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  1. #1
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    "Georgia Governor veto's bill with the remark," I am aware that the private sector provides several, voluntary professional organizations that achieve the goals of legislation. It is my preference that the market – not the State – regulate as many of our industries as possible. Thus, in order to not supplant the good work of the free market with taxpayer funds, I VETO House Bill 1217." Well said Governor. I for one agree."

    A light in an otherwise pitiful legislative season, once again freedom & liberty overrule Draconian government intervention of our profession, this Governor deserves to reelected, BRAVO!

    I love it when the forces of evil get defeated! I hope that the proponents of this bill spent their last dime and they are laden with the agony of defeat that they will in no way attempt to hijack our profession ever again.

    A glorious day for those who love liberty.

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  2. #2
    michael ivie's Avatar
    michael ivie Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    House Bill 1217
    House Bill 1217 provides a regime to license Georgia’s home inspectors. I am cognizant and respectful of the fact that the advocates for the legislation chose to use and were approved by the Georgia Occupational Regulation Review Council (GORRC). I have come to believe that GORRC review should be the initial threshold for the creation of a new licensing board. I am also aware that the private sector provides several, voluntary professional organizations to achieve the goals of the legislation. It is my preference that the market – not the State – regulate as many of our industries as possible. Thus, in order to not supplant the good work of the free market with taxpayer funds, I VETO House Bill 1217.

  3. #3
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    Quote Originally Posted by michael ivie View Post
    It is my preference that the market – not the State – regulate as many of our industries as possible. Thus, in order to not supplant the good work of the free market with taxpayer funds, I VETO House Bill 1217.

    Really worth repeating... Free market principals NOT taxpayer funded regulation is the essence that our great country was founded upon and what many Patriots gave their life defending.

  4. #4
    James Duffin's Avatar
    James Duffin Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    I am not aware of a voluntary HI professional organization that is not more political than any state that has licensing. Just read the post on this board from the members of these voluntary professional organizations.

  5. #5
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    Quote Originally Posted by James Duffin View Post
    I am not aware of a voluntary HI professional organization that is not more political than any state that has licensing. Just read the post on this board from the members of these voluntary professional organizations.

    I don't see where the Governor addressed any political aspect regarding his decision, what he said was... "I am also aware that the private sector provides several, voluntary professional organizations to achieve the goals of the legislation."

    Maybe because it is impossible to separate politics out when dealing with human relationships, it appears that no matter what the issue, everything is political.

  6. #6
    James Duffin's Avatar
    James Duffin Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    It is possible to have an organization that is not run by politics if folks egos can be set aside. I rest my case with that statement.

  7. #7
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    Quote Originally Posted by James Duffin View Post
    It is possible to have an organization that is not run by politics if folks egos can be set aside. I rest my case with that statement.

    I agree, home inspectors are by nature very independent strong-willed people which tends to feed the egocentric side of our personality, sometimes to our own detriment.

    All it takes to set me off is someone telling me that they know what is best for me & my business and how I need to be regulated by some friggin' government agency. Especially, if the decree comes down as an enlightened edict from some ivory-tower home inspection association that I support with my hard earned dollars.

    I see the issues and the problems the ego can cause, I just don't know how to deal with the phony-baloney exam peddlers and licensing crack-whores who populate our profession... see there I go again.

  8. #8
    James Duffin's Avatar
    James Duffin Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    I have done eight inspections this week so far in a state "regulated by some frigging' government agency" I don't see a problem. At least you can not inspect here so that is one good thing about licensing.

  9. #9
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Forces of Evil Defeated - Governor Veto's Georgia HB 1217

    Quote Originally Posted by James Duffin View Post
    I have done eight inspections this week so far in a state "regulated by some frigging' government agency" I don't see a problem. At least you can not inspect here so that is one good thing about licensing.

    Do you really think I can't meet your states minimum standards, please get a grip.


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