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View Full Version : Kitchen/bathroom sink traps

Roy Guard
11-17-2020, 02:36 PM
Pics 5227 and 5229 are of the kitchen skink. Pic 5229 is of a bathroom sink.

Improper drain connections (wye-connection, slope, ptrap setup, flexible connection...am I missing anything???.

My main question is:

- has anyone seen this type of material before?

Dom D'Agostino
11-17-2020, 03:09 PM
Yes, have seen it before, that product has approval for various plumbing codes (printed on the data sheet and labels).
While it is flexible, it is smooth walled on the interior.

Gary Burnett
11-17-2020, 06:34 PM
I would like to know who Roy Guard is and if that is his name why he is doing Inspections in Texas. There is no record with TREC for a license for Roy Guard. How about your real name and what part of Texas you are inspecting.

Keep it real or maybe we should just give you Bulls@#t answers.

Roy Guard
11-24-2020, 05:35 PM
I would like to know who Roy Guard is and if that is his name why he is doing Inspections in Texas. There is no record with TREC for a license for Roy Guard. How about your real name and what part of Texas you are inspecting.

Keep it real or maybe we should just give you Bulls@#t answers.

First: I am not a licensed TREC inspector. Never said I was

Second: I am a construction consultant and my work does not involve real estate transactions, thus, TREC licensed NOT required.

Third: My full last name , being Italian, has too many characters to fit so I shortened it.

Fourth: Get facts before jumping to conclusions and being hostile. A typical sign of low brow mentality.

Fifth: If the questions are valid, what difference does it make if people don't have "their name" ?Again, sign of log brow mentality.

Sixth: Answer question or not. That is up to you. ...but...Mind your own business. Again, sign of low brow mentality.

Jerry Peck
11-25-2020, 06:21 AM
A typical sign of low brow mentality.


Your answer fit that mentality.

Being as THIS IS a home inspector board, it is safe to presume that one is a "home inspector", so get off your high horse.

Therefore, being from Texas, it is also safe to presume that someone from Texas asking home inspector type questions is ... a home inspector ... and being as home inspectors are licensed in Texas ... asking about being licensed is reasonable.

You could have: introduced your post with 'I'm a consultant and do not do real estate inspections', or simply responded as such to the inquiry about being licensed.

Everything else in your response indicates that you think you are above being a "home inspector", yet you came to "home inspectors" for knowledge ... which I find interesting.


Ask questions.

Provide factual answers.

This is for the benefit of all participants.

And have a Happy Turkey Day tomorrow.

Dom D'Agostino
11-25-2020, 08:19 AM
i forgot to mention, the first time I found this product, I though it was a re-purposed shop vac hose (something I actually had once found in a bathroom vanity).

Finding the product label or data tag lead me the specs for the item, as Barry posted, from SnappyTrap.

Jerry Peck
11-25-2020, 10:00 AM
Am I missing something?

I don't see any approvals/listing standards shown on: https://afbc79f5-605e-4168-b927-80fe75d8e422.filesusr.com/ugd/d49e2c_9543235f5c48429a95b249d02c002f0e.pdf

The website says:

Complies with the Uniform Plumbing Code*
* Models # DK-110 and # DK-100

Which excludes the other two models shown on their website.

But ... what part of the Uniform Plumbing Code does it comply with, and for what use? What about the ICC codes (IRC and IPC)?