View Full Version : Seeking info on Galveston accessibility

Phyllis Lazaro
09-23-2008, 03:25 PM
Can anyone advise if the commercial properties along Broadway and Sealy Avenue are accessible? How do I find information on Galveston current condition and/or when areas will be open for inspections?

Richard Stanley
09-24-2008, 06:49 AM
You gotta be kidding. They haven't even let the residents in there. No gas, No elect, No water. Call city administration for info. I suggest you take a respirator or at least a face mask if and when you go.

Wayne Carlisle
09-24-2008, 07:43 AM
Heard on the radio this AM 9/24 that they are allowing residents back in.

They say there was a 10 mile back-up to get back onto the island.

They also said to bring your own water, food and gas!

Brian Thomas
09-25-2008, 04:54 AM
If I lived on galveston before this, I certainly would move much farther inland after this. Ill never understand why people want to live in such a shaky weather area. Every hurricane season, people must be shaking along any hurricane region. The coastal areas are beautiful but there is a price for that beauty.

Galveston has been hit with some major major hurricanes in the past. It was completely wiped out in 1900 by one of the strongest hurricanes ever.

I prefer to live far far away from the coasts.

Scott Patterson
09-25-2008, 05:46 AM
My son-in-law, his father and uncle are down in Houston doing disaster inspections for Parr. They were told yesterday that it will be around another 5 days before they will even deploy inspectors into Galveston. They might setup inspection centers for the residents to come to the inspectors until they can get into the most devastated areas.

They use an RV as their office/home and had to park at an RV park in Rosenberg, TX just so they could have full hook-ups. They have around a 50 mile drive before they start their inspections right now.

Wayne Carlisle
09-25-2008, 07:48 AM
Well folks...I'll be able to tell you first hand in just a few days...IF I can find access to a computer.

The city has asked me to help out with inspections in the Galveston area. I spoke with the Disaster Team Coordinator this AM and will be going ASAP (paperwork).

It will be very interesting at the least!

Jerry Peck
09-25-2008, 11:52 AM
Well folks...I'll be able to tell you first hand in just a few days...IF I can find access to a computer.

The city has asked me to help out with inspections in the Galveston area. I spoke with the Disaster Team Coordinator this AM and will be going ASAP (paperwork).

It will be very interesting at the least!


Let us know how it goes, I, and others who are out-of-state (and even other in-state but who do not work for a municipality in Texas) were told that we were "ineligible" to help out, you have to be a licensed inspector in Texas and working for a municipality or licensed private provider type company.

Phyllis Lazaro
09-26-2008, 10:54 AM
To let you know - If you are a licensed adjuster in Texas or reciprocal state, you will be allowed on the island for inspections. Go with care and take all equipment (long sleeves, long pants, boots, masks, bug spray) water and any necessities. You are on your own - but you can get in and many roads are accessible (some still not) - no phone lines or power but cell phones work - you may have to call several times to get an answer but cells do work. Will be there Monday & Tuesday. Will try to send update once I get back. Understand you have to be off the island before dark, which is no problem for me.

Jerry Peck
09-26-2008, 12:37 PM
To let you know - If you are a licensed adjuster in Texas or reciprocal state, you will be allowed on the island for inspections.


You lost me there ... "If you are a licensed adjuster" then "will be allowed on the island for inspections"??

And "adjuster" does not do "inspections", they do 'insurance adjuster inspections', which is not like either "code inspections" or "home inspections".

After Hurricane Andrew I did some insurance adjuster inspections helping some insurance adjuster friends out (and make some, but not a lot, of money for my troubles, they got the bulk of the money, but it kept me busy for those first few months after the hurricane).

You are not talking about "home inspections" or "code inspections" are you?

Phyllis Lazaro
09-26-2008, 01:17 PM
Sorry to confuse you. I am an all lines adjuster - I do field inspections for insurance companies and their insureds. This inspection is for "fine arts" line but we also inspection cranes, oilfield equipment and off road equipment. We determine what it will take to repair/replace - or indemnify the insured. Each case is different - but you need to see what you are dealing with, if it's still available to see.