View Full Version : Article: How to improve your marketability with referring party indemnification

Stephanie Jaynes
08-19-2019, 08:20 AM
Hi InspectionNews Readers!

With 69 percent of home buyers nationally choosing their home inspectors based on their realtors' recommendations, it's no wonder why we see a lot of industry interest in bettering agent marketing efforts. Yet, few inspectors know that most home inspection insurance policies come with referring party indemnification, an endorsement that many real estate brokers see as a benefit.

Teach your local realtors about your insurance policy's referring party indemnification coverage, and you may be able to improve your referral rate. You can learn more about referring party indemnification in our recent article, previewed below.


How To Improve Your Marketability with Referring Party Indemnification

During a recent home inspection, you missed the polybutylene pipes in the attic. When your clients, the home buyers, discovered your error, they were furious. They didn't just sue you; they sued everyone involved in the home's sale. That included the real estate agent that referred the job to you.

What is referring party indemnification?

In home inspection policies that include referring party indemnification, should there be a claim about inspection findings, the insurance company assumes liability for not just the home inspector but the referring party.

If your insurer offers third party indemnification, your insurance policy will define referring real estate agents, real estate brokers, mortgage lenders, relocation companies, and other relevant third party referral sources as limited additional insureds. As such, these referral sources can receive insurance coverage from claims arising from your inspection services.

Common conditions to these endorsements include:

You and the referring party didn't give notice of the claim to another insurance carrier before your current policy began.
The inspection related to the claim occurred on or after your retroactive date and before the end of your policy period.
Before you started carrying insurance, you and your referring party couldn't reasonably predict that your clients were going to file the claim.
The referring party reports the claim in writing to your carrier during the policy period.
The claim doesn't involve any services the referring party performed independent of you, the home inspector.
The claim is subject to your insurance limits.

In addition to insurance carriers, some other companies offer referring party indemnification to home inspectors. Just like you do with your insurance policy, we recommend reviewing any referring party indemnification plan you intend to use to make sure you understand the terms.

How can referral coverage improve my marketability?

As a home inspector, Paul Stratton, Owner of Stratton Inspection Services, LLC (http://email.robly.com/wf/click?upn=XJKv0bJBPs9ZpgDUBq1S1b-2FYiRJYpdDqhZYC6000JtN6LzSObt-2BUMHlSCRYLBxWGin4R55OmZP8bijnLGmrSH94TkaJctYxoxZp r22ElHvweehhR-2FhHenb6w51vxVRoasO0N60nJYTexnOzyM5viXE2Oh2uyy47hF ozxN8CNMK2WbnCOkUwRc4-2BPtW3ZTv8A-2BzfBO5LBAU4LnVx1mstobvrN2LRIwgKdvIqMXrfX385ZRgxQQ Qft03X3sdn-2FuqSYO6ruxrnk6dg49Fp8bWyw2w-3D-3D_oc3Y-2Bs5x4KGcTo4CxZe7X9yZ1ClmDV-2FDgjxCbrmVgAGLUhvSv7YqrmXUSyz6NEKt5OHu7PhZQudDQLA YubXbzgIAK8MtCzNHqet5vw12OcUkuFMZUKl3yIIsVCWdcstoP TS8wqul3D2ytF25D6H6noWDkRQncoRixtkorLrKGQCGJD3wwg-2FM3XdcXrk-2BKztwCq-2BwzHkkCAHIVtqtCW1CChdGKTxLSlF0PU9kjME4CAFzucY-2F9AnXA3w8OMy2t1Lx9B4bKZdCuKihWqstssvgDkG2zPUvVtbG E4Y51ebruVfu6-2FYzOOyAiOtf0fOSnAp6ss-2BNbcNQ4HuRBtny5swwIKqY-2FnPxTgX5Re06mpQscQ81Qnjr8bweZqprOFbcdM2o4kJBEB0lT R9-2BTSmhkrwlG-2F8-2BOwvzBSkB15WVwiv4YSh4aEImvI4pu3UuuHgopaTmYQgIElW3 M35X-2FmIJNeqgPQ-3D-3D) in Arizona, finds that realtors worry about potential claims. Many are concerned that, if the home inspector they refer to the client misses something, they'll be liable. Stratton calms brokers' nerves by explaining that his insurance policy protects them, too.

"Realtors want to know that they're covered and that their client is covered as well," Stratton told us in an interview for our article "How to work with more realtors. (http://email.robly.com/wf/click?upn=vvyomKWcUsq12olRdW3rZi5SnkDlfgkM5mMhcu-2FSH2vSWlJ2ILUe6Ar9BpiMXyYlqDXqHsIKmsfntVpJQ208AOZ-2B4LCw2l-2BGyehmZuRpzM-2ByXDPRC9bwWTMiKJ-2Ft5W2XE3N1MoAVXkEDQHiRqi8lrhuIunBztsUCR6hdzS3YsEC 3e33qVv9pB8V9jqdsTbkcpH5x-2B1obNhiQWYb3mqJhsKy0-2F0vanTlQAwG6q1mhFspgboN9dq08lVyGj7yO3E9FiH6t6ywfo tsuKWLSn37kY7QOjoGAFPAf0nXCZUSeR2wfbh2TShTsM9uZ-2Bh5emtLU_oc3Y-2Bs5x4KGcTo4CxZe7X9yZ1ClmDV-2FDgjxCbrmVgAGLUhvSv7YqrmXUSyz6NEKt5OHu7PhZQudDQLA YubXbzgIAK8MtCzNHqet5vw12OcUkuFMZUKl3yIIsVCWdcstoP TS8wqul3D2ytF25D6H6noWDkRQncoRixtkorLrKGQCGJD3wwg-2FM3XdcXrk-2BKztwCq-2BwzHkkCAHIVtqtCW1CChdGKTxLSlF0PU9kjME4CAFzucY-2F9AnXA3w8OMy2t1Lx9B4bKZdCuKihWqstssvgDj5-2BdYB1Fhc8n-2F6budEpEYh7DIzDg1TcaJAm1lOiGSjt737tt61euAik6UpAIL 3guJRXcYByHbyK1nM29-2FDhsBO-2FrWKUJMtNzV1VsNagddUCwAUQhvGC081QQJ86xqJrCORcd-2FrAZqneWgO9xH9fQY-2F7gRCcTOBwD-2FsRUodl7R0G51ZG8gw4ktr7kwnIixNy8A-3D-3D)" "[Referring party indemnification] gives them more peace of mind."

[READ MORE] (https://www.inspectorproinsurance.com/insurance-101/referring-party-indemnification/?utm_source=InspectionNews&utm_medium=Referral)