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View Full Version : DO NOT conduct business with Request Site

Greg Jenkins
04-08-2008, 01:55 PM
Has anyone heard of a company called RQS or Request Site. They claim to be a site inspection and consulting company. I received a call back in January from an employee of the company looking for an inspector in my area to perfom a site inspection. I agreed to do the work. Unfortunately I did not check references and only checked out their web-site. Well, long story short, they did not pay me and do not return phone calls or emails. In addition, the original phone number given to me is no longer in service. Fortunately, I did not invest much time in the work and really have not lost much. But I learned a valuable lesson - that is, check references. Lets talk to each other about these types of business and stay informed. I am currently doing work for DDN (Digital Draw Network) I did check their references and so far they have been very professional.


John Arnold
04-08-2008, 02:06 PM
Never heard of them, but thanks for the heads-up.

Ron Bibler
04-08-2008, 02:22 PM
Q. Did you file or send out a report ?

In Calif. If i do an Inspection under the Calif Law they do not half to pay me ever. But if i file a report I can be held accountable for the information in my report.



Excellence Exterminating and Thermal Imaging (http://www.excellenceexterminating.com)
Excellence Thermal Imaging Co.

Scott Patterson
04-08-2008, 02:27 PM
The last time I lost a good amount was when RESS was around. It was owned by a guy who is a home inspector and is still in business inspecting homes. He stuck hundreds of inspectors around the country back in the late 1990's early 2000 for a great deal of money.

Nick Ostrowski
04-08-2008, 03:00 PM
I did some relo work for a company out of Indiana by the name of RAL when I started inspecting in 2003. It was good experience and the money helped me break even for my first year but the fees they paid were very low, less than 1/2 of what your own fee would be. They paid regularly and sent me work fairly regularly for a while but then we had a dispute about the fee structure. The office girls who set up the inspections started asking me what my fee would be to inspect a house if I booked it on my own. They started letting me set the rate at which I would be paid. Great!!!! Then somebody must have looked at how much they were paying out for jobs and they tried to pull out of paying me for a house I already inspected because they said my fee was too high. I got paid for it but after that, my work flow from them really dropped off and they started sending me orders that were way out of my area (I drove 80 miles one way for a $75 stucco ID job - like I said, I was starting out).

Once I got busy enough with my own jobs, I dropped the relo work. It can be good experience but the fee structure can be ridiculously low.

Greg Jenkins
04-08-2008, 04:57 PM
This company (Request Site) only asked me to take and submit picutures. I did not have to express an opinion on anything. And luckily, I had less than two hours total in two jobs. I have not given up on trying to get my money. They get a steady bombardment of emails from me and I will eventually turn it over to a collections agency. I also contacted one of the companies that hired request site.

Ron Bibler
04-08-2008, 05:17 PM
You should be incontact with the owner of this property and inform them that you may file a mechanic's lien on there property.

See if they have any information about your services rendered on there property.

Please keep us informed on this and how it works out.



Scott Patterson
04-09-2008, 06:24 AM
You should be incontact with the owner of this property and inform them that you may file a mechanic's lien on there property.

See if they have any information about your services rendered on there property.

Please keep us informed on this and how it works out.



You can't file a lien on the property for something like this. Your beef is with the jobber and not the person that contracted them.

Ron Bibler
04-09-2008, 08:16 AM
If the owner of the property is part of the information or has use this information then he can file a lien.

Some one contacted this jobber company to employ this inspection service. I would bet it was the owner or a bank that had authorization from the owner.



Randy King
04-09-2008, 01:54 PM
with all of that being said does anyone know of any good companies/sites that have allowed u to keep busy? I am curious to see what everyones response is. Thankx

Ron Bibler
04-09-2008, 03:11 PM
Just think if you were the only inspector in your town. How much work would you have ?

you need more Realtors, Banks, Escrow Co. more Buyers and Sellers.

Are you and Order taker or a Sales Man ? ? ? That is the best web site i can think of. You!!! Tag your it. Go sale your services brother.

Boy did we get off track on this thread. Sorry about that.



Scott Patterson
04-09-2008, 04:00 PM
with all of that being said does anyone know of any good companies/sites that have allowed u to keep busy? I am curious to see what everyones response is. Thankx

You need to be diversified and do other types of inspection. Draw inspections, Insurance inspections, phase inspections, warranty inspections, forensic inspections, commercial inspections, EIFS, IR, etc.

Once you have a niche or speciality it is much easier to market yourself.

You might look at the following for draw type work:
Trinity Inspections
Granite Construction
Digital Draw Network

The above are the major players in draw inspections. They all pay on a timely basis.

Broadlands Financial is a major commercial draw company.

Fidelity is a major in relo inspections.

You won't get rich on draw inspections but it will help keep groceries on the table. Most residental draws will pay $50 to $75 and commercials around $250 to $350 per draw.

Jerry Peck
04-09-2008, 06:49 PM
If the owner of the property is part of the information or has use this information then he can file a lien.

In most states, I believe the first pre-requisite for filing a lien is that "permanent" improvements/work have been done.

In no way is an "inspection" "permanent" nor is it an improvement or work.

Then there are time tables for notifying the owners of you commencing work, etc.

I really doubt a lien could be placed on a house for an "inspection" - I know in Florida it cannot be done.

Randy King
04-10-2008, 08:37 AM
How do you get into such things as Draw inspections, insurance, phase. Etc. I am really interested, I have been doing very well this spring already with home inspections, and other work but I am looking to make sure that I am nice and busy into the fall and winter of next year and any added advice from a vet like u scott would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Scott Patterson
04-10-2008, 12:38 PM
How do you get into such things as Draw inspections, insurance, phase. Etc. I am really interested, I have been doing very well this spring already with home inspections, and other work but I am looking to make sure that I am nice and busy into the fall and winter of next year and any added advice from a vet like u scott would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Just contact the individual jobbers. Google their name and shoot them an email or give them a call. Tell them that you want to get onto their list of inspectors for your area. It is a very simple process.