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09-25-2012, 03:15 PM #1
Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Just curious if anyone has heard that Nick is selling or moving out of the day to day operations at INACHI? This is one reason that he is on his tour around the country.
I was told that he will be handing it over to Chris Merrel(sp) and that Nick is will be working with the builders and contractors.
Similar Threads:
09-25-2012, 05:26 PM #2
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
09-26-2012, 04:26 AM #3
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Lets hope so. Who ever takes control needs to clean up the ESOP and the decorum on the forum.
09-27-2012, 10:41 AM #4
09-27-2012, 07:25 PM #5
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
A vendor who has been at some of the events with Nick. They asked me to not tell their name since Nick has not made it public. Honestly, it makes little difference to me. I think Chris would be a major asset to the organization, if that is who it is. Whoever it is or whatever happens I wish them the best success. We need some new blood in the profession.
09-27-2012, 08:51 PM #6
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
P. Nathan Thornberry | |
Find me on Facebook at
09-27-2012, 11:46 PM #7
09-27-2012, 11:51 PM #8
09-28-2012, 03:01 AM #9
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
So Long, Farewell
The Sound of Music Soundtrack - 12 - So Long, Farewell - YouTube
09-28-2012, 03:52 AM #10
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Infraspection Institute Certified Level III Thermographer # 8510
09-28-2012, 04:02 AM #11
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Apparently anyone can get a leadership role and/or a online certificate/title from Nacho.
09-28-2012, 04:52 AM #12
09-28-2012, 06:23 AM #13
09-28-2012, 06:36 AM #14
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
I have read the unflattering remarks about INACHI and Nick for years, and have never understood the rancor. I get the lack of respect for the low entrance standards, but they do have some good educational material available.
And then there is the rudeness in many of the responses to Lisa. Can someone tell me why the strong dislike? Not trying to start a fight here, just curious.
Department of Redundancy Department
Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole
09-28-2012, 06:38 AM #15
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
How can one be an ASHI WannaBee / AughtaBee / HopetoBee when Scott is already a member of ASHI and has served on committees, et ceteras...?
The comments are like many things from the Nachi camp - irrelevant.
09-28-2012, 06:53 AM #16
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
I pay money to all of them, and I don't judge an inspector for choosing one or multiple associations even...but low entrance standards? NACHI is the only one with an entrance exam at all as far as I know.
I think everyone holds their own association in high regard- they put their logos all over their stuff- and when the oldest association is smaller than the newer association it causes a lot of insecurities. I'm an ASHI kid, and I remember the first time someone in our town called themselves "certified"...I was all pissed off. Then I got over it and joined both organizations while the other local guys lost orders trying to lecture their clients on which organization is better...I could just say that we belong to all of them.
Then I figured out something really cool...Clients don't care!!! They've never heard of your organization, whatever it may be, and they wouldn't care if they had. Which was very freeing, because once you realize the organization affiliation is really for your own benefit, you can really focus on the benefits of the organization and take advantage of them.
P. Nathan Thornberry | |
Find me on Facebook at
09-28-2012, 07:07 AM #17
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
You apparently "don't know", since that statement is false.
Qualifiers such as "candidate" or "associate" are not full, certified, they are "candidates" or "associates/associated" members of an association which does not have "certified" in their acronym or full name.
Guessing you're not familiar with the EBPHI or the NHIE.
Actually ASHI is certifying their members that meet the requirements for certification. ASHI's process of certifying their members has been approved by NCCA which evaluates certification programs.
The NHIE is the exam that is used by ASHI for this process. Just passing the NHIE does not provide any certification on it's own. The NHIE is owned and administered by The Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors, better known as EBPHI.
Its a proctored examination, and passing same is just "one step" in the "certification" process.
Not so for NACHI which was suposed to stop using "" and "nachi" and use only Inter-Nachi and INACHI...wasn't there a promise to that effect (or was it a consent decree).
The "C" in NACHI doesn't mean anything, neither does its on-line quiz. "Receptacle" is a third or fourth elementary grade spelling test question.
Last edited by H.G. Watson, Sr.; 09-28-2012 at 07:39 AM.
09-28-2012, 07:15 AM #18
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Can not address remarks about NACHI. Though some of their positions/offerings seem to be hyped up for marketing. Some claims a little over stated. But many organizations/businesses work in the same manner. No ax to grind, they do seem to offer more than other organizations if none other than in volume offered to its members. Not to get into quality or depth of those offerings.
Lisa is another story. At times, when pressed to answer a direct question about a statement she has made or a claim offered, she takes an aggressive, negative and hostile attitude. It seems to revolve around a lack of understanding or a sense of inferiority. Any question to her seems to end with her going over the edge. Which seems strange for a "Director of Communications" or what ever her title is. She seems to not be able to handle confrontation and even the slightest negative comment sets her off. Pushed to give verifiable details she flips out. Seems like putting on the spot is the equivalent of a personal negative attack. When it is not an a attack just a question of clarification or verifiability of her statements.
Last edited by Garry Sorrells; 09-28-2012 at 06:50 PM. Reason: correcting spelling of manor to manner for HG and future
09-28-2012, 07:45 AM #19
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Chris has been running InterNACHI since he became our CEO last year.
Nick believes the industry is at a point of maturity where consolidation is quickly taking place and that marketing weapons are determining the winners and the losers. He has been on the road making sure it is our InterNACHI members who possess those weapons. Join him at
Last edited by Lisa Endza; 09-28-2012 at 07:53 AM.
09-28-2012, 07:49 AM #20
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
manner vs. manor, they are NOT the same word, and in most regions aren't pronounced the same either.
I have yet to see your use of the word manor having been correct on this forum.
(hey, i'm guilty of typos, incorrect spellings, etc. all the time...its just a consistant one I see from you and you've made a point of being critical for obvious typos - and its a word you use frequently in your posts and your use of manor its (almost? if not always) wrong, its been bothersome)
09-28-2012, 07:53 AM #21
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Actually what you and others fail to notice is the same guys piling up on the Lisa (amazing ,bright,pretty,hard working) are the same guys who are on this forum always knocking everybody and everything else down as well.
The pattern is consistent and we all know who they are.
Every industry has know it all Sad Sacks who hate change or simplification of anything.
09-28-2012, 10:07 AM #22
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Cant we all get along?
09-28-2012, 10:45 AM #23
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Sure what the hey.
Just have nic erase all of the 100s of posts with his lies , name calling , slander, bashing ,threating lawsuits and auctual lawsits against other home inspectors and associations, and bragging about hijacking other home inspector related website names [including this site] to get hits on his site, from his open to the public web site and all will be forgotten.
Ohhh wait, everthings kooool he already did erase most of that so the newbys don't see what type of business person he really is, and how he figured out how that was the only to play king of the home inspection profession.
Last edited by Dan Harris; 09-28-2012 at 12:19 PM.
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
09-28-2012, 11:04 AM #24
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Notice I didn't say "certification" exam...I said entrance exam.
Your arguments work fine in a room of inspectors, but my main point is that they mean nothing to the public that orders inspections. You'll notice I'm speaking at both ASHI and InterNACHI events this year, and I wouldn't do that if I didn't feel both had enormous credibility. Drop the negativity and go sell some inspections, nobody has time for the silly arguments and your clients DON'T CARE. Wherever you feel you're getting the right insights and education to be successful, whatever meets your comfort level, go there- because it truly is all about you.
P. Nathan Thornberry | |
Find me on Facebook at
09-28-2012, 12:31 PM #25
09-28-2012, 02:44 PM #26
09-28-2012, 02:50 PM #27
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Anything goes.
09-28-2012, 02:57 PM #28
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Then don't come here and bitch. This forum is a lot more professional and ethical than Nachi could ever hope to be.
Hypocrites such as yourself are testament to the double standards.
And why have rules if they are not adhered too? But Liza I would expect no less from you, given you can never back up anything you say - only more rhetoric.
09-28-2012, 03:03 PM #29
09-28-2012, 03:18 PM #30
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
I have seen it for myself and have been the recipient of sexual innuendos
09-28-2012, 03:50 PM #31
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Are you doing Nick?
If we follow your logic and your husband verbally abused you and slapped you around then called the police for spousal abuse and assault the police could tell you that you are a sissy, and to soak it up because you probably deserved it.
And Bob yes Nachi is affecting my business. When you search Raymond Wand Home Inspection Service, one of the hits that came up was Raymond Wanker Wand amongst other libellous and false information purposely perpetrated to cause harm.
Through legal means I have undertaken, Google is in the process of removing those search hits.
Someone in Nachi has been very good at ensuring SEO.
09-28-2012, 04:01 PM #32
09-28-2012, 04:07 PM #33
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Last edited by Dan Harris; 09-28-2012 at 04:22 PM.
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
09-28-2012, 05:13 PM #34
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Bob your double standards are showing again. The way I see it and you and Lisa condone such activity and its no worse than Lisa telling me Bill and I are having an affair. Suck it up sissy.
Go peddle your ethics somewhere else.
The ESOP leader at his best.
Congratulations to NACHI Member John McKenna - Page 6 - InterNACHI Inspection Forum
09-28-2012, 09:56 PM #35
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Interesting you should say that. I was recently reviewing both ASHI and Internachi tax returns from last year. (public information due to non-profit status and available at GuideStar nonprofit reports and Forms 990 for donors, grantmakers and businesses . Seems your "newer" association brings in about a million dollars less than the older association in dues. ASHI publishes their membership numbers monthly but I've personally never seen Internachi's list. My guess is Internachi claims to be larger because of all the free memberships it gives out.
Don't believe everything people tell you. Pull back the curtain and see the little man.
By the way, Lisa isn't listed as an employee on their returns.
Last edited by Ken Rowe; 09-28-2012 at 10:03 PM.
09-28-2012, 10:12 PM #36
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
As usual there is nothing but drama and gnashing of teeth when NACHI gets brought up here.
Glad I grew up past the association wars era but some are like Peter Pan and refuse to grow up.
Still plan on joining ASHI in the near future and retaining my NACHI membership as only a fool takes sides with no vested interest.
My only interest is the business I care about and educating myself to become a better person.
Being petty does the opposite.
By the way I can call NACHI/NACHI and my local is called NACHI Chicago so what ya gonna do about it and do you really care ?
09-28-2012, 10:30 PM #37
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
09-28-2012, 10:55 PM #38
09-29-2012, 07:58 AM #39
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
I'm very sorry that this post took on this tone, it was not my intent. I was simply trying to see if anyone knew about the change at INACHI, and apparently it is true with Chris being the CEO.
This type of bantering is no longer amusing nor does it do anything to help the profession, if anything it hurts it. It is sad that we can not discusses the issues that plague all of the professional associations without it turning into something that resembles a junior high school locker room.
09-29-2012, 08:45 AM #40
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
I posted a link to the source and it wasn't Fox news or the Enquirer. I don't spend any time "worrying about these things". The time I spend is doing the research. Yes, I actually research things and don't simply believe what people say. I've never been one to simply jump on the bandwagon. I do the same with the bogus political ads I see.
If you don't believe me, follow my previous link to their 2010 990 tax return. Go to part VI question 10a. They claim to have no local chapters, branches or affiliates.
Last edited by Ken Rowe; 09-29-2012 at 08:56 AM.
09-29-2012, 09:34 AM #41
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Pretty naive post for someone with your background. Certainly you could have foreseen the outcome.
If you were truly concerned, a quick call or private message to a trusted colleague would have helped answer your questions without all the fallout.
I think we can all assume that you knew exactly what would happen.
09-29-2012, 10:24 AM #42
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
From post #21,
You say "amazing ,bright,pretty,hard working " which is nice but has nothing to do with how she presents herself at times. A person can have those attributes and be clueless as how to respond as representative of an organization or business in a consistently professional manner. The pattern that I see is that she starts off fine and then slips into a downward spiral of juvenile arguments and puerile rhetoric. It may be the image that the organization or business wants to portray to the public. It may be the the person. But it does generate a negative acceptance of the postings and the poster.
Granted there are those that have problems managing their dislike or opposition toward others and can degenerate easily and quickly into perverse responses. But when that degeneration in a thread begins it is the respondents choice as to how they interact.
The piling up may be self inflicted. There may be a motive behind initiating or at least participating in a less than professional discourse. Not an accusation just an observation.
09-29-2012, 12:31 PM #43
09-29-2012, 02:09 PM #44
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
09-29-2012, 02:35 PM #45
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
I've only see them claim/ brag their training is free , and they meet a few states min. continued ed requirements.
09-29-2012, 03:26 PM #46
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
My thoughts exactly.
Originally Posted by Dom
Originally Posted by LisaOriginally Posted by Raymond
This week we lost one of our own and I see ongoing messages of condolence posted. When it really comes down to it, does it really matter which assoc you belong to? Each organization has its own flavor and purpose, and when the naysayers of each accepts that; they will each walk proudly without having to badmouth the other, AND you will probably have more inspectors joining both.
I also followed that link to the nasty/vulgar post at the INachi site. That poster should have his ears pinned and banned from posting.
09-29-2012, 03:57 PM #47
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Congratulations to NACHI Member John McKenna - Page 6 - InterNACHI Inspection Forum
But, if the Director of Communications promotes that type of discussion, so must the entire body running the internachi organization. Pinning ears or banning would seen not in there future, regrettably.
The quote and link may lead to the reason that some seem to get on Lisa's case. Congenital attitude that may not be alterable.
09-29-2012, 04:25 PM #48
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Like I said; I don't always agree with Lisa or INachi (which is OK). But, it is shameful that language like that is permitted on ANY forum that is open to the public (other than X rated sites). Now if it were a private thread, I would have no problem with it... for the very same reason that it bothers me here, or anywhere else.
In another thread there was discussion regarding : Is Home Inspecting a trade or a profession?" Which is simply a play on words. There are Professional Home Inspectors, and there are those that are anything but professional.
IMO this type of bantering and vulgarity should not be practiced in public. Just like you shouldn't argue with you wife in public. IMO it makes us appear to be little more than carpenters that can no longer swing a hammer!
If "birds of a feather truly flock together", this display makes us all look bad.
EVEN IF the author of that letter had every credible reason to be that angry at the person it was directed at, his attempt to appear stronger, simply makes him appear "lower".
I don't know if Lisa has the power to change what is accepted at the INachi site, but somebody should raise the level of acceptable behavior there.
As far as the inter assoc bantering that can be seen here (at times) and at every other HI site; I have never read ANYONE'S rant, and walked away thinking less of the target, without also thinking less of the poster.
When I first became a licensed HI, I joined an assoc because I was advised to. After witnessing the rant, even though I took it with a grain of salt, I also believe; where there is smoke there is fire. I was embarrassed, let my membership run out, did not join any other HI assoc because they are all part of this unnesessary "competition", and never looked back. At this point I am only a member of EDI, and that is because I am a PROUD member of that association.
Occasionally I consider joining one or two associations, and then a new "rant" starts, and my desire to join the fray is quickly extinguished.
Last edited by Steven Turetsky; 09-29-2012 at 04:34 PM.
09-29-2012, 04:38 PM #49
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
By the way, I don't believe that Lisa "promotes" such postings, but until her organization bans it; it is her job to defend it.
This is why personal attacks should not be wielded against her. SHE is a PROFESSIONAL and simply doing her job.
09-29-2012, 06:51 PM #50
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
You are fortunate that your Business is within the state of Maryland where ASHI Membership is "not required by Law" ...
not true "originally" for PA where Legislation was initially introduced requiring "ASHI" Membership and Passage of the "ASHI Exam" as a qualifier for PA State Self-Certification...
Introduction of this proposed "Licensing" Model caused the "Pennsylvania Association of Building Inspectors / PABI" to no longer be functional as Members would be required to be a "Full Member" within a Fraternal Association having Members in 10 States of the USA....
While NACHI had been around for many years as a PA Organization,
we went Global that year.......
All 50 States, Provinces of Canada and Singapore...
I think Nick G was banned from this BB Forum when he "suggested" that goal would be accomplished within 1 Year...
Always nice when "What IFS", can be discounted by "Actuality"
(How we were successful in changing the enacted ASHI Legislation in New Jersey)
and it cost us less than **** Paid....
Last edited by Joseph Hagarty; 09-29-2012 at 08:05 PM.
09-29-2012, 08:02 PM #51
09-29-2012, 08:14 PM #52
09-30-2012, 05:38 AM #53
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Post # 25
[quote=Steven Turetsky;209707]By the way, I don't believe that Lisa "promotes" such postings, but until her organization bans it; it is her job to defend it.
Post # 27
You said " ... I don't believe that Lisa "promotes" such postings, but until her organization bans it; it is her job to defend it."
Possibly promotes may be the wrong choice of words. Someone that is in favor of the of those types of posting, condones, and advances them through her position (as the director of Communications) and that of the organization aggressively condones acceptance. By stating "We like that way" rather than saying "That is the way it is and the directors of Internaci like it " may be interpertated that she publicly likes the rhetoric. She demonstrated her philosophy by the possible unintended wording.
It has nothing to do with working hard. It is about ethics and moral standing. She chooses her words which she uses. She chooses what she supports. To for you to say "... but until her organization bans it; it is her job to defend it." removes her personal responsibility for her actions. By your thinking she is not personally responsible and has no culpability in her actions as long it is company directed. She is only a tool of the organization and as such is then subject to any personal cements of any type as they are only being directed at the organization and not her personally.
If you are correct that " it is her job to defend it." then why should there be any concern as to how she is treated. Would it not be a concern of how the organization is being treated. Then it becomes questionable as to the status that the organization deserves to have in any form of communication.
Your rationalizing of Lisa's rhetoric is function of her employment causes me to question her moral and ethical compass and by association that of Internachi, its leadership and members.
So the question of why some seem to pile on Lisa may be self evident.
09-30-2012, 10:14 AM #54
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
[QUOTE=Garry Sorrells;209739]Post # 25
By that logic, it would be justified to punch a BMV employee right in the face just for working there.
Lisa is great, if you've met her and worked with her you know that. A personal attack as low as what I've seen in this thread, which doesn't even deserve to be quoted, is despicable. It speaks to the incredible pride everyone has in their own association, which is a great thing but for it to materialize in this form is disappointing.
P. Nathan Thornberry | |
Find me on Facebook at
09-30-2012, 10:18 AM #55
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
@ Garry
I understand your point, and that as the "voice" of INACHI, posts are going to be directed at Lisa.
I feel that if the responses posted regarding any subject within this forum were presented in a way that took the "high road", they would require a more direct response and less banter.
I can't begin to count the number of times that a worthwhile thread has turned into worthless garbage. Even this thread started with a question about Nick Gromicko handing over the daily operations of INACHI; into homosexuality and Lisa "doing" Nick. I found nothing constructive in that and have no interest in either.
Last edited by Steven Turetsky; 09-30-2012 at 10:26 AM.
09-30-2012, 10:32 AM #56
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
09-30-2012, 10:40 AM #57
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Egads man! You just blew my mind!
The image of "Lisa" really being some fat dude that hasn't shaved in a week, smoking a cigar, wearing a thong while sitting at the computer just flashed into my mind.
Hey, you may be right; it wouldn't be the first time.
Lisa, Please say it isn't so.
09-30-2012, 11:41 AM #58
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
09-30-2012, 12:43 PM #59
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
Same haters and propaganda, different thread...
09-30-2012, 02:03 PM #60
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
So Say's The Man of Wisdom with 10 Posts and 3 weeks in.
8 of the 10 on his own thread.
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
10-01-2012, 06:11 AM #61
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
[quote=Nathan Thornberry;209763]
If an agent of a company acts or speaks for the company they still have personal responsibility for their actions. The excuse that the company made me do it is a faulty argument. To say that the company told me to lie, steal, cheat or defame someone would demonstrate a lack of moral fiber and ethics. A telemarketer that is defrauding someone is as liable for recourse as the company directing them. If you were to shill a product for another person or company I would hold you just as responsible as the other person or company. So yes, the BMV employee may be deserving of a punch either physical or legal.
I would agree that some of the posts were on a to personal level and should not have been made. But there is the question of who and what started some of those comments. Then there is the issue that the link to language used in a different forum was acceptable and where Lisa forcefully stated in post # 27 by Lisa "We like it that way. ... It's not for sissies." . Which begs the question again, is it self inflicted by the way Lisa presents herself ?
Your involvement and association with Lisa seems strong and I can understand your desire to defend her. My comments have been directed in response to the question of why some seem to have such a vehement dislike towards her and her organization. It was not directed as a diatribe against her but as a factual and honest response. And I understand, after raising several children, that a honest and factual observations and comment may be taken as harsh and demeaning criticism. When in fact is an observation and an interpenetration of that observation and nothing more. I may have attempted to attribute some reasoning to Lisa's actions only to try to understand the causes for those actions.
The name calling, vulgar language and sexual innuendo has no place in this forum. If another forum finds it acceptable then it is within the purview of that the forum operator, moderator and members. This forum has had members banned from participation for their comments by our moderator. Which I am grateful for and support, thanks to Brian concern and efforts.
And so much for the epistle for the day.
P.S.: I may use Lisa as a pejorative in describing someones response. But only as a description of the comment made. As you might say Garry in responce to being long winded.
Need to find a definition for some of these faces for correct use .
10-01-2012, 10:06 AM #62
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
You'd have to walk in my shoes to know what one member of the ESOP stated/insinuated to me on several occasions on the open forum of Nachi. Further it was condoned by the rest on the ESOP. Only a few of my friends spoke out against it and they too became targets, and one in particular still finds himself being attacked.
Since this person who was openly hostile to me is a Canadian and was known to carry a concealed unlawful handgun he was reported to the police because the threats were taken very seriously.
All under the watchful eye of the CEO, and the other executives at Nachi.
That is all I am going to say to the matter and I consider the matter closed unless someone wants to regurgitate the matter.
10-07-2012, 09:13 PM #63
Re: Is Nick saying goodbye to INACHI?
10-07-2012, 09:18 PM #64
10-08-2012, 10:50 AM #65