View Full Version : BLEEDING ROOF

12-15-2017, 06:32 AM

anyone come across this before--roofer says it is just cosmetic


Jerry Peck
12-15-2017, 09:41 AM
What it makes me suspect is that the shingles are not nailed down, instead they are set in plastic roof cement (or possibly lap sealant or cold process as they are both thinner and more liquidy than plastic roof cement is), or are set in plastic roof cement (or an alternative) along with being nailed down,

I recommend getting a letter from the manufacturer of the shingles stating that is okay (which I doubt the manufacturer will say as they will probably want to know what that stuff is, and if it is "part of the shingles" THEY have a problem, and if it is not "part of the shingles" ... then the roofer has a problem - as Desi would say to Lucy "you got some 'splainin' to do").

Welmoed Sisson
12-15-2017, 09:45 AM
Yep, seen that before. Manufacturer's defect. Found it during a pre-listing inspection; owner had also been told it was cosmetic, and missed the deadline for filing a claim by about a year. He was seriously peeved!

John Kogel
12-15-2017, 07:46 PM
Thanks, Welmoed.
Maybe Charlie could edit his request to include Gals? Altho we know he meant everybody. ;)

So the new cheaper tar backfired on them? Tsk, tsk.