Andrew Buckwell
11-02-2007, 04:51 PM
I am looking for an HVAC expert witness for a Beverly Hills client who is willing to testify in court (new large residential construction). Thanks.

Scott Patterson
11-03-2007, 08:21 AM
I am looking for an HVAC expert witness for a Beverly Hills client who is willing to testify in court (new large residential construction). Thanks.

Keep in mind that experts or litigation consultants do not necessarily need to come from the area that the job is in, in fact it can be better if they don't. Most, including me do a good deal of our work outside of our home base.

Andrew Buckwell
11-03-2007, 09:04 AM
Thanks Scott, I will keep that in mind but how do you do that without evaluating air-flow, temperature differentials, examining systems, as-built construction as opposed to design drawings, etc. ?

Scott Patterson
11-03-2007, 11:03 AM
Thanks Scott, I will keep that in mind but how do you do that without evaluating air-flow, temperature differentials, examining systems, as-built construction as opposed to design drawings, etc. ?

The consultants do not do the work long distance, they travel to the site and do the forensic part of the inspection. Research and reporting can then be done back at their office or home.

Jerry Peck
11-03-2007, 02:50 PM

What Scott is alluding to, I believe, is the old adage that 'the farther an expert travels to be an 'expert' on something, the more 'expert' they are considered to be', otherwise, why not get someone local? It often works, too.

Many 'consultants' travel all over, they become an 'expert' when testifying in court.

Like Scott, I've done expert witness work before too, testifying in court, until then, though, we are just 'consultants'.

You already have a very knowledgeable 'consultant' (expert) in California - Jerry McCarthy, also a participant of this board.

However, possibly like myself, I suspect that Jerry Mc. would recommend a professional consultant HVAC specialist. We also have one who visits here occasionally - ... okay, mental blank here on his name ... Bob Harper knows him ... Dang!

DavidR - that's his user name. Here is his contact information: http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_inspection/members/davidr.html

Bob Harper
11-03-2007, 04:51 PM
While there are many clearing houses for expert witinesses, you can check at National Comfort Institute Inc. : Performance-Based Contracting (http://www.nationalcomfortinstitute.com) for a search engine for qualified contractors who have taken extensive training in combustion analysis, duct leakage, IAQ, and performance based diagnostics. DavidR is a member of the NCI Team and may know someone if he isn't interested.

FYI, if this case involves venting issues in anyway, you have the leading authority on chimneys on this list, Dale Feb, who is based out of Moorpark, Calif. Go to Fireplace Investigation, Research and Education Service (http://www.F-I-R-E-service.com) . He has extensive experience testifying as an expert witness and consultant.


11-03-2007, 07:35 PM
Gosh I'm blushing. :D

Seriously if I can be of help let me know, might not be able to do it personally but I would be willing to bet I know someone close to you who can.

Andrew Buckwell
11-05-2007, 10:19 PM
Davidr. For some reason you wish to remain anonymous on this board, but I need the best HVAC specialist money can buy (the attorney in the "potential" lawsuit wants the best). My email address is andybwell@earthlink.net

Andrew Buckwell
11-06-2007, 10:57 AM
Thanks for your help, guys. I will submit this info to my client.