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Jeff Spencer
05-17-2008, 08:09 AM
Some realtors have standards, albeit low ones.........

I was commenting to another inspector the other day about the drop off in inspections from people using a particular brokerage -- the "ballonist" one.

Turns out the local broker has staffed dual licensed reator/inpsectors in each of her branch offices, at least one of which inspects anything for $150.00. The friend found this out when one of the realtors asked him what he charged, and she responded by telling him that she (the realtor) had told the realtor/inspector that she was not charging enough for her inspectors.

I don't think the realtor/inspectors are inspecting their own contracts, but this is definitely a conflict of interest and an abysmal display of ethics.

I can't wait to see what happens over time, hopefully short. One realtor inspector has already left the brokerage due to potential litigation over interpretation of the results of an inspection conducted by an outside inspector. It appears that a little soft-selling may have occurred. I really hope that what comes around goes around.


Rick Hurst
05-17-2008, 09:34 AM

I had a broker of a large Balloon office too ask me if I'd consider working for them. They wanted me to basically sit in the office and go over other HI's inspector reports to their clients.

Seems many HI's here in the area just go out and do the inspection and won't go over the report with them on the phone if they don't come to the inspection.

She wanted a "translator" you might say. Someone who could explain the findings a bit better than a realtor sitting down with their client and trying to make sense of the inspection report.

Actually, I could see where this may of be a service that someone could pull off but I think of all the legal liabilites would not be worth it.

By the way, my son is a realtor. (I know I know, we must have raised him wrong)

He doesn't even mention to his that I'm an Home Inspector cause I don't want his clients due to ethics.

He also a statement with his contracts that he furnishes his clients that advises them that he is only performing duties to them as their Realtor and does not comment at all on Home Inspection issues or represent himself to them as a HI during their home buying process.


Jeff Spencer
05-19-2008, 06:36 AM

I have nothing against an inspector interpreting a report to a client that might not understand terminology or SOP. Having inspectors in-house to make sure a sale is not lost or soft-sell deficiencies is something altogether different, as is having them present to ensure that rates are constantly low-balled.

I for one would have problems if another inspector who was not present at my inspection interpreted my findings to my client in a manner that I did not intend, or portrayed a deficiency as being something less than it really is without my consent. This is exactly what one of the realtor/inspectors did. That one now has legal issues, as does the inspector whose report was "interpreted."

By the same token, an inspector not being available to discuss an inspection report with his/her client is inexcusable. Somewhere around 80 - 90 percent of my inspections are done without my clients present, but I either meet or talk at length with close to 99 percent of them.

Rick Hurst
05-19-2008, 06:45 AM

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm with you a 100% on it.

As you said that any HI who would not take the time to explain his report to the client even if it had to be by phone is not right.

Anyone that would sit in a realtor office to go over the report would have to have the realtor best interest in mind or he'd wouldn't be there.
