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View Full Version : The year for replacing

Ted Menelly
07-26-2008, 12:38 PM
This seems to be the year for replacing all the tools and equipment.

Laptop (of course software)
IR thermometer
Moisture Meter
voltage sniffer
today ( portable printer)
telescoping ladder

We all know what other tools we use. If you have spares of the ones not listed and just plain don't want those pesky extra tools lying around, message me and I will take those old, have to just store um anyway tools off your hands :)

At this rate I will be needing them

Matt Fellman
07-26-2008, 05:29 PM
I've had the same flashlight, tool belt, ladder and just about every other piece of equipment.... except, my voltage sniffer. I swear I lose one of those a week sometimes.

Jack Feldmann
07-26-2008, 08:43 PM
Not sure the reason for the post. Just looking for handouts Ted?

I don't think I've bought many new tools for several years. My Little Giant is about 17 years old, one moisture meter is close to 20, and all the other stuff is between 5 - 15. Laptop is getting replaced soon, and it's 5+ years old.

Ted Menelly
07-26-2008, 08:54 PM
Not sure the reason for the post. Just looking for handouts Ted?

I don't think I've bought many new tools for several years. My Little Giant is about 17 years old, one moisture meter is close to 20, and all the other stuff is between 5 - 15. Laptop is getting replaced soon, and it's 5+ years old.

Just maybe a point of similar happenings.

Just wondering if anyone may be having the same experiences, that's all. Seems like you get well ahead and damn, not another replacement.

Like the thread says, it seams like this year everything is going out at the same time. (well, stolen ladder from in front of the house I was inspecting) I guess I won't have to worry about those items for a while.

Hand out? Just a jest. Why you have some you want to give up.

Matt Fellman
07-26-2008, 11:08 PM
Shoot.... this just reminded me - I left my mask at a house on Thursday... I suffered through a crawl without it on Friday.... I'd go get it but at today's fuel prices it's cheaper to just replace it than drive the 50 miles round trip to retrive it.

Jack Feldmann
07-27-2008, 06:44 AM
Your post just reminded me I need to put a new pair of gloves in my truck. Friday I found I only had a right glove.

I would like to switch new the lighter Streamlight flashlights, but I have 4 Magchargers. I really like the bright light but would also like to lighten the tool belt a bit. But with about $500 worth of flashlights on the garage wall, I just don't see the point in changing.

Maybe I'll check and sell them on E-bay.

Nick Ostrowski
07-27-2008, 07:21 AM
I just upgraded from a $50 Plasplugs cheapo moisture meter to a $430 Protimeter Surveymaster. My camera has a lot of dust inside the lense which makes pics of white walls look..........well, dusty. Time for a new camera. And the ground prong on my outlet tester is loose so that is on the list for replacement. Also, my car died in the spring and I bought a new/used 2006 Explorer.

Yeah, it's a year of replacements for me too.

Ted Menelly
07-27-2008, 07:25 AM
You can't beat the Streamlight flashlights.

I don't know what it is about flashlights but I am good for a couple a year. The Streamlight flashlights are a bit much to replace but worth it.

At fifty miles round trip I would leave my streamlight where ever I left. Gas, time, also when you get back to where you left it will it still be there. I let kids play with the flashlight, or adults for that matter, at inspections and occasionally leave it behind. Out of sight out of mind until your back home again.

Nick Ostrowski
07-27-2008, 09:47 AM
I let kids play with the flashlight, or adults for that matter, at inspections and occasionally leave it behind. Out of sight out of mind until your back home again.

You're a trusting soul Ted. I don't let anybody use my tools with the occassional exception of letting them use my flashlight briefly to see in a dark attic space or confined area. And before I leave any house, I do a quick check of my bag to make sure I've left nothing behind.

Ted Menelly
07-27-2008, 10:26 AM
You're a trusting soul Ted. I don't let anybody use my tools with the occasional exception of letting them use my flashlight briefly to see in a dark attic space or confined area. And before I leave any house, I do a quick check of my bag to make sure I've left nothing behind.

Yeah I know. Can't help it. Everything tucked away in the truck. Talk to the buyers, the sellers if they are there, any agent if any that might be there (a little social marketing) before you know it you are locking up the house, a few more kind words, get in the truck with a polite smile on your face AND DRIVE AWAY.

Shoot, I let the buyers play with my IR thermometer if it keeps them away till I finish my report.

I do not let them use screw drivers or my ladder for any reason. I don't let them on the roof. Rare occasion I let them up in the attic. Usually just to the top of the stairs.

Brian Thomas
07-27-2008, 06:58 PM
You can't beat the Streamlight flashlights.

I don't know what it is about flashlights but I am good for a couple a year. The Streamlight flashlights are a bit much to replace but worth it.

At fifty miles round trip I would leave my streamlight where ever I left. Gas, time, also when you get back to where you left it will it still be there. I let kids play with the flashlight, or adults for that matter, at inspections and occasionally leave it behind. Out of sight out of mind until your back home again.

$120 for a new streamlight...im going back to get it if possible

Ted Menelly
07-27-2008, 07:16 PM
I think 4 over the many years.

If possible, is the key word. Over the years there have been a couple times I have gone back but could not for a day or so. One was there one wasn't. Another was put on my bumper by the buyer thinking I would get going back to the truck after about ten miles out the buyer asked if I got it off the bumper (highway trash I'm sure). The last one I did not bother going back. I live in north Fort Worth, I left it out by Rick in the Rowlett area. (Quite the ride and traffic).

Like I said there is something with me about flash lights. I think I will start duct taping them to my hand:)

The couple a year was a bit exaggerated.

Jim Luttrall
07-27-2008, 07:50 PM
Ted, I use a cop ring on my belt left over from my Mag light. I have the light on one side and camera on the other that goes everywhere. I feel naked without it. The step tool box holds everything else with a place for everything. The one thing I forget (at home) is my Supra key. No choice but to go back after that or I won't get in. Oven thermometers used to be my big thing to forget, but Knock on wood, I have not left one of those in quite a while.
Camera is at least a once per year purchase though, concrete does bad things to them.

Rick Hurst
07-27-2008, 07:54 PM

I've left a number of flashlights on HI's over the years. Some I've driven back for and others have way to far out to justify the gas and the loss of revenue on an HI during the drive time.

What I have is one of those Brother P-touch label makers with the word "Flashlight?" pasted onto my dashboard. Since doing this I have not lost a one.

Word to your mother,

Billy Stephens
07-27-2008, 08:58 PM
Camera is at least a once per year purchase though, concrete does bad things to them.
Might want to try Best Buy's 2 year repair - replacement warranty (it's an up charge).

Was looking the other day at the Sony DSC-T300. At $400.00 , warranty was about $55.00.

Asked the kid if I dropped it off the and it bounced on concrete was it still covered, assured me it was.

Found the same Model on line @ $241.00 & $254.00. ( still haven't pulled the trigger.)

The old DSC-T10 still going strong.

Ted Menelly
07-27-2008, 09:08 PM
Might want to try Best Buy's 2 year repair - replacement warranty (it's an up charge).

Was looking the other day at the Sony DSC-T300. At $400.00 , warranty was about $55.00.

Asked the kid if I dropped it off the and it bounced on concrete was it still covered, assured me it was.

Found the same Model on line @ $241.00 & $254.00. ( still haven't pulled the trigger.)

The old DSC-T10 still going strong.

i just bought that camera for 359 and the drop it replace it warranty. That was at best buy. They were asking 399 but I told them to check the internet on their sight and it was listed for 359.

So far it is a great camera. As soon as you take the picture you can write a note on the picture or just put an arrow on the pic. Great rear screen (touch screen) for viewing and takes great pictures as well.

I checked the day before I bought it on the Internet and the cheapest was mid 300's. If you can get for the mid 2's, buy it. I don't think you will see it for less anytime soon.


My old Sony, still have it for back up, hit the concrete going up the ladder or coming out of an attic so many times I cannot remember. The thing was a tank. Some how I think if this one hits the concrete it will be once by the looks of it.

Yeah, tomorrow the bolt goes in the side of the head tomorrow to secure the camera and flashlight.

Paul Kondzich
07-27-2008, 10:53 PM
My tablet computer was on the way out so Best Buy had a nice Dell for around $500 (not a tablet just a regular laptop.) So I spend the better part of a day loading stuff, and nothing is working. It would appear to load from a disk, but printers etc would not work. My inspection program out of JAX Fl. that i bought when I lived there) also does not work. I called them and there is no patch or upgrade available, I almost got a sorry from them.

So now I have an Inspection program and 2 printers that are worthless all thanks to Windows Vista. I guess my best option is ditching Vista and installing XP. Can you say planned obsolescence?

Anyone have any ideas?

Matt Fellman
07-27-2008, 11:50 PM
I use a belt clip 'U' shaped thingy to hold my flashlight... It never comes out but is much easier to get out of than a solid O-ring. I feel like John Wayne with my quickdraw sidearm as I'm out searching for rotten deck joists and scrambling termites :)

Speaking of leaving tools behind... a co-worker recalls this tale every once in awhile.... He leaves his cordless drill on the kitchen counter of the house and realized it the next day. As luck would have it, it was about a 50-mile drive back to the house (each way). This was when gas was 'cheap' so he reluctantly heads back only to find a seller not home when they said and his drill in easy sight on the kitchen counter. He said it took all the strength he had not to bust the back window and get his drill back... Knowing him, he probably reemed the house and the seller screwed him on purpose :)

I find I have to attach everything to my body or I'll leave it behind.... Except the contract and check, of course. For some reason I remember those.

Erby Crofutt
07-28-2008, 04:02 AM
Asked the kid if I dropped it off the and it bounced on concrete was it still covered, assured me it was.

Sure sounds like things I hear a lot of agents say!

Ya know, like "Don't worry about the broken AC, the home warranty will cover it".

Might want to read the fine print.

Brian Thomas
07-28-2008, 04:58 AM
SOunds like I will have to budget the cost of broken tools and tools left behind into my business plan! ha ha Sounds like pretty much everyone has forgotten something on an inspection at one time or another.

A $10 GFCI tester? That can stay lost. A $500 moisture meter? Im doing whatever I can within reason to get that back and that includes throwing a brick thru a window if the homeowner isnt home :p

Eric Barker
07-28-2008, 09:50 AM
I have used a Platt case for 15 years. It keeps the tools separated and in their own specific place - easy to see what you didn't put back in. Same with the tool belt. Equipment that I don't frequently use I keep in a tool box or storage totes in the truck. Since I wear "indoor" shoes I tend to leave the outdoor ones behind, but not very often. Flashlights are charged in the truck so I never leave them at home. The one restriction that I do have is not fitting into a smaller vehicle.

The Platt case is bulky but for keeping things in their place and not banging around I have found no better alternative.

Ted Menelly
07-28-2008, 10:19 AM
My tablet computer was on the way out so Best Buy had a nice Dell for around $500 (not a tablet just a regular laptop.) So I spend the better part of a day loading stuff, and nothing is working. It would appear to load from a disk, but printers etc would not work. My inspection program out of JAX Fl. that i bought when I lived there) also does not work. I called them and there is no patch or upgrade available, I almost got a sorry from them.

So now I have an Inspection program and 2 printers that are worthless all thanks to Windows Vista. I guess my best option is ditching Vista and installing XP. Can you say planned obsolescence?

Anyone have any ideas?

Inspection Depot, Jax Florida. That is one of a few home inspector courses I took. Can't remember the first company. Back in the mid 80's. The third was ITA for the sake that Texas did not recognize the other courses or past experience or the fact that I was an incorporated Home Inspection Company, or, or, or.

As far as Vista. The only problem I have had with Vista is on this site. If I bring a posted pic up and then close that pic in anyway it shuts down the site and windows explorer. Other than that I think Vista is great. Many people told me the original vista had lots of problems.

You should be able to load drivers for your printers from the website for that company.

Maybe its the Dell. I have had a few folks tell me they won't by another Dell.

Billy Stephens
07-28-2008, 05:41 PM
--it shuts down the site and windows explorer. .
Might want to try Fire Fox as your internet browser. ;)

Rick Hurst
07-28-2008, 06:58 PM
I didn't lose a tool today but I did drive approx. 35 miles roundtrip back to the office to retrieve my moisture detector I had left.

It was one of those showers that you know just has to be leaking somewhere.

Lets say, it was worth the trip.