View Full Version : Hello inspector colleagues

Barry Cohen
07-20-2020, 11:52 AM
Hi Inspector colleagues.

I'm a home Inspector in the NY - Long Island area for a dozen years. I've always felt that us inspectors were missing a resource to make our lives easier.

I'd like to share with the group our new Home Inspector Resource site that will help all home inspectors. We have created a one stop shop location featuring the majority of inspection vendors in one location. If you're looking for:
Marketing resources
Inspection Software
Website Design
Inspection Training
Inspection tools...

You name it, it should be here. This is an unbiased site for inspectors by inspectors. We have been inspecting for a dozen years and saw the need for this type of resource. Take a look around. We plan to grow this as time goes to provide industry resources. Tell us what to add if it?s not here
We hope that you explore the home inspector resource site, bookmark it, and refer back as you need resources. This site will keep expanding with feedback from inspectors. We also hope to be able to bring promotions from the industry vendors for you.

You can follow us on FB @HomeInspectology and on Instagram @HomeInspectology.
www.homeinspectology.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homeinspectology.com%2F%3 Ffbclid%3DIwAR2zESXqggR8q0e95ytG5wAgXPxrjt6mpo87n4 oLx2HqMEaZc4D1bjBgr7s&h=AT2rbd0QA7NlYrOlHOALMKF5JtO856Lmx9xLr5I-fczDWZ2_G4MDVm_W7oK4mvW33z5sbF8E_zN5iQakt5mZUfqk-5LTbbvRxyualsoeJI695X26W8YxKet8R5xJH4iwVrdSP6SfEhC A-GFLjQIx4Lcz6uzfDY7OWMT6I4GQCrp0KfNR-Csr_O_ppVXGh4Gi2jjq49cVEVFpspQqAfrel0APETeZfH-hr-Y4HSqI9uPYbZ8doZi7BfidCtDNIZ2rH_v1ROXjxEe8S11edqvf OEiOPvYwLZ5s1IOQhJtkv--lMdgoA7qVDBOqGGuOO6O1CX_9ld9xg0-b9Lww0qu91VCo-K-MaQWiMmPptQZDHjM_obr6K6yvXQGi3t6kC8KKic4aMyXQ8GElc NJqJsp3pe15EET4mF3HxW0MTfMbO0eDJeZgJ9Krnh5A7xev1fY ZZ5qMuhGhHHHezTZvkV9UtGNXu1IneJdQtWVDoZWt9-Vjfb4FmwswK19y37x0dJaw3qsexPKWETNf66p5HC55JouQ4IJK 2K0WihnmKIjUjjJmllFp7Ly2nIn-Zq_CeOUMT-ojhzPIJJmYPyxXu7TSbFj_xY_-B5eLDAwWLPiWbGL0yoWHlmBTp_DAwngXJaQ130S9LDq8wMO8yY Njf4yYBRbcd3QcDiw3YMA3hCf0yIDUklDC9PRgYCWmBQfrnL4f oisNwWtRyCN_IBr6Dp4WoIXnUCXvKLdfk5dXtvURFcBASQox45 a96I0aPuojcHuprO-e1fII1DbAaLHsZu4Si8rbWKbinUhYwTuzhKoD1bHLT_v8BPHkV 0qUYJ3h6jl038guihTTTCBaY-9VuDOG6YH1Tt6utnaDHNOA9SBQvbZ49pWtryqJrEg5ijwPiOWh XWeK1vEIRXpAYpxvGe_N48Yi-aUrJ30EnPHFeBoHSVarNq3PFW5JaefRQ7cTA7Tvrr4xvEwMU9k )

Feedback is welcome as this for all of us. Thanks. Barry.

Brian Hannigan
07-20-2020, 11:56 AM
Welcome to InspectionNews!

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