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  1. #1
    Eddie Patin's Avatar
    Eddie Patin Guest

    Default Any more news about Colorado licensing?

    Haven't been able to find any sources of information about the rumors of Colorado Licensing coming next year. Has anyone heard anything since that last post a few months ago? Anyone found out who 'the Senator' was?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Any more news about Colorado licensing?

    check with your local chapter group-internachi--ashi or nahi-all groups are involved, and can give you the latest news


  3. #3
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Re: Any more news about Colorado licensing?

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post
    check with your local chapter group-internachi--ashi or nahi-all groups are involved, and can give you the latest news


    What about those inspectors who don't belong to any HI organization? Do they not get included in some way or another about such things going on?

    We have similar here in Texas in that far more than 50% of the active/licensed inspectors do not belong to any HI organization (local or national) and even fewer participate in the forums.

    A few of us inspectors in Texas spend a fair amount of time getting information sent to as many HIs as possible due to the fact that the high percentage do not below to the associations.

    Even then ... many don't pay any attention. Many HIs are still using the old SOP and templates that have not been allowed/approved since Feb/2009.

    Go figure


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Any more news about Colorado licensing?


    no offense Nolan, but we do not want to be like Texas. there are meeting going on between the three HI assoc here in Colorado, to be ready to drive the bus and take ownership of any board of licensing passing in Colorado.
    that is all i have until mid January. i guess this is another good reason to join an association. to stay in the loop. just my opinion

    happy new year


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Any more news about Colorado licensing?

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post

    no offense Nolan, but we do not want to be like Texas. there are meeting going on between the three HI assoc here in Colorado, to be ready to drive the bus and take ownership of any board of licensing passing in Colorado.
    that is all i have until mid January. i guess this is another good reason to join an association. to stay in the loop. just my opinion

    happy new year

    I hope they are all working together and not for the benefit of their own group! If so then their efforts will most likely fail. You have to have and show that all of the inspectors are united.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  6. #6
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Re: Any more news about Colorado licensing?


    No offense taken nor intended with my comments. I was just sharing a point of fact.

    I can assure you that many HIs will not and don't want to join any association. They all have their reasons and they vary widely.

    As Scott P. noted all the associations had best be on precisely the same page for the best interests of the HIs and not driving individual agendas.

    Case in point: About 3 years ago there was an effort to bring all the associations together in Texas for the inspector's common good. This involved representatives from the national organizations and the Texas local organizations. There were 2-3 representatives from each group at the first couple of meetings and then an official organized group was developed following guidelines with Roberts Rules of Order, etc., etc..

    The administrator of TREC was involved and they always had a representative at the meetings as an observer as well.

    The first couple of meetings were tough. You could easily sense the tension between certain participants as they represented their association. After a few meetings things got better, but bottom line the effort faded away over time as the associations could not ever fully agree on some of the key issues that were brought up for consideration.

    The effort was well meaning, but in practice the historical feelings between some of the diverse association members just could not be set aside.

    It was a positive step (at the time) as it was stated that some of the people noted how things (communications between associations) was somewhat better as people from one association stated that not too long ago they would not have considered to be seated at the same table with representatives of the other association (both local & national). A lot of bad blood between them ... to say the least.

    Ergo ... the collective group is no more.

    Strong feelings/differences still exist between some of the local Texas groups as well as national groups.

    There are some changes and there will continue to be some changes over time as different people move in/out of the inspection world here in Texas and I'm hopeful it will all be positive. But the effort to try and get everyone together on the same song sheet just didn't work.

    I just want to wish y'all well. It won't be easy.

  7. #7
    Garry Blankenship's Avatar
    Garry Blankenship Guest

    Default Re: Any more news about Colorado licensing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nolan Kienitz View Post

    What about those inspectors who don't belong to any HI organization? Do they not get included in some way or another about such things going on?
    As arrogant as many politicians can be, it would be difficult for them to create licensing mandates for a specific profession w/o input from the profession; ( you don't know what you don't know ). In addition to the organizations recommended franchaise inspection orgs. are pretty politically active. If there is any chance of limiting their competition, they're all over it.


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