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  1. #1
    Chuck Kaatz's Avatar
    Chuck Kaatz Guest

    Default Structural Inspection Contract

    I was hired by an asset management company to bring in a structural engineer and have a inspection done. I asked him to put the asset management company as the client on his contract and have them sign it - I would compensate the engineer and receive payment from the asset managers. The engineer said that for the contract to be legal whoever signed the contract would have to pay the bill. My questions are is the engineer correct and what is a good way to bring in specialist for a client and limit liability.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Structural Inspection Contract

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Kaatz View Post
    I was hired by an asset management company to bring in a structural engineer and have a inspection done. I asked him to put the asset management company as the client on his contract and have them sign it - I would compensate the engineer and receive payment from the asset managers. The engineer said that for the contract to be legal whoever signed the contract would have to pay the bill. My questions are is the engineer correct and what is a good way to bring in specialist for a client and limit liability.
    Check with a contract attorney in your state. While contract law might be similar in most states they do have some differences.

    If it was me I would let the management company deal directly with the engineer. If that is not an option, then you will need to be the client and then you will need to spell it out in another agreement with the management company.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Structural Inspection Contract

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication


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