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View Full Version : Best to Worst

Frank Bombardiere
12-13-2007, 08:25 PM
Well I have been bragging too much about having my best year in 6 years of business. I went from having my best year and 10 inspections last week to my worst week since I have been in the business this week doing only 2 inspections. Dec usually isn't that bad. It likely has alot to do with the fact we just had the worst ice storm in our history and 600,000 people were without power as of Monday and about 200,000 still without power. I guess I need to get out the chain saw and start cutting the downed trees for extra cash. I have my neighbors 30 ft Bradford Pear lying over the top of my back yard fence right now and several large limbs off my own trees to take care of too. Just wanted to belly ache a little. I have four inspections and one Termite job for next week so far, so I suppose it was an aberration. At least I am not one of those still without power.

David Banks
12-14-2007, 08:56 AM
Well I have been bragging too much about having my best year in 6 years of business. I went from having my best year and 10 inspections last week to my worst week since I have been in the business this week doing only 2 inspections. Dec usually isn't that bad. It likely has alot to do with the fact we just had the worst ice storm in our history and 600,000 people were without power as of Monday and about 200,000 still without power. I guess I need to get out the chain saw and start cutting the downed trees for extra cash. I have my neighbors 30 ft Bradford Pear lying over the top of my back yard fence right now and several large limbs off my own trees to take care of too. Just wanted to belly ache a little. I have four inspections and one Termite job for next week so far, so I suppose it was an aberration. At least I am not one of those still without power.

Consider yourself lucky. If I had 4 inspections next week I would be jumping for joy. Very slow lately. Blizzard yesterday and one comming Sunday does not help.

Rick Hurst
12-14-2007, 09:44 AM

Man ya'll have had some serious ice haven't you. Ya'll can keep it up there, please don't send it down this way. ;)

Those bradford pear trees are the worse for not holding up to the ice. Limbs are to weak.

I consider them a weed.


Frank Bombardiere
12-14-2007, 05:19 PM
They have a load of limbs too. Pain in the arse. Well now we are under a snow advisory for 3 to 6 inches of snow or more. I was wrong about the people without power there are still around 300,000 and they have opened a couple of arenas for shelters. We are just not equipped for this type of weather here. It is usually 60 degrees or better many days this time of year. I am sure the guys in the colder climes are saying, 3 to 6 inches of snow? Thats a good day. Oh well, it will all be a faint memory in six months when it is 140 in the attics.

Rick Hurst
12-14-2007, 06:39 PM

That would explain all the OKIE cars I've seen on the road today here in the Dallas area.

Bet the hotel / motel parking lots and malls are full of OKIE cars here.


Frank Bombardiere
12-14-2007, 07:03 PM
Probably so. There was some Texas guy killed in a car accident here the other day. They sent this up from Texas to pick him up.:)

Jack Feldmann
12-15-2007, 07:21 AM
Thread drift advisory!!!!!!!!!!

Bradford Pears were the tree of choice here in Knoxville for many years, I managed to plant one myself. They of course split down the middle with the slightest adverse condition. There is another pear type tree that is taking it's place and is supposed to be better.

2nd thread drift!!!!

We were in the 70's this week and are looking for some snow flurries tonight. It's driving plants and animals crazy. If I have to mow one more time this year I am going to be really pissed. The fish in my pond were going into winter mode (already had one "ice over") then the warm temps hit and they are looking for food again. Not sure how that will affect them later.

back to your regular programing

Business has been pretty slow here last last couple of weeks, but probably still doing better than others in town. I count my blessings.

Erby Crofutt
12-15-2007, 08:44 AM
When central Kentucky had our ice storm back in 2003? virtually everything shut down. Didn't do any inspections for two weeks.

People in your neighborhood are in survival mode. Survival doesn't include shopping for houses!

BUT, it comes back and chugs along again.

Patience and persistence!

Matt Fellman
12-16-2007, 11:13 AM
Nothing kills the HI biz like an ice storm. We don't get them often in Oregon but when we do they're bad.

About four years ago we had a whopper and I hadn't worked for about 2 weeks... I finally got a job and it was just crazy. The house was elevated off of the street and I had to hook my ladder over light post just to slither up the driveway.

As far as the report was concerned it was a condo inspection.... I couldn't even step outside. I totally disclaimed pretty much everything on the exterior (except for the grading from the front to street was good).

I'm surprised I never heard back to finish it up or because there were holes in the roof they found after the ice melted...

Michael Thomas
12-16-2007, 12:26 PM
Ice/sleet here last week, then snow this weekend. Saturday had an owner come out and asked me please not to try to put up a ladder to get to eaves (no question of getting on the roof) as the ground was so slick.

So I'm *standing there*, and I go down because the ground was so slick under the snow... she was right, even if I could have tied off the bottom I probably would have put a ladder through a window getting it up.

Decided to do the interior first, and as it happened the buyers terminated the inspection as we had turned up a lot more work than they wanted to do.

I think though this would have been rare inspection where I would not have attempted at least the eaves when they were withing reach of a 32' ladder and there was a place to put it and no wires or other hazards in the way.

Wasn't fazing the "cute rats" in the attic, though, they were running up an down the building the whole time I was there, but I was never quick enough to get a pic when they were using the front door...

Brian Cooper
12-16-2007, 05:49 PM
I had three inspections last week. Best week in months! Heck, I did more last week than I did in all of September!