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View Full Version : Tile repairs

Michael Thomas
03-23-2008, 12:05 PM
Don't get to see much of this material/style in my area, but I suspect these repairs (ex: sealant, slate tile style hooks at the repairs) are wrong, but how wrong?

Also, on this sort of installation how much of the field can be damaged before you are likely better off with a total tear-off?

Finally, what is the material peeking out from under the displaced tiles at the ridges?

Other comments?

Gunnar Alquist
03-23-2008, 01:56 PM
Wow, that roof looks like it has some problems. The stuff at the hip/ridge is probably mortar used to set the tiles onto, but it is difficult to say from the pics.

I typically leave the tear-off decision up to the roofer. Depending on the age, it is often difficult or impractical to find replacement tiles that match. If the installation is just wrong, it is often not possible to try and remove the tiles without damage.

I am surprised to see tile in Illinois. I would have expected it to not do well with the snow/freeze/thaw. Oh... I guess it didn't.

Jerry Peck
03-23-2008, 05:55 PM
Don't get to see much of this material/style in my area, but I suspect these repairs (ex: sealant, slate tile style hooks at the repairs) are wrong, but how wrong?

Way wrong.

Also, on this sort of installation how much of the field can be damaged before you are likely better off with a total tear-off?

I would recommend a "roof replacement".

Finally, what is the material peeking out from under the displaced tiles at the ridges?

'Should be' mortar.

Michael Thomas
03-23-2008, 07:56 PM
Thanks to you both.

Jerry Peck
03-24-2008, 05:52 AM

Don't forget, that same tile (looks like terra cotta tile) is also being used as "siding", which is also loose and missing.

What's the roof above it like? Looks to be 'brownish' in the photo.

How old is that house? That window looks *real old*.

Joe Klampfer
04-05-2008, 08:22 AM

Don't forget, that same tile (looks like terra cotta tile) is also being used as "siding", which is also loose and missing..

Siding looks like wood shingles ?