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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Teamsters Canada supports the Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors - News - Teamsters Canada online

    Some of the things that we are about.

    That’s right! A.C.H.I. provides all members with free educational opportunities. All Alliance courses are free to members and presented at convenient locations at convenient times.

    Why? Because your ALLIANCE OF CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS believes it is most important to provide members with the opportunity to upgrade themselves at a cost that all members can afford. FREE !

    SPEAK AND BE HEARD! Membership in the ALLIANCE OF CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS gives all members through their ALLIANCE, access to the Teamster Professional Lobbyists. For the first time Canadian members will have a voice in the halls of government that will be heard. With the backing of 1.7 million affiliated Teamsters, and their professional lobbyists, Alliance members will be recognized and regaurded.

    SLEEP AT NIGHT! With the strength of numbers the ALLIANCE will negotiate lower insurance costs for members so all members, should they wish, will be able to afford Errors and Omissions insurance, liability insurance and reduced rates on many other types of insurance.

    MEMBERS WILL NOT STAND ALONE. If the need arises, the ALLIANCE will provide members with legal consultations so that no member need face legal issues without expert advice. A percentage of membership dues will be put aside to build a ‘war chest’ to finance the legal defense of members. Through a “Legal DEFENSE” committee members will be able to request that the ALLIANCE supply advice and in certain cases, representation. The legal DEFENSE committee will assess each request and assign a ‘para-legal’ councilor for a consultation. The legal DEFENSE committee will decide when a case has ‘national’ importance and would effect all members / the industry and may then, participate through the courts.

    IT COULDN’T HAPPEN TO YOU? The Alliance in conjunction with the Teamsters will make health and disability programmes available to members. With the strength of numbers from the alliance with the Teamsters of Canada, members need not risk their health or financial futures to accident of ill health.

    BUYING POWER. With the strength of numbers the Alliance has already negotiated lower costs for goods and services for members. Ever wanted to know what it felt like to have ‘buying power’? Members do!

    EVERYBODY WELCOME! For a period of one year after the initial launch all practicing home inspectors who have successfully operated for a period of one year and completed 20 home inspections ( subject to verification) will be welcomed into the Alliance as members. Once inside the “big tent” members, regardless of their experience or training will be able to take advantage of the FREE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES to upgrade their skills and improve themselves and the industry.

    IT’S OFFICIAL! All written or oral examinations administered upon completion of courses offered by the Alliance will be proctored at union halls throughout the country as required. Members who attend a course will get credit. Make it count.

    NEED A WEB SITE? Professional web design at reduced costs will be made available to all members. It is the 21’st century and every serious Home Inspector needs a web presence in the form of a modern, technically cutting edge web site. The same team that is providing the ALLIANCE web site will design a “killer” site for members at reduced cost. Seeing is believing!

    SELL, SELL, SELL! One of the hardest parts of establishing and maintaining a Home Inspection business is marketing it. Let’s be honest, most inspectors are great technicians but lowsy marketers. So the Alliance will provide marketing advice and resources to all members. Through courses, resource materials and professional consultations every member will be able to craft a marketing campaign to success.

    CALL AND ASK A FELLOW INSPECTOR No inspector works alone. Every member will be able to call experienced fellow inspectors when they encounter the unknown in the field. Help, advice and assistance are just a call away.

    DON’T MISS THE BIG SHOW! As membership builds and the ALLIANCE web site develops courses will be available to all members over the net. Study from the comfort of your own easy chair and improve your knowledge of our industry. Credit for these courses will be contingent upon the completion of a proctored exam.

    NO FREE LUNCH. Not one penny of tax payers money was used in the construction of the ALLIANCE OF CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS INC. Your ALLIANCE is beholden to no one. With the strength of numbers provided by our association with the TEAMSTERS of Canada, your ALLIANCE is already at work in the halls of government across Canada working to win the recognition that ALLIANCE members deserve.

    “BOOK LEARNIN’ AIN’T ENOUGH!” The one thing that all the classroom courses cannot provide is hands on experience. Without actual in-field experience a newly graduated Inspector lacks the most valuable part of his education. New members will be mentored by experienced inspectors in the field during actual inspections. Their performance will be assessed and areas of improvement suggested. Doing is the best way of learning. And the years of acquired knowledge and experience of our senior members will be available to our newest members through mentoring and apprenticeship programmes now under development.

    THE MOST IMPORTANT PART Every member is encouraged to help build and operated the Alliance. There is no elite. There are no industry leaders, and no good old boys. This association was established by inspectors just like you; will be grown by inspectors just like you; and will be operated by inspectors just like you.

    And we are still working on bigger and better things.

    Membership dues are a grand total of $399.00 plus tax cdn and nothing more.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Vancouver - Canada

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Great ! Just what we don't need. Another certification agency adding further confusion to the unknowing home-buying public.

    What the heck is wrong with the Associations already in place ? It seems when ever new wanna-be home inspectors can't cut the mustard to meet current requirements of the established Associations, they run off and seek out watered-down on-line certification organizations.

    All that does is confuses the general public because they think their getting a "Certified" home inspector and what they (oftentimes) get is a guy who's barely done 20 inspections and completed an on-line certification.

    If anything, we need much tighter requirements, not these drive-through certifications. Doing 20 inspections does not cut it and inexperienced, un-qualified inspectors only serve to give this industry a bad name, drive up insurance costs and create topics for the 6:00 o'clock news.

    Joe Klampfer RHI
    Pacific Home Inspections

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    What have the other associations offered?

    OAHI in Ontario has failed miserably and assisted in pulling down the National Cert. program and have failed to deliver on a number of issues and items.

    As for entry requirements... this from the ACHI.

    The minimum one or more years of documented inspection business and 20 documented inspection reports is the entrance guideline for the grandfathering period only. We at ACHI understand that in order to gain credibility and not be exclusionary, we must allow for every practicing home inspector to have the opportunity to upgrade their skills and develop their career to be able to meet the standard at a non prohibitive cost: FREE. This is what the grandfathering period allows: the opportunity to learn and upgrade skills so that the standard will be attainable by all.

    Once the grandfathering period is over (1 year after launch) the entrance and maintenance criteria will be much tighter......and will include education requirements, and entrance exam and a mentoring/apprenticeship for new inspectors, or increased experience, a proficiency exam and retraining (if warrented) for established inspectors. As per THE ALLIANCE OF CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS, everyone is welcome and we are here to help the home inspector grow in the industry and in their business. All members, both during and after the grandfathering period, will be required to complete a compulsory amount of education credits (courses Free to all members) in order to remain a member in good standing.

    It is the combination of both, the grandfathering period and the requirements that will come after, that will make up the educational requirements and knowledge required to be a professional inspector as per THE ALLIANCE OF CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS. .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Klampfer View Post
    Great ! Just what we don't need. Another certification agency adding further confusion to the unknowing home-buying public.

    What the heck is wrong with the Associations already in place ? It seems when ever new wanna-be home inspectors can't cut the mustard to meet current requirements of the established Associations, they run off and seek out watered-down on-line certification organizations.

    All that does is confuses the general public because they think their getting a "Certified" home inspector and what they (oftentimes) get is a guy who's barely done 20 inspections and completed an on-line certification.

    If anything, we need much tighter requirements, not these drive-through certifications. Doing 20 inspections does not cut it and inexperienced, un-qualified inspectors only serve to give this industry a bad name, drive up insurance costs and create topics for the 6:00 o'clock news.
    The Teamsters Union association is the scary part of this organization.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Actually, it is not the Teamsters Union of Canada that is running the show. It is ACHI, who is made up of home inspectors, that is being supported by the Teamsters and will be overseeing the qualification process and setting the standards. It is the membership that will be using their voice to decide the direction and future of the industry.

    The $396 yearly fee will offer the inspectors great value for their $. I don't see it as a waste to pay that due yearly, and in return receive free education to upgrade skills, support for my business needs and discounts on supplies/website/print material ect....not to mention access to lobbyists, reduced insurance costs, access to a legal defense fund, access to health & disability insurance, web presence design assistance at reduced costs, marketing assistance to help home inspectors grow their business and more.....I'd say all in all a pretty good bang for their buck!

    To see a list of all the benefits that can be enjoyed by members please don't hesitate to visit our website at The ACHI Forums - The Front Page .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    I see this is primarily an Ontario group of InterNachi inspectors. Disgruntled?
    You mean Nick isn't looking after your best interests anymore?
    What's happened to Cannachi?
    National Certification?
    We are aware of the troubles you've had in the past with OAHI. We are lucky to have a good CAHPI group out here in BC, and we have the only Legal Benefits Plan in the country.

    There's good logic in teaming up with the big union, financial and legal support. Good luck with it.

    How will brothers in other parts of the county attend meetings and receive their education?

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    What have the other associations offered?
    I can't speak for other associations, but InterNACHI offers about $50,000.00 worth of membership benefits.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Really! Can you give us a breakdown of those benefits and the value of each one?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Windsor Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    As stated already on another forum -

    "Accepts all practicing Home Inspectors. The A.C.H.I. has been formed to welcome as many Home Inspectors as want to join. For the first year after the official launch, any practicing Home Inspector who has completed a minimum one or more years of documented inspection business and completed 20 docuented inspections will be able to join the A.C.H.I. without the later to be required community college courses under their belts. There are special provisions for Inspectors who have been in the business for longer periods of time too."

    Not an attack, and just my opinion, but Raymond this is way too easy!

    This would be catering to lowering the certification standard in many associations. It would seem this is simply to capture numbers.

    Can I count the 5 or ten mentored inspections?

    Can I count the 10 I did for the family and friends?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..


    Grandfathering is quite common.

    Further the National Certification is also not in abeyance with one of the principal requirements of a certifying body as per CAN P9. Further who has reviewed the TIPR protocols and who approved the TIPR examiners? Your standards are not approved by anyone but you and yours.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Windsor Ontario

    Wink Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    My point being does raising the bar or lowering the qualifications help?

    Although you note one may not be completely CAN-P-9 compliant does not mean that one cannot at least map and realize that mapping to such a standard is a waste or unimportant exercise. Hence review by a third party at least puts some value to the whole exercise.

    Grandfathering an inspector with only 20 inspections as experience for certrification is just moving the bar barely above the minimum of selfcertification by an unproctored, online exam.

    Would you like a free order of fries with that 21st inspection?

  12. #12
    Alexander Hembery's Avatar
    Alexander Hembery Guest

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    So Claude, what has 20 years of your exclusionary organization's rein brought us all? It has produced a fractured and divided industry with a few 'industry leaders' who think that members of their organizations are nothing but cash cows. Or worse, these same leaders have used their memberships to try to obtain power over the rest of us and the ability to determine which of their friends are going to be inspectors and which are not. With 98% of Canadian Inspectors on the outside looking in, it seems obvious that the system you defend is not working. In fact it has all but destroyed this industry. Now is the time for the old guard to step aside.

    But come clean Claude. The ALLIANCE has already suggested to you that you submit your course for assessment and you have not. Is it not true that when the ALLIANCE puts the education requirement in place and only accepts college or college equivalency as the entry level requirement, that you and your course, without that acceptance, will be out of business? Admit it Claude; your fear is that when the ALLIANCE puts the educational requirements in place, next year, and assuming that you either do not submit your course for approval or it does not receive recognition as 'college equivalent', that you may be out of business.

    You are not being honest with us Claude.

    The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS has negotiated a purchase of service agreement with the TEAMSTERS that allows access to all of their vast resources. It gives Canadian Inspectors access to reduced costs on goods and services, access to 27 paid professional lobbyists who will make sure that the voice of Canadian Inspectors is heard in the halls of government, and the kind of influence usually enjoyed by much larger groups ( but then having 130,000 friends will do that !! ), access to education that actually means something to every-day practicing inspectors like marketing, business operations, new technology and all the plumbing, electrical, structural, heating / cooling courses that a full PROFESSIONAL education department can develop for us.

    We have all seen what the old associations have accomplished. We have all watched as they have divided us into smaller and smaller groups. We have all seen how qualified experienced inspectors have been turned away because they did not kiss the proper posterior. We have all seen how these 'industry leaders' have told experienced inspectors who have been in the business for years, that they are not good enough to wear the vaunted ( insert the name of a made up certification here). It is not good enough. And this has changed.

    The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS is grandfathering inspectors for the next year. This is not to water down the industry as some have claimed ( usually that 'some' have a vested interest in keeping the old ways alive). It is an attempt to bring as many inspectors into the tent as possible, unlike the old associations who told the vast majority of us that we were not good enough to join their private clubs. The only way to improve the industry is to welcome inspectors of every age, experience and education level and then give them the tools to improve their knowledge base. The A.C.H.I. is not interested in certifying anyone as that is the first step to dividing us up into those deemed worthy and the rest of us! But the A.C.H.I. is here to help every inspector improve their knowledge base with the educational opportunities, help and encouragement not offered in Canada by any of the old private clubs.

    The old associations told the majority of inspectors that they were not good enough to join the ( insert name of private club here). The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS tells members that you are 'good enough' and can be better and then provides the tools and encouragement to help every inspector to become his best.

    Apparently some find this to be really threatening.

    The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS is a trans-CANADA organization. Our purchase of service agreement with the TEAMSTERS gives us access to meeting halls in virtually every community. Our access to their PROFESSIONAL education development department gives us the ability to offer courses and lectures in every one of those halls. Further, education, information, and help will be available on line for those who cannot travel to meetings as soon as membership ( and the budget ) support it.

    So, which model gives the most support to CANADIAN Inspectors;

    The old associations who divide us up into warring factions or ACHI that unites inspectors under one big roof? Which do you prefer; the old style private organizations populated with 'industry leaders' who want to control you and your business, 'educators' who have a vested interest in keeping the old ways alive, rules and regulations that make you jump through hoops to gain the made up accreditations put in place by the self appointed; the 'here today' - 'gone tomorrow' certifications developed with the use of millions of dollars of tax payer's money -


    Do you prefer an organization built from the ground up with private funds ( no lost millions of tax dollars here), by inspectors just like you who have worked in this industry for years, that provides FREE professionally developed education to members in the form of courses, lectures, informational presentations, in every community across the country; that provides everything from reduced costs of goods and services to a legal defense fund to business and marketing courses; to access to the people in government who actually make the decisions ( not more letter writing campaigns to local MPs - and we know where those end up! - no more "high level meetings" with gate keepers and low level minions, but finally a voice that will be heard) and the opportunity to join and become actively involved in running a new kind of association for ALL inspectors, all for $396 / year.

    You decide.

    The ACHI Forums - The Front Page

    ( In the interests of honesty, "Alexander Hembery" is really GEORGE LUCK - President of the A.C.H.I. who was having log-in problems this morning)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Sounds like a typical union sales pitch. Not that I have dog in this fight, I just have little use for unions. What part of the $396 are union dues?

    I just fear that the Teamsters will be looking south of the boarder. They have tried to get their thumb in the HI profession before in the States, looks like they have finally done it in Canada.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  14. #14
    Alexander Hembery's Avatar
    Alexander Hembery Guest

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Scott, I couldn't agree with you more! I am probably less likely to join a union than you are.

    But we are not a union.

    We are not shilling for union membership. We are not in anyway representing unionization. What we have done is conclude a business relationship with the TEAMSTERS of CANADA and signed a 'purchase of services' agreement with them. This allows our members to enjoy all the benefits of the TEAMSTERS vast resources, use their political clout, employ their lobbyists, benefit from FREE education, save on goods and services WITHOUT being members of any union. We don't strike. We don't have to honour strike lines. We don't have to support any TEAMSTER political programmes. We don't have to involve ourselves in any way in union business.

    It's the best of both worlds. We remain independent businessmen operating our own businesses in any way we wish. While at the same time we enjoy all the strengths that belonging to a 130,000 member organization can bring. It is a unique and revolutionary development in the world of Home Inspections. The only similarity between the ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS and any union is our mutual belief that the voice of the membership must be heard. And that too is unique in this industry.

    ( and Scott? Word has it that you will see a similar development down there soon too )

    The ACHI Forums - The Front Page

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Typical fear factor and ignorance, just because the union is providing services does not make ACHI a union, nor will home inspectors be operating under union rules.

    An alliance is an agreement between two or more parties, made in order to advance common goals and to secure common interests.

    There are currently 7 associations in Ontario, pick one to join, or join all seven! Each one has benefits and draw backs.

    OAHI has an alliance with ASHI
    ASHI has an alliance with OAHI
    CAHPI/OAHI has an alliance with each other
    PHPIC has an alliance with National Certification.
    CanNachi has an alliance with InterNachi.

    Now ... doesn't that make it simple to understand?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Hembery View Post
    Scott, I couldn't agree with you more! I am probably less likely to join a union than you are.

    But we are not a union.

    We are not shilling for union membership. We are not in anyway representing unionization. What we have done is conclude a business relationship with the TEAMSTERS of CANADA and signed a 'purchase of services' agreement with them. This allows our members to enjoy all the benefits of the TEAMSTERS vast resources, use their political clout, employ their lobbyists, benefit from FREE education, save on goods and services WITHOUT being members of any union. We don't strike. We don't have to honour strike lines. We don't have to support any TEAMSTER political programmes. We don't have to involve ourselves in any way in union business.

    It's the best of both worlds. We remain independent businessmen operating our own businesses in any way we wish. While at the same time we enjoy all the strengths that belonging to a 130,000 member organization can bring. It is a unique and revolutionary development in the world of Home Inspections. The only similarity between the ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS and any union is our mutual belief that the voice of the membership must be heard. And that too is unique in this industry.

    ( and Scott? Word has it that you will see a similar development down there soon too )

    The ACHI Forums - The Front Page
    Thanks, I guess time will tell. I have never heard of an affiliation like this with an international union and there not being some type of hands in the cookie jar by the union. I hope it works out for Y'all.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Windsor Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Hembery View Post
    So Claude, what has 20 years of your exclusionary organization's rein brought us all? It has produced a fractured and divided industry with a few 'industry leaders' who think that members of their organizations are nothing but cash cows. Or worse, these same leaders have used their memberships to try to obtain power over the rest of us and the ability to determine which of their friends are going to be inspectors and which are not. With 98% of Canadian Inspectors on the outside looking in, it seems obvious that the system you defend is not working. In fact it has all but destroyed this industry. Now is the time for the old guard to step aside.

    But come clean Claude. The ALLIANCE has already suggested to you that you submit your course for assessment and you have not. Is it not true that when the ALLIANCE puts the education requirement in place and only accepts college or college equivalency as the entry level requirement, that you and your course, without that acceptance, will be out of business? Admit it Claude; your fear is that when the ALLIANCE puts the educational requirements in place, next year, and assuming that you either do not submit your course for approval or it does not receive recognition as 'college equivalent', that you may be out of business.

    You are not being honest with us Claude.

    The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS has negotiated a purchase of service agreement with the TEAMSTERS that allows access to all of their vast resources. It gives Canadian Inspectors access to reduced costs on goods and services, access to 27 paid professional lobbyists who will make sure that the voice of Canadian Inspectors is heard in the halls of government, and the kind of influence usually enjoyed by much larger groups ( but then having 130,000 friends will do that !! ), access to education that actually means something to every-day practicing inspectors like marketing, business operations, new technology and all the plumbing, electrical, structural, heating / cooling courses that a full PROFESSIONAL education department can develop for us.

    We have all seen what the old associations have accomplished. We have all watched as they have divided us into smaller and smaller groups. We have all seen how qualified experienced inspectors have been turned away because they did not kiss the proper posterior. We have all seen how these 'industry leaders' have told experienced inspectors who have been in the business for years, that they are not good enough to wear the vaunted ( insert the name of a made up certification here). It is not good enough. And this has changed.

    The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS is grandfathering inspectors for the next year. This is not to water down the industry as some have claimed ( usually that 'some' have a vested interest in keeping the old ways alive). It is an attempt to bring as many inspectors into the tent as possible, unlike the old associations who told the vast majority of us that we were not good enough to join their private clubs. The only way to improve the industry is to welcome inspectors of every age, experience and education level and then give them the tools to improve their knowledge base. The A.C.H.I. is not interested in certifying anyone as that is the first step to dividing us up into those deemed worthy and the rest of us! But the A.C.H.I. is here to help every inspector improve their knowledge base with the educational opportunities, help and encouragement not offered in Canada by any of the old private clubs.

    The old associations told the majority of inspectors that they were not good enough to join the ( insert name of private club here). The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS tells members that you are 'good enough' and can be better and then provides the tools and encouragement to help every inspector to become his best.

    Apparently some find this to be really threatening.

    The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS is a trans-CANADA organization. Our purchase of service agreement with the TEAMSTERS gives us access to meeting halls in virtually every community. Our access to their PROFESSIONAL education development department gives us the ability to offer courses and lectures in every one of those halls. Further, education, information, and help will be available on line for those who cannot travel to meetings as soon as membership ( and the budget ) support it.

    So, which model gives the most support to CANADIAN Inspectors;

    The old associations who divide us up into warring factions or ACHI that unites inspectors under one big roof? Which do you prefer; the old style private organizations populated with 'industry leaders' who want to control you and your business, 'educators' who have a vested interest in keeping the old ways alive, rules and regulations that make you jump through hoops to gain the made up accreditations put in place by the self appointed; the 'here today' - 'gone tomorrow' certifications developed with the use of millions of dollars of tax payer's money -


    Do you prefer an organization built from the ground up with private funds ( no lost millions of tax dollars here), by inspectors just like you who have worked in this industry for years, that provides FREE professionally developed education to members in the form of courses, lectures, informational presentations, in every community across the country; that provides everything from reduced costs of goods and services to a legal defense fund to business and marketing courses; to access to the people in government who actually make the decisions ( not more letter writing campaigns to local MPs - and we know where those end up! - no more "high level meetings" with gate keepers and low level minions, but finally a voice that will be heard) and the opportunity to join and become actively involved in running a new kind of association for ALL inspectors, all for $396 / year.

    You decide.

    The ACHI Forums - The Front Page

    ( In the interests of honesty, "Alexander Hembery" is really GEORGE LUCK - President of the A.C.H.I. who was having log-in problems this morning)
    First your claim of suggesting the ISS courses apply for accreditation is false! We never received such an invitation. Secondly, ISS owns and has (CIPO) copyright on all course content already that is delivered through Humber College. We have been delivering a college level and nationally recognized program for 10 years now.

    Fracturing in the H.I. industry is a self-induced product of ones own choice of devisevness. There are far too many that see it as their way, and perhaps in fairness the only way. There are others that see it as their own little way of developing and promoting their brand of creating profit centres, to enrich their own financial benefit plan. There are some that actually believe in doing this for the good of the industry.

    If you feel it necessary to attack me or my credentials, so be it, but that is not the professional way of resolving differences. I do not feel there is a need to make this personal - but obviously you do.

    The rest of you diatribe is unfounded and unwarranted propaganda!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..


    News flash... There are currently 7 associations in Canada, I don't see ACHI as a fracturing force. Just the opposite. I see it as a real solution to the current state of affairs.

    Unfortunately the National Certification program hasn't delivered what it promised, coupled with bad corporate governance. In the end it appears NC doesn't need to be certified to CAN P9 for it is the inspectors the public and two associations which have judged NC as unacceptable. The way I see it.

    I would think that ACHI college accreditation would be welcome by you given your involvement with Humber College and St. Clair College and ISS, and in your role with CAHPI, OAHI, First Nations, Phpic and National Certification.

    Looks like a win win situation for you and your affiliated interests to entertain the thought of helping rebuild the industry under ACHI. Think of the opportunities!


  19. #19
    Roy Cooke sr's Avatar
    Roy Cooke sr Guest

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Lawrenson View Post
    First your claim of suggesting the ISS courses apply for accreditation is false! We never received such an invitation. Secondly, ISS owns and has (CIPO) copyright on all course content already that is delivered through Humber College. We have been delivering a college level and nationally recognized program for 10 years now.

    Fracturing in the H.I. industry is a self-induced product of ones own choice of devisevness. There are far too many that see it as their way, and perhaps in fairness the only way. There are others that see it as their own little way of developing and promoting their brand of creating profit centres, to enrich their own financial benefit plan. There are some that actually believe in doing this for the good of the industry.

    If you feel it necessary to attack me or my credentials, so be it, but that is not the professional way of resolving differences. I do not feel there is a need to make this personal - but obviously you do.

    The rest of you diatribe is unfounded and unwarranted propaganda!
    Claude I have no idea if ACHI will be the best thing for Home Inspectors or not .
    I have been told that the self appointed NCA group spent millions of dollars much from the Tax payers of Canada.
    I so wanted to support this self appointed group but could not get information from you or your cohorts .
    Your Group was the reason why ACHI was started so Congratulations, Claude we now have another home Inspector association in Canada .
    They at least have supplied more information in the few short weeks they have been around, than was given by CAHPI<PHPIO<OAHI and the NCA Combined .
    This group self centred inspectors could care less about the independant Canadian home inspectors .
    You guys could have been very successful if questions asked where properly answered .
    Unfortunatly attack was used against many who wanted information .
    Sorry Claude, looks like the new group has shown how Home Inspectors should be treated.

    Roy Cooke

  20. #20
    Alexander Hembery's Avatar
    Alexander Hembery Guest

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    "But come clean Claude. The ALLIANCE has already suggested to you that you submit your course for assessment and you have not. Is it not true that when the ALLIANCE puts the education requirement in place and only accepts college or college equivalency as the entry level requirement, that you and your course, without that acceptance, will be out of business? Admit it Claude; your fear is that when the ALLIANCE puts the educational requirements in place, next year, and assuming that you either do not submit your course for approval or it does not receive recognition as 'college equivalent', that you may be out of business.

    You are not being honest with us Claude."

    If you wish to see the above as a personal attack so be it Claude. In reality , it is a statement of fact and a question. If you find that threatening or deem it a personal attack that says more about you and your position in this industry than anything else. Not everyone knows of your position as an educator and not everyone, without that knowledge, might be aware of a possible motive for your attempt to damage, delay or destroy the A.C.H.I. You should have been honest enough to declare your possible conflict of interest. You didn't. Neither is that a personal attack, although I am sure you will claim it, but rather a statement of fact.

    The ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS urges all 'education providers' to submit their curricula for assessment and possible granting of equivalence. Although that message has been sent to you on several occasions, please consider yourself notified. As a rationalization in the education area takes place it would be a shame to see you or anyone else left behind simply because of personal animus on their part.

    And I repeat, with the hope that you can come up with something a little more relevant than your last deathless prose;

    "So Claude, what has 20 years of your exclusionary organization's rein brought us all? It has produced a fractured and divided industry with a few 'industry leaders' who think that members of their organizations are nothing but cash cows. Or worse, these same leaders have used their memberships to try to obtain power over the rest of us and the ability to determine which of their friends are going to be inspectors and which are not. With 98% of Canadian Inspectors on the outside looking in, it seems obvious that the system you defend is not working. In fact it has all but destroyed this industry. Now is the time for the old guard to step aside.

    We have all seen what the old associations have accomplished. We have all watched as they have divided us into smaller and smaller groups. We have all seen how qualified experienced inspectors have been turned away because they did not kiss the proper posterior. We have all seen how these 'industry leaders' have told experienced inspectors who have been in the business for years, that they are not good enough to wear the vaunted ( insert the name of a made up certification here). It is not good enough. And this has changed.

    Do you prefer an organization built from the ground up with private funds ( no lost millions of tax dollars here), by inspectors just like you who have worked in this industry for years, that provides FREE professionally developed education to members in the form of courses, lectures, informational presentations, in every community across the country; that provides everything from reduced costs of goods and services to a legal defense fund to business and marketing courses; to access to the people in government who actually make the decisions ( not more letter writing campaigns to local MPs - and we know where those end up! - no more "high level meetings" with gate keepers and low level minions, but finally a voice that will be heard) and the opportunity to join and become actively involved in running a new kind of association for ALL inspectors, all for $396 / year."

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Windsor Ontario

    Default Re: The Alliance of Canadian Home Inspectors..

    Update - It's 10 years later - the "alliance" is no longer around.The National Program still carries on.


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