View Full Version : Lightest Ladder

Rick Bunzel
10-06-2020, 10:16 AM
I have been using the Xtend and Climb for many years. There 12.5 ft model is by far the lightest you can get away with. I am currently using the 15.5 ft professional model that weighs about 45lbs. These are much-much safer than the Telesteps. You can read about them here https://www.homeinspector.org/Newsroom/Articles/Compact-Ladder-Test-A-Long-Term-Update/14686/Article

I agree with Jerry on the safety of these ladders if casually used. Yes, you can raise them without locking sections and yes, they will bite you if your hands are in the wrong position when lowering them. However in 13 years of everyday use I have yet to had one collapse on me and as long as I am paying attention, I don't get my hands bit. (you immediately know when you make that mistake).

I rarely find situations where the xTend and Climb doesn't work so I quit carrying the Little Giant. Now if the roof is to tall I break out the drone. Much safer!


John Dirks Jr
12-06-2020, 05:46 AM
I use the Extend N Climb 15.5 quite a bit also. I like how you can rest the collars on the edge of the gutter to keep the ladder feet from sliding out. One drawback of the collars is they make it more difficult to pull the ladder up onto the roof for using it to access a higher level. A 16' aluminum extension ladder works perfect for that. I also have a Little Giant 26' in the van but I only get it out if really needed. I have a 32' aluminum extension I carry on the roof sometimes.

Just bought a Mavic Mini drone to fiddle with. I know it's not the full caliber of the larger drones but it's good enough to get a look at that occasional roof surface or chimney top that I otherwise would not be able to see. The Mavic Mini is light enough it does not require FAA registration.

Jerry Peck
12-06-2020, 08:59 AM
I also have a Little Giant 26' in the van but I only get it out if really needed.

The 26' Little Giant is no lightweight, at least mine isn't.

Gunnar Alquist
12-06-2020, 06:57 PM
The Mavic Mini is light enough it does not require FAA registration.


I believe you need to do a bit more research. If you are using a small drone for personal use, then FAA registration and/or license is optional. If the drone use is business-related, then it is commercial use and a license is necessary. Using it to inspect is considered business-related.


Jerry Peck
12-06-2020, 07:06 PM
If the drone use is business-related, then it is commercial use and a license is necessary. Using it to inspect is considered business-related.

That's what I've pointed out several times in the past.

There is a way around it, though ... don't charge for the inspection and do it under your personal name ... however, if you are in a licensed state ... you can probably do it for no compensation without having a home inspector's license. :(