keep the grading sloped away from the house.

Run a dehumidifier in the basement, on the auto setting, year round.

Have both exterior and interior drain tiles system and proper water proofing on both the exterior and interior of the foundation wall.

And as Raymond said, keep a shop vac handy for when it comes in anyways.

CJ Johnson
03-05-2014, 09:38 AM
Since your getting insight from us, would it be too much to ask for you to post a few tips that we (Home Inspectors) may benefit from.


Good point, and yes. I'll blog on how to avoid getting sued by a guy like me and post the link, probably in the next couple of weeks. Really appreciate the give-and-take with everyone and this is a great idea. Thanks.