View Full Version : New Member Looking for advice

Bob Ross
09-12-2014, 04:40 AM
Thanks for all your replies, messages & great help. This is a Great! site.

I was pleasantly surprised at how many others of you really don't like them either or the way they talk to and treat people.

I have someone that will be a great help.


I'm hoping there is someone on this site that knows anything about releasing publicly obtained information and maybe a contingency referral for them trying to damage me by making all these false statements by filing false reports to authorities and saying I'm trying to blackmail them and I'm libel if I release the information to 962 members address's I have in an attempt to protect and inform it's members of the issues. Their attorney web site says they have 8,000 members, but only list 962 on their web site. That's a lot of over exaggeration. You'd think they would be advertising every member.

I ran a scan with publicly obtainable software from Google and 100's of others(Only on Port :80), and found 327 web errors with the NACHI web site(That has 7 others linked with it - didn't scan all of them), (Some serious SQL/outdated Apache/php etc, some not so serious like 93 bad links) and was told by Chris Morrell(CEO of NACHI) that they would file a lawsuit against me if I notified every member in their database(That dumps publicly on their web site) and told them about the many error's and made all of Nicks emails calling me a lier, trying to be-little me, etc.. and even include the emails from his techs saying it's happened before the system didn't delete an old account properly and assigned it to someone else.

I had joined their site back in July and the site assigned me someone else's accounts and gave me all their certificates and did not allow me to use my real name or login preferences. Back then I made them aware of their site issues and even offer 1/2 line of code to fix the injection vulnerability and told them their forms were not sanitized. Error after error on their site and 8 days later canceled the membership because one I didn't feel it was right I had to be forced to use someone else's account, and the Wife was laid off (Got called back 5 days later) and Nick all he kept doing was Read slowly and Put the Bottle Down, That's technically impossible, someone in your household logged in as you and changed your password, our site would never do that, That's a government web site even that it has nachi.org/filename in the link. You don't know what your talking about plus several others.

" the CableOne abuse department has been notified and we're working with them to escalate the issue
to the local authorities)."

Be prepared to take legal action if Bob follows through on his threats.

Brian Hannigan
09-12-2014, 04:42 AM
Hello Bob Ross,

Welcome aboard. Enjoy your visit here at InspectionNews and if there is anything I can help you with just let me know.

If you are a business owner please accept this gift for making your first post: http://www.inspectionreferral.com

If you are a home buyer, seller or DIYer, this gift is for you: http://www.inspectionnews.net/home-inspection-inspector/referrals/member.php

Dom D'Agostino
09-12-2014, 05:07 AM
Because of all this I have given up any interest in doing inspection work

Because one vendor/site has a "poorly programmed" (in your eyes) web site, you've lost interest HI as a career?

I must be missing some details. If you don't like them, don't use them or don't belong to them.


Bob Ross
09-12-2014, 05:25 AM
Didn't word that out totally, Sorry,

With the way they treat people, and the only one that takes new(Students) at resonable rates I thought it would have been a good place to start. I haven't found anywhere else that offers something close. So figured if I only had the choice of these jerks to deal with. It's not worth the trouble.

I'm not totally green in the industry, 4 years maintenance in CA for 13 homes, built two of my own homes, 1,200sqft steel building, and was an apprentic(shadow with note book) with a local building compliance inspector for the county for 2 years. I'm currently in retirement mode for the last 11 month's since we moved to another state felt being an HI would be a good second life to get into since I'm only 56.

Dom D'Agostino
09-12-2014, 05:57 AM
You don't really need them (or any association for that matter) to be successful.

You can source CE form a variety of places, and local chapters of HI associations may provide you the guidance you may need during your early stages.

Part of the job requires you to grow a "thick skin" as you'll frequently be exposed to differing opinions and will need to know how to handle yourself accordingly.


Bob Ross
09-12-2014, 06:34 AM
I'll look a little deeper, thanks for your replies.

I already looked around here and the only Home Inspectors Association of New Mexico all points back to NACHI.

I contacted a couple other HI's in the area that droped NACHI also. They have told me I'll be on my own finding any help around here. They said only one has ASHI here and way too many people barely with a license doing $125-$200 inspections or recently has been hearing about the $75.00 interior exterior walk around inspections.

Garry Sorrells
09-12-2014, 07:16 AM
Sounds like you have a failure to communicate. You need to call:
InterNACHI's Director of Communications:
Lisa Endza (Boulder, CO)

(303) 502-6214

I an sure she would love to hear from you.


Bob Ross
09-12-2014, 07:31 AM
When the CEO and Nick contact me directly, I think they are above her. She was CC'd in a fair number of the emails going back and forth.

Raymond Wand
09-13-2014, 09:27 AM
Frankly there are too many wanna be inspectors around. (no offence). The associations all have different requirements. Some are more professional then others. I have found that associations have become irrelevant to my inspection biz, but having said that after 23 years inspecting my biz is not derived because of which association I belong too.

Frankly education wise I don't need an association, the web is a great source of information and I no longer wish to supplement the associations education wagon in order to facilitate their existence.

Too many hyped up promises alluding to home inspections being lucrative, and other sundries promised that just don't reflect real life in this biz.

You also must look at how inspection associations are run, are they a privately held entity in which you are not entitled to vote or have a say in the management of the association, lack of bylaws, a functioning proper ethics committee, financial accountability? Or do you want to belong to an association which allows you to vote and have a say in the operations and your rights as enshrined in bylaws? With financial accountability?

There are many facts that play into what you want or need from a membership. Fortunately you seem to have found out early that Nachi is not for you. Thank you for your astuteness.


Bob Ross
09-13-2014, 10:14 AM
Thanks Raymond. With all the messages and help I'm getting from several people, I don't feel for them at all. I feel more for the people that do belong to their membership.

Threatning to file a lawsuit against someone for releasing publicly obtainable information on the 327 alerts on one of 8 sites they link together. Shez..., Then to say I blackmailed them for $49. That's a real streach. I hope a lot of people got a good laugh from that one.

Press Release will be real interesting. Can't wait to see it when it's finished being drafted for me by a TV reporter that read this. All Colorado TV stations and at least a dozen others will get it all at the same time. I was told I should really consider to let the 962 members know also.

Garry Sorrells
09-15-2014, 06:22 AM
When the CEO and Nick contact me directly, I think they are above her. She was CC'd in a fair number of the emails going back and forth.

Sorry, I was being facetious in my suggestion. They are all peas in one pod. Though a call to her would have been amusing for you if you were not drawn into the ranting and raving that most surely would have ensued.

As you have found they do not like being challenged or corrected. Their philosophy may be that best way to deal with a bad message is to shoot the messenger. Sadly that is the face they seem to present.