View Full Version : I want to shoot someone!!

Anthony Alderman
08-08-2008, 06:08 AM
like probably most of you, I carry my most common tools that I need in a bag and I take with me into the house. Moisture meter, camera, etc. etc. etc. well yesterday my house was broken into. So along with everything that they got including my laptop they got, you guessed it, my bag. I've never been hit like that, I've been sick in my stomach ever since. But thanks guys I just wanted to bitch.

Jerry Peck
08-08-2008, 06:36 AM

That hurts just thinking about it.

Hope you can get it all replaced pronto.

Think of the positive side of it ... except for whatever data you lost in your notebook computer that was not also on your desktop computer ... you'll look like a newbie again with ALL BRAND SPANKING NEW EQUIPMENT! :cool:

Instead of having some old, some not so old, some sorta new, some outdated, etc., equipment - yours will now be all new from the get go.

We gotta envy that :cool: ... just not what it took for you to get to that point. :(

Anthony Alderman
08-08-2008, 06:46 AM
I must admit I had not thought of it that way, but you do have a point. It's just that you get attached to some things and some things are just dame hard to find. I guess I get to go hunting again...... I do however kind of like the "buying ALL new stuff" though. I guess your right.. I'll look on the semi bright side.

Rick Hurst
08-08-2008, 07:00 AM
The burgulary sucks, but the idea of going out and getting all new tools sounds great. Makes me want to leave the door unlocked today.

Think of it as kind of like Christmas.

I hope they catch those rat bastards who took your stuff too.


Jerry Peck
08-08-2008, 07:23 AM
The burgulary sucks,

Yes it does.

In Gainesville, Florida, around 1980 (give or take a couple of years) my work van (I was doing contraction back then) was broken into and cleaned out (I kept all my tools in the van in specially made racks, everything in its place, loaded to the hilt with tools.

Upon moving to South Florida in June 1987, the night I moved down, my garage was broken into and several tools boxes containing many of my mechanical tools were taken.

In 1994 our house (we had moved from the first house to this house in 1992) in South Florida was broken into and they took a bunch of jewelry, couple of TVs, and things like that.

It always feels like you've been violated to the core, but you recover and get past it.

Rick said "I hope they catch those rat bastards who took your stuff too."

To add to that: And ... them. (use your imagination to fill in the blank) :)

Anthony Alderman
08-08-2008, 07:43 AM
I know your right about getting over it... justcant picture that yet.

On a better note...wheres the best place (on line) for meters moisture, sniffer, stingers ect. in your opinion??

Anthony Alderman
08-08-2008, 07:45 AM
about newbie status again...... I worked really hard to bang up my ultra stinger so it looked worn in....

Ted Menelly
08-08-2008, 07:47 AM
I know your right about getting over it... justcant picture that yet.

On a better note...wheres the best place (on line) for meters moisture, sniffer, stingers ect. in your opinion??

Gas detectors | Thermal Imaging Cameras (http://www.professionalequipment.com)

Some things a a little more expensive but on the average not bad.

Jerry Peck
08-08-2008, 07:56 AM
Professional Equipment: (what Ted linked to) Gas detectors | Thermal Imaging Cameras (http://www.professionalequipment.com/)

Tool Experts: Tool Experts-Home Inspection, Maintenance, and Testing Instruments (http://www.toolexperts.com/)

Inspector Tools: http://www.inspectortools.com/

and don't forget you local Grainger's: Grainger Industrial Supply (http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/wwg/start.shtml)

Ron Bibler
08-08-2008, 08:13 AM
Tony tell us that they did not get the cigars.

I an deal with the tools. But to take a mans cigars.


I like good (AVO) Cigar Gold band with a glass of grand Marnier.

Tony if you look at garage sales you can find old things. Its a good bet its kid just around the block from you house. check with Cops that work you area. i bet they know something. a good cop known all the kids in the hood.



Anthony Alderman
08-08-2008, 08:32 AM
Cigars are safe... I would hjate to think what they would do to a good cigar,,, maybe a Dominican Blunt :) .... parish the thought!!!

well I'll be shopping online tonight. Thanks for all the links

Anthony Alderman
08-08-2008, 08:34 AM
Carolina Cigar Co makes a great Robusto called Gold. Also like Macanundo robustos.

Bud Butczynski
08-08-2008, 09:31 AM
http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/s.gifIf your into older tools, this one might still be available.

http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/pict/220261702610.jpg (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220261702610&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:US:1123)

VINTAGE MINERS WOOD CANARY CAGE**CARBON MONOXIDE DECT. (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220261702610&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:US:1123)
Current price:$52.96

Don't let it get away http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/s.gifhttp://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/buttons/btnPlaceabid.gif (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&&item=220261702610&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:US:1120)

Hope they catch the scumbags!!!

Brian Thomas
08-08-2008, 10:45 AM
Tony tell us that they did not get the cigars.

I an deal with the tools. But to take a mans cigars.


I like good (AVO) Cigar Gold band with a glass of grand Marnier.

Tony if you look at garage sales you can find old things. Its a good bet its kid just around the block from you house. check with Cops that work you area. i bet they know something. a good cop known all the kids in the hood.



And who says home inspectors are just blue collar shmoes that dont have any class? :)

Brandon Chew
08-08-2008, 11:17 AM
In Gainesville, Florida, around 1980 (give or take a couple of years) my work van (I was doing contraction back then) was broken into and cleaned out (I kept all my tools in the van in specially made racks, everything in its place, loaded to the hilt with tools.

Upon moving to South Florida in June 1987, the night I moved down, my garage was broken into and several tools boxes containing many of my mechanical tools were taken.

In 1994 our house (we had moved from the first house to this house in 1992) in South Florida was broken into and they took a bunch of jewelry, couple of TVs, and things like that.

:eek: Note to self: do not relocate into Jerry's neighborhood. :D