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  1. #1
    Michael P. O'Handley's Avatar
    Michael P. O'Handley Guest

    Exclamation New Guidebook Published For Washington State Inspectors

    A quick note for all Washington state inspectors or those inspectors from neighboring states that hold Washington State home inspector licenses:

    Washington State Department of Licensing has now published a booklet containing everything that you, your clients or the public needs to know about licensing. It's available for download on the web at:

    This packages all of the RCWs for Home Inspectors, Definitions, Inspector Licensing, Home Inspector Education, the Standards of Practice and the Uniform Regulation of Business and Professions Act all at one link so it can downloaded or printed out as a single document/handout for distribution to customers, agents, bankers, real estate attorneys, etc.

    Also, all inspectors that are currently practicing home inspections in the state, regardless of whether they have gotten their license or not, must now perform their inspections to the new Washington State Home Inspectors Standard of Practice and their reports must contain all information mandated under the new rules.

    Additionally, inspectors must maintain all records in accordance with the new administrative rules for home inspectors, inspectors may not work on any home that they've inspected for at least a year after completing the inspection, inspectors must disclose any conflicts of interest, and inspectors are now prohibited from participating in certain types of marketing arrangements.

    Details can be found in the guidebook.


    Mike O'Handley, LHI
    Your Inspector LLC.
    Kenmore, Washington
    Wa. Lic. Home Inspector #202

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: New Guidebook Published For Washington State Inspectors

    Say Mike Got a Question for... If a HI has a pest control company. And provides a pest report on the same home he provides a HI Report can he treat the home for pest under his pest control Lic ?



  3. #3
    Michael P. O'Handley's Avatar
    Michael P. O'Handley Guest

    Default Re: New Guidebook Published For Washington State Inspectors

    I think that's a question for the folks at DOL. They're the ones charged with enforcing that and I don't want to give out erroneous information that could somehow be construed as being "official."




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