View Full Version : Does this need a collar

Paul Kondzich
03-04-2008, 04:35 PM
This flue pipe from the furnace and water heater going through the ceiling of this utility room with living space above. It has the required 1" clearance (except for the insulation.) Is this ok or should it have some sort of collar between the flue pipe and the drywall?

Jerry Peck
03-04-2008, 04:39 PM
It needs a proper firestop support made by the manufacturer of that vent material, or one made to their specifications (some show a site built firestop support in their installation instructions).

At best, you will usually see a collar around it closing the opening off, 'at best' does not mean it is correct, though.

Bob Harper
03-04-2008, 04:45 PM
Jerry is correct. It also needs support. Look at the clearance btw the single walled connector and the combustible ceiling. There should be 6" btw the bead on the B-vent and the ceiling. There must be an attic insulation shield above the ceiling. Any more pics?

Rick Hurst
03-04-2008, 04:50 PM
I see a many of the collars but as Jerry said many are not installed properly. If you look in the attic above them, you'll more than likely find the flue in contact with the gypsum board as in the picture below.

Paul Kondzich
03-04-2008, 05:01 PM
Bob, either I am not understanding you , or more likely the picture is misleading. Picture the fluepipe and ceiling at 90 degree angle from each other. The fluepipe is going straight up through the ceiling. The single walled connector is at least 1 ft. below the ceiling. So as it is, it just needs the firestop collar, and insulation shield above, I assume. Thanks

Jerry Peck
03-04-2008, 06:37 PM
I see a many of the collars but as Jerry said many are not installed properly. If you look in the attic above them, you'll more than likely find the flue in contact with the gypsum board as in the picture below.


That's because ...

It needs a proper firestop support made by the manufacturer of that vent material, or one made to their specifications (some show a site built firestop support in their installation instructions).

THAT is what is missing.

At best, you will usually see a collar around it closing the opening off, 'at best' does not mean it is correct, though.

And THAT (and what you are describing) is the wrong way to do it.

The collar is only there to ... 'make it look purty'. No more, and maybe even less.

The collar *is not* a proper firestop or draftstop - its only purpose is 'purtyness'. :D