View Full Version : Double Dipping Lawyers

Raymond Wand
01-30-2017, 03:25 PM

And the powers that be want to licence inspectors in order to protect consumers?

Garry Sorrells
01-30-2017, 03:53 PM
Client signed contract presented to them and they signed it. Just like your client signing your contract. The client gave away their award or rights. The lawyers received cost plus percentage (less than 50%) and end up with 90% of the award. That was the agreement.

HI screws up and only has to return fee charged. That was the contract.

Contracts at work. :p

Maybe you need to get a lawyer to represent you when contracting with a lawyer. :confused:

Raymond Wand
01-30-2017, 04:13 PM
Doesn't matter about the contract because the fees and retention of same is contrary to the Solicitors Act.
In this case the Act supercedes the contract.

And with home inspection legislation via licencing dictates whether inspectors can limit liability to fee. So again such contracts with limit of liability to the fee are null void in some jurisdictions.

Wanna hear some lawyer jokes? :)

01-30-2017, 04:28 PM
Interesting article.
The law states the obligations of the contract.

Jerry Peck
01-30-2017, 04:30 PM
Doesn't matter about the contract because the fees and retention of same is contrary to the Solicitors Act.
In this case the Act supercedes the contract.

That is the key, and all those people wronged may be eligible for class action status (if your courts work similar to ours down here).

Wanna hear some lawyer jokes? :)

First one (one of our daughters is a lawyer, so I can make lawyer jokes):

- What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

- A good start.


Raymond Wand
01-30-2017, 04:34 PM
Jerry you are right. Now that its been exposed there is no going back and someone will pay. Lawyers suing lawyers. You don't often hear about them suing each other.