View Full Version : DETTSON HYDRA AGE

01-07-2018, 09:00 AM
Drawing a blank.
HYDRA 18 water boiler.
SN: 440111200
If I am thinking right I get, the 44 week of 2001.
Looking forward to your answers.

Roy Lewis
01-07-2018, 10:36 AM
One thing for sure it is newer than 1981..
Call them up.

Jerry Peck
01-07-2018, 03:23 PM
But with a label like that, maybe not a lot newer than 1981.

I haven't seen labels like that on things made since the 1980s, maybe 1990s, at least not to my recollection.

A quick Google search says you may be correct: http://www.buildingcenter.org/international-comfort-products

Albeit there is no letter in front, and that label looks older than the type shown on that page.

01-07-2018, 05:41 PM
Jerry, Roy, thanks.

Roy, it's Sunday. No answer.

Jerry, the serial number; 440111200. Week (44) Year (01) Sequence numbers (11200)
I make it to be a 2001.

Jerry, No letter is throwing me off as well.:confused:
It is recent. Not more than 20 years old.


Jerry Peck
01-07-2018, 06:35 PM
It is recent. Not more than 20 years old.

Then that fits in with the date code ' I'd wait until verifying it before saying it was 2001.

Usually, there are labels stating the standard it was tested and listed to, and those standards usually have a dash or slash number indicating the year of the standard, such as xzy 2537-02, where the '02' would indicate it was a 2002 standard, so you would know it was after that standard year, and most standards are updated on a regular basis, typically every 3-5 years (but not always).

Dan Hagman
01-15-2018, 08:37 PM
I think it is week (44) year (01) also!