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View Full Version : Low voltage/rust

Roni Litmanovic
04-30-2007, 10:31 AM
Just want to make sure these hanging wires are low voltage....any suggestions to client?

Rust...wow...recommend change panel?

Jerry Peck
04-30-2007, 11:40 AM
Those look like: 1- red, 1- white, and 1- ground, so, no, I doubt they are low voltage.

Just looks like someone pulled some wires out through a hole in the top of the enclosure (no conduit fitting or anything that I could see), in which case you will most likely find (if you could see there) open wiring in the wall - NOT GOOD.

As to the rust? Hard to tell in that photo, but if there are many other electrical problems, probably not a bad idea to recommend replacement, then let Dick-the-master-electrician come by and *buy* that panel from you by saying 'oh, it's only rusted part way through in a few places, so it's okay'. (Sorry Dick, but your posts on most things being 'A-OK' just sorta set you up for things like that. :D )