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11-25-2009, 11:38 AM #1
To the members of OAHI,
Within the last seven days some dramatic events have taken place. Your President....Phil Botrielle, Vice President...myself, and a Director....Mike Lipczynski have resigned. I have also resigned from the Chair of the DPPC. We have done so as a result of the moral and ethical bankrupcy of Guy Bataglini, Glenn Gogal, Phil Robinson, and in part Gerry Quackenbush and with the assistance of the Registrar. These individuals orchestrated these events in an effort to confine membership and control to the GTA having absolutely no regard for the members outside this area. They will also be the architects of OAHI's demise and to this point the root of all the friction between CAHPI and OAHI.
It is very unfortunate that we three have been forced into these actions as we all had hoped to create a change within OAHI that would be professionally recognized within our industry and publicly. However the conniving behaviors of these people proved greater than our desire to move forward. For years we have heard the membership scream for change but alas those screams fell on deaf ears but not without a fight by the three of us doing our job.
If the entire membership thinks there is a future for OAHI I strenuously recommend you think again. If you really want to change things then I would again strenuously recommend you take a stand, demand a special meeting, motion to replace these people with bonified volunteers who want to make a difference and place a moral and ethical value to our profession. Otherwise your dues are wasted.
Wayne Christopher,
VP and DPPC Chair
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11-25-2009, 11:40 AM #2
And this from the BOD. Already the stories are not the same. I hope the monies members just sent in for renewal are sound and safe given that OAHI has not release audited financial statement in many, many months as required.
To all OAHI Members,
This letter is to inform you that President Phil Bottriell and Vice President Wayne Christropher resigned on November 23, 2009 and November 24, 2009 respectively.
Their resignations, although unanticipated, stem from personal reasons. We ask that you the members join us the Board of Directors in acknowledging their invaluable contribution to our Association and wish them well in their endeavours. In the mean time we are planning a meeting later this week to appoint an interim President to oversee the direction of the Association.
Our Board as of today consists of:
Doug Azar – Treasurer
Guy Battaglini – Secretary
Glenn Gogal – Past President
Gerry Quackenbush – Director
Mike Lipczynski – Director
Phil Robinson – Director
The Board will continue its work of carrying on with the business of the Association. We acknowledge that information has not been forthcoming in the many months since the election earlier this year and we are working on improving this. You should know that we are currently collaborating with the various committees of our organization to develop a newsletter to inform you of our accomplishments, some programs currently in progress and soon to be released, and our goals for the upcoming year.
To put an exclamation point on our commitment to more frequent communication, Director Phil Robinson has been appointed as Liaison to the Regional Meeting Group Chairs. This initiative was designed to foster open dialogue between the Board and the Meeting Group Chairs via monthly conference calls. We believe this structure will help to provide an exchange of information between the Meeting Groups and the Board so that ideas, suggestions, concerns, feedback etc. can be disseminated and acted upon in an efficient and consistent manner.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. The Holiday Season is fast approaching and with this we wish you and your families a safe and Happy Holidays!!!
OAHI Board of Directors.