View Full Version : InspectionNews On Phones & Tablets

Brian Hannigan
04-07-2015, 04:02 PM
I'm just curious as to how many people browse or use InspectionNews regularly from a phone or a tablet and if you do, do you use the TapaTalk App of just the mobile version of InspectionNews on your browser.

The reason I'm asking is that the mobile version is pretty good now and I am paying for TapaTalk each month. The configuration with Tapatalk has never been completed and is kind of half a$$.

If you use a browser from your phone or tablet and come to this site is should automatically display the mobile version. If not, look in the lower left hand corner and you can see there is a dropdown to select between the VB4 Default Style and the default mobile style.

Jerry Peck
04-07-2015, 05:40 PM
I'm just curious as to how many people browse or use InspectionNews regularly from a phone ...

About half of the time I am on my Android Samsung Note II phone.

... and if you do, do you use the TapaTalk App of just the mobile version of InspectionNews on your browser.

No, I do not use TapaTalk, have not tried it, the mobile version is, I guess, what my phone automatically uses.

The reason I'm asking is that the mobile version is pretty good now and I am paying for TapaTalk each month. The configuration with Tapatalk has never been completed and is kind of half a$$.

Don't pay for it on my part.

If you use a browser from your phone or tablet and come to this site is should automatically display the mobile version. If not, look in the lower left hand corner and you can see there is a dropdown to select between the VB4 Default Style and the default mobile style.

My phone says " -- vB4 Default Style ... so I guess I haven't been using the mobile style? I like it as I've been using it.

Cale Cameron
04-07-2015, 08:20 PM
I think the mobile version works well.

I don't care for tap a talk.

Jim Luttrall
04-07-2015, 09:36 PM
I never tried TapaTalk. Rarely use mobile app but I'm usually on my desktop when I take time to check in.

Vern Heiler
04-08-2015, 03:34 AM
I've tried to load tapa talk on both my android and kindle, neither worked! Both come up in mobile by default and work great for me. Dump tapa talk!

Raymond Wand
04-08-2015, 03:54 AM

Using vB4. Have never used TapTalk.

Scott Patterson
04-08-2015, 06:03 AM

Using vB4. Have never used TapTalk.

I seldom use anything but my laptop(Mac) or my iPad and when I use the iPad I use do not use the mobile App, I access it through with the browser.

Lon Henderson
04-08-2015, 06:32 AM
I only access InspectionNews from the pc at my office. I've never tried Tapatalk.

Claude Lawrenson
04-08-2015, 06:48 AM
I tried the TapaTalk app, and was not impressed. I prefer the current web based format.

Gunnar Alquist
04-08-2015, 07:00 AM
TapaTalk is pretty frustrating. I prefer to use the phone's browser and go directly to the site, but TapaTalk keeps trying to get me to use them. Annoying.

Jerry Peck
04-08-2015, 01:39 PM
Sounds like DUMP TAPATALK is the vote of all so far. :biggrin:

Why pay for something which is either not used or doesn't work well if it is used?

JC Warner
04-10-2015, 08:57 PM
I use my Galaxy and Nexus tablet.

Have never tried Tapatalk.