View Full Version : On a scale from 1 to 10...

Joshua Hardesty
04-30-2008, 05:52 PM
(one being lowest).. How would you rate this inspector?

I'm in the middle of a trimout and for whatever reason the contractor calls in for the finals. Here's what I still have to do:

Connect toilet supply line in two bathrooms
Put shower trim in basement bathroom
Put tub/shower trim on 2nd floor bathroom
Put showerhead on master shower
Connect bar sink drain/supply lines
Install island sink faucet
Run lines for potfiller
install AAV's in two locations
Install PRV
Caulk/silicone where needed
Seal around sleeve on main water line where it penetrates the foundation
Connect hose bibs
Put water on the house


What the crap? I mean, I could understand if it were something where I knew the guy for a long time and the only issue was I forgot to knock out the plug on the washer box, but all this? I as a plumber work hard to ensure that everything is up to code so I feel all inspectors should work equally hard to ensure they're enforced.

Of course.. I know none of YOU guys would do this... :D

Jerry Peck
04-30-2008, 06:32 PM
1 to 10? Ummmm ...

Well, if he kept his lunch breaks as short as his inspections ... :D

Aaron Miller
05-01-2008, 04:13 AM
In North Central Texas your guy would be a stellar performer.

Video Player (http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/VideoPlayer/videoPlayer.php?vidId=66270&catId=104)

If, and I do mean if, they get out of the truck to actually go in the house, they are rarely there for over 5 minutes, no matter what the size of the house. I have threatened to video them on their merry rounds, but just do not have the time. Besides, it keeps me in business . . .


Jerry Peck
05-01-2008, 05:54 AM

Not all Private Provider inspection companies, nor are all Private Provider inspectors as implied in that video.

*I* for one, am not that way.

That lady does not know what she is speaking of (making general statements as fact - those statements may apply to some private provider inspectors there, but likely does not apply all private provider inspectors there, and certainly does not apply to all private provider inspectors all over).

I've known many city and county inspectors who were worse than the private provider inspectors I've known.

Aaron Miller
05-01-2008, 06:51 AM

Feeling singled out, are you? Don't get defensive now, Mister Peck. Maybe not all are like described in the video . . . in Flahdah. But here in the land of sorry-ass builders and mobbed-up municipal inspection departments the lowest of them all is the 800-lb. gorilla - The Office of Truth (in English). They are so low though that they spell their name in a dead language.

Some of the opinions I have read from these folks on the most cut-and-dried, no-room-for-interpretation issues are mind-boggling. Their ability to produce feces sandwich decisions is awe-inspiring. Builder-friendly does not even move in the general direction of describing these twits.

So, even though you seem nice enough, for a Flahidian I mean, know that, at least in Texas, the majority (and I say this with assurance based upon years of experience and thousands of inspections) of third-party inspectors standing in for municipalities are as close to worthless as one can get. Not bull-tit worthless, because even tits on bulls come in right handy when describing low-life outfits like the Office of Truth.

What a phuquing handle!
