View Full Version : misleading article?

John Arnold
04-13-2008, 09:03 AM
On the House: Ground rules of electricity | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/13/2008 (http://www.philly.com/inquirer/real_estate/20080413_On_the_House__Ground_rules_of_electricity .html)

Am I reading this wrong, or is Mr. Heavens actually suggesting that people are less likely to be shocked if they are "grounded"?

Bruce King
04-13-2008, 09:37 AM
He should not be writing articles about electricity.

My grandparents used to say "the tires on the car make it grounded so lightning is not a worry"

You will also hear "rubber shoes keep you grounded"

Same old school wrong references to problems such as a "short" when the correct problem description is actually an "intermittant open".

Same people who named driveways and parkways?