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  1. #1
    imported_John Smith's Avatar
    imported_John Smith Guest

    Default TREC Inspector Insurance

    As we approach the end of August, I was wondering if anyone has any updates on the insurance requirement thats supposed to start in September?

    Philip seems to be in the inner workings of TREC, but I dont think I have seen a post from him for a while.

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    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: TREC Inspector Insurance

    John, I am by no means an expert or fully up to speed, but here is what I believe to be the most recent info:
    *TREC is enforcing the requirement as if E&O is what is required by the law while waiting for a clarification from the AG as to what the heck the legislators meant. (you would think they would have gotten the wording right since it was a insuranze guy that slipped the amendment in at the last minute.)
    *Barry is trying to get us off our duffs to go voice our opinion at an up coming TREC meeting.
    *Technically, you are not required to have insuranze until you renew, not on Sept. 1st unless that is when you have to renew your license.
    *There are lots of insuranze companies lined up waiting to take your money

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Garland, TX

    Default Re: TREC Inspector Insurance


    go to this thread to read the latest from trec post #43

    We still are going to Austin unless the AG changes the requiremnet or trec changes their stance before Oct. 8, 2007, either is all I want for Xmas

    badair Garland, TX 75042
    Commercial-Residential-Construction-EIFS-Stucco-ACMV-Infrared Thermography
    life is the random lottery of events followed by numerous narrow escapes...accept the good


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