View Full Version : Judge Rules in Favor of National Association of Home Inspectors

Dave Kogan
09-01-2017, 11:19 AM
InterNACHI's allegations against American Society of Home Inspectors, as Intervenor, are terminated.

Boulder, Colorado – August 28, 2017 – A court in Boulder, Colorado has ruled in favor of the National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI) and against the International Association of Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) on NAHI's Motion For Judgment on the Pleadings. The decision was handed down on August 28, 2017. The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), in defending against InterNACHI's allegations, had entered the litigation as an Intervenor to protect ASHI's rights.

InterNACHI filed suit after NAHI ceased operation and NAHI had asked ASHI to accept NAHI's members as their own. ASHI and NAHI agreed that ASHI would accept NAHI members at an equivalent membership level. They then became a part of the ASHI family.

ASHI and NAHI are most pleased with the court's decision finding in favor of NAHI.

Jack Feldmann
09-01-2017, 03:33 PM
I have to wonder how Lisa will try to spin this?

Jerry Peck
09-01-2017, 05:25 PM
I have to wonder how Lisa will try to spin this?

Probably the same way Nicky spins his loss and money owed to PA (never paid it, not the last I heard/read of it) ... 'never happened that way, he won' was what he said on several occasions.

Do you believe anything he says?

If Nicky says 'it is daylight outside', any sane and reasonable person will go outside to check ...

Garry Sorrells
09-02-2017, 11:48 AM
Let the spinning begin..


Roy Lewis
09-02-2017, 08:06 PM
We..INACHI own it.
So what are you all harping about?
I'm a very proud member of INACHI.

Lisa Endza
09-02-2017, 08:38 PM
ASHI hasn't figured out what we did yet. ;)

Jack Feldmann
09-03-2017, 11:13 AM
You lost the lawsuit you started.

Jerry Peck
09-03-2017, 01:43 PM
ASHI hasn't figured out what we did yet. ;)

You lost the lawsuit you started.

Jack, that's it - they wanted to lose and they did, so Lisa is saying that they did what they wanted.

Roy Lewis
09-03-2017, 03:19 PM
What a bunch of crybabies...
You don't have a clue.

Jerry Peck
09-03-2017, 03:30 PM
What a bunch of crybabies...
You don't have a clue.


You pegged them.

Garry Sorrells
09-03-2017, 03:39 PM
We..INACHI own it.
So what are you all harping about?
I'm a very proud member of INACHI.

Harping???? I don't think so. Comments, yes... Then your inflated statement. :p:confused:
Sorry to inform you that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ5ICXMC4xY .

It is amazing how worked up you can get Roy. Which only seems to demonstrate your lack of self confidence and self esteem. Surprised you survived the Jim Jones era. Possibly this is the new People Temple? :confused:


09-03-2017, 04:05 PM
What has taken place so far.
1: "InterNACHI filed suit, after NAHI ceased operation.
NAHI had asked ASHI to accept NAHI's members as their own.
2: ASHI and NAHI agreed that ASHI would accept NAHI members at an equivalent membership level.
3:They, those who joined, then became a part of the ASHI family.

Can we all agree?

What organization owns NAHI?

I am asking a civil question.

Lisa Endza
09-03-2017, 05:03 PM
What organization owns NAHI?

I am asking a civil question.

InterNACHI owns NAHI. Nick Gromicko is NAHI's executive director and lone member. InterNACHI also owns all of NAHI's intellectual property including their trademarks. www.nachi.org/nahi (http://www.nachi.org/nahi)

Nick has no plans to relaunch NAHI, he's only making certain it remains dead. Good riddance.:rolleyes:

Jerry Peck
09-03-2017, 05:42 PM
What has taken place so far.
1: "InterNACHI filed suit, after NAHI ceased operation.
What organization owns NAHI?


Your answer is right there in your post - read it again, slowly, ever so slowly, if you still need your post explained to you, let me know and I will do so.

Offering civilly.

09-03-2017, 05:53 PM
Lisa, I do not think is was dignified to say, good riddance. The members being displaced was unfortunate. Hopefully no ill feelings are held by the members.

The intellectual property, and trademarks, held some significance. It was bargained for, and a deal was struck.

It is unfortunate all home inspection associations can not agree on common industry themes and causes. Associations may have differing goals, but that what makes them all unique.

Red Green sentiments are words we all should live by. “Remember I'm pullin' for ya--we're all in this together.”

Lisa Endza
09-03-2017, 07:49 PM
The members being displaced was unfortunate. Hopefully no ill feelings are held by the members. We view them as victims. NAHI took their hard-earned membership dues and gave them almost nothing in return. We aim to figure out where all the money went and return it to the victims.

This is about what any trade association charging several hundred dollars should be reasonably expected to provide its members www.nachi.org/benefits.htm (http://www.nachi.org/benefits.htm) . If a trade association is providing much less than that, your money is being wasted... or stolen IMHO.

Anyway, we're all very happy NAHI left our industry. Good riddance.

Garry Sorrells
09-04-2017, 06:16 AM
I am asking a civil question.

Sadly you try to elicit a calm and rational response and some find it necessary to spit in your eye, as they consistently do.

This is what I have gleamed from the merry-go-round of misleading and at times hysterical ranting by some cult members.

1) NAHI closed and didn't protect their name from the vulture that was circling..

2) NAHI approached ASHI to take in the NAHI members and there was an agreement.

3) Nick G. sees an opportunity to seize control of the NAHI name. He personally owns it not any organization.

4) I think that the purpose of all of the NACHI suites are an attempt to transfer any NAHI organization liability to ASHI, as if ASHI purchased NACHI and all of its assets and liabilities.

Regretfully :( I believe a diatribe will be following from those that do not understand civil discourse.

Jerry Peck
09-04-2017, 06:25 AM
If a trade association is providing much less than that, your money is being wasted... or stolen IMHO.

That's one place where your (Nicky's and his entrenched core followers) expose their arrogance, ineptitude, hypocrisy, and lack of honesty themselves ...

or stolen IMHO

That coming from someone who fled PA rather than admit to his practices and pay the $15,000 fine ... last I heard he still hasn't paid it ... and he is trying to show others as being criminals?

Maybe not used as you would have used it - but certainly NOT "stolen".

Lisa Endza
09-04-2017, 07:40 AM
NAHI siphoned membership dues out of our industry and returned nothing back. Their membership benefits page was non existent. Nick is simply doing what he should be doing, legally, to assure they are dead and gone for good. You should be thanking him.

This is an example of what a trade association, in any industry, that is charging hundreds of dollars per year in dues, should be providing to that industry: www.nachi.org/benefits (http://www.nachi.org/benefits)

Scroll down that page, click away, and be amazed boys. That's how you give back to your profession.

Jerry Peck
09-04-2017, 10:15 AM
NAHI siphoned membership dues out of our industry and returned nothing back.

Another example of your arrogance.

NAHI provided what its members were paying for.

Different associations provide different things, some are rip offs, yes ... such as giving away Certified Master Inspector labeling for free or even some charge, without verifying and documenting that the person is a qualified "Master" inspector.

Talk about a rip off - that is stealing money from the public, the very people you profess to help with your association ... which is nothing more than a one person owned company.

Lisa Endza
09-04-2017, 12:28 PM
All CMI applications are verified twice. Once in-house and once by an outside firm which is why YOUR state used CMI as evidence of being in business long enough to be grandfathered when licensing was adopted.


Lisa Endza
09-04-2017, 01:00 PM
which is nothing more than a one person owned company.Are your home inspection reports as incorrect as your forum statements?

MICB is not a company, not owned by one person, and not owned by anyone actually. It's a non-profit organization. Not only is it non-profit, it is also Federally Tax Exempt and has maintained their tax exempt status for 11 years in a row. Read: https://certifiedmasterinspector.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2017/01/Master-Inspector-Certification-Board-Tax-Exempt.pdf

So you're wrong again.

MICB never paid anyone a penny ever. No wages, no salaries, no bonuses, nothing. View their published 990 tax returns at: https://certifiedmasterinspector.org/resources/

So you're wrong again.

- - - Updated - - -

NAHI provided what its members were paying for.And apparently enough of them thought they weren't getting what they were paying for, to leave and join InterNACHI. So many jumped ship from NAHI to InterNACHI in one year that NAHI went out of business.

If you want to know where the best truck stop diners are, look at where all the semi-trailer trucks are parked. Here... www.nachi.org/nachi-stats.htm (http://www.nachi.org/nachi-stats.htm)

Garry Sorrells
09-04-2017, 01:35 PM
It seems like people do not have a choice of with whom they want to associate with in the Nic/Lisa world. They will decide for you. :confused: Aaaaaaah shades of Obama Care.

Jerry Peck
09-04-2017, 02:02 PM
It seems like people do not have a choice of with whom they want to associate with in the Nic/Lisa world. They will decide for you. :confused: Aaaaaaah shades of Obama Care.

Aaaaaaah shades of Obama Care.

Shades of the Republican parts of the Affordable Care Act.

Not sure why you felt a need to bring politics into the discussion, but, with what you refer to as "Obama Care", so many compromises were made to the Republicans so that the Affordable Care Act would pass, then so many Republican governors did all they could to not allow "Obama Care" to work in their states, that ... guess what? It didn't work in their states ... and then they cried foul and pointed to Obama Care as the failure ... while it was the Republican failure to thrive.

Then along comes the Trumpster who even further said he would not pay the shares of it in order to cause it to have additional problems.

And you blame Obama and the Democrats? Really? The Republicans did all they could to kill it, and then insisted on compromises which would allow them to cause it great agony. And I thought you were not blindsided by politics?:(

Garry Sorrells
09-05-2017, 04:32 AM
No politics from me. Just an example of a small group deciding for your own good who and what you can belong to in addition to what is provides and the cost.

Seeming to believe they are the one eyed King in a land of the blind.

Dave Kogan
09-05-2017, 05:43 AM
If NACHI owns NAHI, why does www.nahi.org redirect to http://www.homeinspector.org/Join-ASHI/NAHI-Anniversary. Seems weird to me that if a company "claims" it "owns" something, you wouldn't have the website redirect to your said competitor.

Does anyone else find this strange?

Garry Sorrells
09-05-2017, 08:09 AM
It is like "Who is on first?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_xcny-S8ZI

ASHI set up a redirection of a link for a web site. Apparently Nick failed to cover that base :redface: , but someone at ASHI was on the ball.

Regretfully there has been so much distortion and blustering from the nachi camp that you have to question anything that they say. Most of the forum blather :blah: is by the cool-aid society and the true facts have been lost in the maelstrom of lisa and nicki postings.

Frankly I have to admit that what I think has actually transpired may be wrong. I have read some of the suites filed and the outcomes to sort out the mess, but what the actual technical abilities and limitations of what has resulted is foggy.

My understanding was that ASHI entered into an agreement with NAHI prior to there folding which is the basis of the site redirection to ASHI and something that nicki couldn't control.

Dave Kogan
09-05-2017, 08:14 AM
Here's the gist of the case as it stands now: it doesn't stand now. The case is over. Claim of ownership is moot. NAHI has folded. The case has been dismissed.

Jerry Peck
09-05-2017, 08:25 AM
No politics from me. Just an example of a small group deciding for your own good who and what you can belong to in addition to what is provides and the cost.

Seeming to believe they are the one eyed King in a land of the blind.

Actually, Obama Care has been in existence for over 50 years and all has worked well ... the key requirements is that you need to be 65 years old, oh, and that it has been called Medicare all those years.

Oh, yeah, and no one has told anyone what they could do or who they had to use ... there are options ... just as with Obama Care ... but without the 65 year old age limitation.

Are you enrolled in Medicare? If so, you have basically been using Obama Care ... and if you think Obama Care is bad, then whey did you enroll in Medicare?

Your post, and response to my reply, are nothing but politics and a political viewpoint.

Jerry Peck
09-05-2017, 08:36 AM
Here's the gist of the case as it stands now: it doesn't stand now. The case is over. Claim of ownership is moot. NAHI has folded. The case has been dismissed.


And then Nick started a NEW (they even called it that) NAHI out of Colorado ... just so he could say that he "owns it".

Kind of like what I did maybe 5-10 years ago just for fun - I started a corporation in Florida, registered it and all, and I "owned" it, was even president of it ... and the corporation was "Jaguar", then, once I had done that, I let it be administratively dissolved by the state for not filing the annual report. Cool, I even have the corporate records and seal ... yada, yada, yada, and it means NOTHING.

ANYONE can do things for FUN, but only Nicky goes around bragging about what he did for fun and trying to make it seem "real".

Anyone want to start a corporation called 'President of the United States'? You can be 'President' of 'President of the United States' ... but it would not mean anything.

Garry Sorrells
09-05-2017, 09:31 AM
It seems like people do not have a choice of with whom they want to associate with in the Nic/Lisa world. They will decide for you. :confused: Aaaaaaah shades of Obama Care.

No politics from me. Just an example of a small group deciding for your own good who and what you can belong to in addition to what is provides and the cost.

Seeming to believe they are the one eyed King in a land of the blind.

. .................
Your post, and response to my reply, are nothing but politics and a political viewpoint.

Nope, :hand: just an example of one group making decisions for another because they presume to know better or have an agenda to put forth. Rather than allowing the market forces to find a resolution.

Jerry; Funny how myopic you are at times :) and what sets you off. ;) :wink:

Jerry Peck
09-05-2017, 09:50 AM
Nope, :hand: just an example of one group making decisions for another because they presume to know better or have an agenda to put forth. Rather than allowing the market forces to find a resolution.

Jerry; Funny how myopic you are at times :) and what sets you off. ;) :wink:

Garry, Funny how you see things that aren't there, and don't see things which are there, are times.

No one is making decisions for anyone else ... other than the compromises made to Republicans to get it passed, and it is those same compromises which are allowing the Republicans to try to get Obama Care to die ... so they can replace it with nothing ... and you think that is NOT 'someone else trying to tell you what you can and cannot do'?

What sets me off is when someone posts something political here as this is not a political site - and you posted political stuff, trying to rename it doesn't fly, almost sounds like Lisa saying that they won the NAHI suit.

Garry Sorrells
09-05-2017, 10:37 AM
Jerry,. You have made it a political debate with yourself. I had no intention to debate the politics of a midnight vote on something that had to be passed so that you could read it . Dismantling 90percent in an attempt to to alter 10percent. And also requiring many lies to distract from what would really happen in implementation. But , I have no desire to getting politics. I only used the name to demonstrate a methodology of one group making decisions for another group.

Don't be sad, be happy:o

Jerry Peck
09-05-2017, 11:00 AM
Jerry,. You have made it a political debate with yourself. I had no intention to debate the politics of a midnight vote on something that had to be passed so that you could read it .


Making a comment like you did means that the thought itself was politically based, and the intent was political

You are really beginning to sound like Lisa.

Garry Sorrells
09-05-2017, 02:05 PM
The reference was an example. It has a political basis that most understand, instead of an example based in football. You went off on the politics of it not me.

Continue your macanations on what you have going with your political manifesto.

****Appoliges to all others on this thread divergence.*****

Jerry Peck
09-05-2017, 04:39 PM
Whatever you say Lisa ... er ... Garry.

And there was no Hurricane Harvey and Houston didn't have historic flooding, and there is no Hurricane Irma out in the Atlantic with its projected path hitting Florida.

09-05-2017, 05:38 PM
Realistically speaking, of course, if NAHI ceased to exist, then the NAHI spokesperson is moot and can not be pleased.

As well, one would also think NAHI is pleased InterNACHI purchased NAHI's intellectual property, including their trademarks to InterNACHI. Hope that money goes where it belongs.

With all due respect, Lisa answered post #22 dispelling prolific myths and the MICB.

Gentlemen and lady/ies. If you stopped to discuss issues civilly, I am sure you would hear one another, and the tone respectful.

Garry Sorrells
09-06-2017, 02:48 PM
Do not think that any money changed hands when Nick filed in Denver to seize the name. Therefore nothing to the NAHI members.

Nick has gone on a quest to remove NAHI from any web existence, deleting everything that he can find. Must be part of the new world order. I can not see anyone, except those around the punch cooler, being pleased with nic having any control over anything NAHI.

As far as Lisa's posts, there is a legacy of false and misleading posts in the forum resulting in a severely diminished status for credibility on her part. (((Trying to maintain civility in discussion :) )))

What is a real hoot are posts in the internachi forum questioning nic's rational for his decisions and actions regarding NAHI.

Lisa Endza
06-19-2018, 03:59 PM
I have to wonder how Lisa will try to spin this?

How about we let the U.S. Patent and Trademark office spin it? Click here https://www.nachi.org/forum/f14/nick-gromicko-takes-control-nahi-awarded-nahis-trademarks-130562/


Lisa Endza
06-19-2018, 04:14 PM
Here https://www.nachi.org/nahi.htm

Dave Kogan
06-19-2018, 04:16 PM
How about we let the U.S. Patent and Trademark office spin it? Click here https://www.nachi.org/forum/f14/nick-gromicko-takes-control-nahi-awarded-nahis-trademarks-130562/


In Colorado, not a national organization.

06-19-2018, 06:40 PM
Here https://www.nachi.org/nahi.htm
Thanks Lisa.

Jerry Peck
06-19-2018, 07:33 PM
Realistically speaking, of course, if NAHI ceased to exist, then the NAHI spokesperson is moot and can not be pleased.

And, using that same logic, "can not be" DISpleased.

Let's see ... an organization goes kaput ... a company sues to get a trademark for a no longer existing organization ... there is no response - REALLY? no response from a no longer existing organization - WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? - that's like one of those DUH! things - something which does not exist does not respond??? - and that is somehow taken as a victory?

Lisa Endza
06-19-2018, 08:18 PM
something which does not exist does not respond??? - and that is somehow taken as a victory?That's how things work in law, you snooze you lose.

The only thing dummer than failing to respond is spending more than $100,000.00 of your members' hard-earned dues defending an association that has already gone out of business. Now before you say that no association is that stupid, I should warn you that you'd be wrong. Read https://www.nachi.org/ashi-press-release.htm . :)

Now that Nick owns their trademark, I hear he is printing NAHI-logo'd toilet paper for our schools. Would you like a free roll? I think he's soon going to offer two different rolls, each with a different association logo. Hm.

Jerry Peck
06-20-2018, 04:07 AM
That's how things work in law, you snooze you lose.

The only thing dummer than failing to respond ...

Obviously not grasping what is being said.

Dave Kogan
06-20-2018, 05:10 AM
Obviously not grasping what is being said.

Jerry - who can fight logic like that? I just try to point out the obvious and it quickly turns to mud slinging fast.

Lisa Endza
06-20-2018, 07:42 AM
Dave, read the title of this thread you started. Perhaps I should send you a case of 24 rolls. ;)

Dave Kogan
06-20-2018, 10:21 AM
Dave, read the title of this thread you started. Perhaps I should send you a case of 24 rolls. ;)

Enjoy your rolls, Lisa/Nick. The rest of the industry understands the reality.

Lisa Endza
06-21-2018, 01:37 PM
The rest of the industry understands the reality.3/4ths of it, anyway: www.nachi.org/nachi-stats

Jerry Peck
06-21-2018, 02:15 PM
The rest of the industry understands the reality.

3/4ths of it, anyway ...

Good to see you recognizing that 3/4ths of the home inspection industry understands the reality of what is going on, leaving only 1/4th of the industry at the punch bowl.

Robert Sheppard
06-21-2018, 03:48 PM

Lisa Endza
06-27-2018, 09:33 AM
Maybe more like 4/5ths: https://www.nachi.org/membership-stats.htm

Robert Sheppard
06-30-2018, 07:10 AM
Maybe more like 4/5ths: https://www.nachi.org/membership-stats.htm


Garry Sorrells
06-30-2018, 09:59 AM
Robert,. That is good..
But pretty sure that it will stur up their sediments.:p

Robert Sheppard
06-30-2018, 10:18 AM
Robert,. That is good..
But pretty sure that it will stur up their sediments.:p

No bother. At the end of the day, I need them in some weird way.

My every day is a process of being constantly challenged on my positions, to which I must legally defend through administrative and statutory interpretation by law. But Lisa affords me the opportunity to extend beyond that which is justifiable and literally pull facts our of thin air.....quantified as "alternative facts" or "your ass".

This is my porn and I wouldn't change it for the world. As everyone has their release, this grants me my daily "laugh out loud" moment (no construction pun intended). The industry (home inspections) is singular from any profession, being as no others want to associate with what ends up being nothing more than a "lord of the fly's" mentality.

Ignorance reminds me of how far I've come, Lisa is my barometer.

Garry Sorrells
06-30-2018, 10:44 AM