View Full Version : NSpector vs. InspectIT ???
Jonathan Clevenger
12-25-2007, 07:53 AM
Hi everyone! I'm going to be starting a home inspection buisness within the next couple months, and I've been looking at quite a few different programs. I've downloaded lots of demos, tried seeing what I like/dislike, etc.
As of right now, I'm leaning towards AHIT's InspectIT software, but I also kind of like the Nspector software.
Has anyone used both? Opinions?
Anyone that uses either of them, what do you like/dislike?
Thanks in advance!
Billy Stephens
12-25-2007, 08:31 AM
Welcome to the board. :)
If you haven't, You might want to check out this other thread.
David Banks
12-25-2007, 09:21 AM
Hi Jonathan. I use AHIT and like it a lot. It is based on word format. You can download pics easily. They have boiler plate drop downs which you are able to edit. You will change many as your experience grows.
Mass just upgraded their standards of practice and I found AHIT covered most issues. Good program but my only complaint is the time to do a report can be lengthy. I think with the word format there is too many hand movements.
Merry Christmas.
Rick Hurst
12-25-2007, 11:31 AM
I also use the Inspect-It program. I've tried others along the way but always come back to Inspect-It for use.
Jonathan Clevenger
12-25-2007, 10:39 PM
Do you guys that use the InspectIT software use a pocket pc with AHIT's handheld software also?
Aaron Miller
12-26-2007, 03:12 AM
I also use InspectIt. The program is OK, but their support is lackluster. I spent years trying to communicate with their head programmer (we'll call him Gary - because that's his name) to no avail. Like with most software designers, the end user's opinion is not as important as the geek's. They know squat about this business but refuse to listen.
If I had it all to do again I would choose my software v-e-r-y carefully. The reasons are legion. Let's look at a few. Most, if not all, incorporate a client database with a report comment database. Both of these databases will contain information that you will input or (in the case of the report comments) at least customize. Should you later choose to send the squint-eyed designer his software back along with a small pipe bomb you will then be stuck with databases of important information that are not easily (if even possibly) exported to other softwares.
"Support" is a euphemism where AHIT (and maybe all of the companies) is concerned. Yes it is a real concept insofar as you pay real money for it, but it is rarely, if ever, forthcoming in any helpful or constructive sense of the word.
Look around. There are lots of contenders for your several hundred dollar investment. Use whatever demo versions you can for as long as you can in order to better familiarize yourself with the foibles of each. Choose the lesser of the evils.:rolleyes:
David Banks
12-26-2007, 07:24 AM
Do you guys that use the InspectIT software use a pocket pc with AHIT's handheld software also?
Not me. I take pics and notes. Feel more comfortable doing report at home.
David Banks
12-26-2007, 07:29 AM
Do you guys that use the InspectIT software use a pocket pc with AHIT's handheld software also?
Not me. I take pics and notes. Feel more comfortable doing report at home.
I did not have same experience as Aaron. Support was pretty good and even returned my calls a couple of times. They even had a live tutorial you could call in for and then get on line and watch software and ask questions.
This was 4-5 years ago.
Jon Randolph
12-28-2007, 06:24 AM
I have been using Report Plus almost from the beginning. I have looked at many other programs, have installed trial versions, played with them, etc. and keep coming back to Report Plus. I have very heavily modified the template and most of the comments in the program. I would recommend that you at least modify the comments to suit your style of writing. I have added many, many comments to make the inspection easier and more fail safe. For example each of the following items have their own boiler plate comment to identify what is wrong and how it should be:
Single Wall Vent -No Hood- <18"
Single Wall Gas Vent W/Hood- <6"
Single Wall Oil Vent W/Hood- <9"
Double Wall Vent <2" to Combust.
Type B Vent <1" to Combust.
Flue Pipe Slope 1/4" per Foot
Type B Vent Over 10" Horizont.
Single Wall Vent <7.5' Horizont.
Stove Pipe Support Every 36"
Stove Pipe Over 10' Horizontally
Stove Pipe <36" To Combust.
Instead of just using the "clearance to combustibles" comment that the program came with, it helps you remember what each clearance should be and identifies each individually based on the vent type.
I have modified the template so that the report appears nothing like the original and I utilize all 21 sections of the report so that each menu is not so long. It makes it easier navigating the comments and finding the one that I want. I also like that each comment inserted can be immediately modified to further identify the situation if needed.
I do not use a hand held device, it is not as customizable as using a lap top and you do not have the location option for each comment.
My only complaint is the amount of time that it takes me to perform an inspection, but a-lot of that can be blamed on my analness (is that even a word?). I document every flaw that I find (other than aesthetic items like peeling wall paper, unless it appears to have been caused by a leak or something). It takes me about 4 hours at the average 10yr. old 2000 sq/ft. home on a slab.
Erby Crofutt
12-28-2007, 06:27 AM
WWW.HOMEGAUGE.COM (http://www.HOMEGAUGE.COM) was my choice after using Palm-Tech for a couple of years.
Deleted Account
12-28-2007, 06:52 AM
I have been using Palm-Tech since 2003, basically it is a database that populates a template and you can create a template for any application. I believe it is the only program that will allow you to customize any portion or aspect of your report, check it out here (
Jonathan Clevenger
12-31-2007, 11:05 AM
Well, I've tried a couple full reports with the NSpector software (1 narrative, 1 checkbox), and after doing a full report and printing them out, I don't really care for it.
I just got done doing a complete checkbox style report with the InspectIT software from AHIT. I'm about to start a full report with it again, but the narraitive style this time.
For those who use InspectIT, which style report do you use?
I also had tried HomeGauge a while back, but figured I would give the 4.0 demo a try. I really do like it after doing full reports, and I'm now undecided between it and the AHIT software. Anyone ever use one and go to the other for any reason?
The HG software seemed to take a little less time to do than the AHIT software for me. I also did the HG report using my pocket PC, and I wished AHIT had a demo for it that I could actually put ON my pocket pc to try.
Dom D'Agostino
12-31-2007, 11:49 AM
If you have any concerns regarding customer service, support, technical issues, etc., or follow up questions, then HomeGauge is a great choice. Very good support system is already in place to help the users, including an active BB for software users.
Kevin Luce
12-31-2007, 04:05 PM
I also use InspectIt. The program is OK, but their support is lackluster. I spent years trying to communicate with their head programmer (we'll call him Gary - because that's his name) to no avail. Like with most software designers, the end user's opinion is not as important as the geek's. They know squat about this business but refuse to listen.
Gary is not there anymore and Nick has taken over. The changes Nick is making to Report Plus are going to make entering information when writing up the report and in the software a lot easier and should be done some time in the middle January.
Even though his job is demanding and being pulled in different directions (my opinion), he has found the time to help solve problems. There are also a few other people there to help solve problems which is a big improvement from 5 years ago. The best thing they have started not too long ago was being able to look at what's on your computer screen while talking to you on the phone. This can help them understand the problem/question much easier which is a big plus.
Note: I use windows XP with Word 2003 and know nothing about Word 2007. I also have nothing to do with AHIT except have their software and test and comment on the improvements AHIT is making.
Jonathan Clevenger
01-02-2008, 05:31 AM
Does the Home Gauge software come with a contract already wrote up that I can change? The demo software doesn't seem to have one, and was curious if the full version did. Thanks!
John Goad
01-02-2008, 05:49 AM
They will send you several that you can choose from, modify, or combine if you ask about them.
Zibby Swieca
01-02-2008, 06:37 AM
I did a trial of every one on the market except for some of the real recent programs that popped up within the last couple of months. I can say with some degree of confidence Whisper Computer Solutions. This program allows me to use canned narratives with or without adjustment or write custom comments.
Joe Klampfer
01-06-2008, 12:48 PM
This program allows me to use canned narratives with or without adjustment or write custom comments.
Don't they all do that??
Jeff Knight
01-06-2008, 05:59 PM
You are correct. It is like saying that the car I just bought has an automatic transmission.
After 10 years in this market it has more to do with luck and being the latest software company to talk to the home inspector when they finally decide to change to something new then anything else. They will give reasons as to why they preferred the one they purchased and most of the time the reason given makes no sense compared to other software out there.
01-07-2008, 04:13 PM
i use inspectit plus and after many frustrating ,time consuming reports--went into the report template and checked every box i thought would be satisfactory----especially the room notes----this has expidited my reports and if they didn't pass well it's alot easier to change one box then click on a hundred---it takes time to get to know your report--hang in there--i was always able to get to gary---but agree nick is great and can't wait to sample the new report
Jerry McCarthy
01-07-2008, 04:56 PM
Check out 3-D as they have come a long way.
Peter Drougas
01-10-2008, 11:10 AM
I agree with Jerry. I started using 3D Inspection software 5 years ago. Every aspect of how your report is set up and how you enter it, can be customized (or not). They have templates for many different States, including special forms each State may require. They come out with new versions almost on a yearly basis. They listen to Inspectors. I have called and emailed and get answers the same day.
I have been using a Dell PocketPC. I can easily jump from any section of the report as I move about the house. You can even set "defaults" so you don't have to check anything off. So if the walls, floors and ceiling are fine, you just move along. You only have to make changes if you see a problem.
Also you get Adobe PDF creator (worth a few hundred $ alone). I can create PDF files for any aspect of my business. They also have an office management section that runs my business. I create tracking reports for sales, unpaid invoices, Realtor and client lists. It goes on and on. But I won't! You should give it a try.
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