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  1. #1
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    Post Home inspectors unregulated - Newnan Times-Herald

    InspectionNews has just found the following information that might be of interest to you:

    Home inspectors unregulated
    Newnan Times-Herald, GA - 2 hours ago
    Although some inspectors are voluntary members of home inspection trade associations, home inspectors in Georgia are not governed by any legally enforceable ...


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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Home inspectors unregulated - Newnan Times-Herald

    From the article... "Although some inspectors are voluntary members of home inspection trade associations, home inspectors in Georgia are not governed by any legally enforceable professional code or standards for the protection of the public. As it now stands, anyone who desires to become a home inspector in our state can simply declare themselves to be a home inspector and do business." (my bold)

    Ain't America grand anyone can become a home inspector, of course the author of the pro-licensing gibberish fails to recognize that "going into business" is no guarantee of success. Success, is predicated not on just having the attributes required to being a successful home inspector but to also convince the buying public that choosing this particular inspector is the best value.

    The author would like to take the choice away from the homebuyer and short circuit the basic principals of capitalism by setting up an arbitrary set of rules that prove nothing but which makes all inspectors equally inferior. The sad thing in all of this is the public has never complained that the current method of allowing home inspectors compete with one another is a problem. No, it is always the weak inferior home inspector who is desperately attempting to control their market and put other home inspectors out of business who clamor for the government to do what he is unable to do which is to compete in the open market.

    Inspection laws across the country have been brought forth by weak second-class inspectors who without these laws in place would be forced back in to their previous food-service occupations.

    I praise Georgia's Governor for having the intelligence and fortitude to see through the sick, weak grumblings of a few home inspectors who refuse to do the hard work required to be a success in this profession and instead would taint the whole profession simply to promote their business by having the government flatten the competition so that their inferiority no longer causes them to stand out against the backdrop of other successful independent home inspectors.

    I will leave you with Governor Sonny Purdue's own words on the matter... ,"I am aware that the private sector provides several, voluntary professional organizations that achieve the goals of legislation. It is my preference that the market – not the State – regulate as many of our industries as possible. Thus, in order to not supplant the good work of the free market with taxpayer funds, I VETO House Bill 1217."

  3. #3
    Bob White's Avatar
    Bob White Guest

    Default Re: Home inspectors unregulated - Newnan Times-Herald

    Brian, this discussion board is chock full of those with opinions on licensing, and licensing in GA.

    Why are you pointing us to a letter to the editor of a Newnan GA paper? Who wrote that letter, and what the **** are his credentials?

    The letter writer added nothing to the debate a except rather weakly substantiated opinion.

    Let's just let it be for now ---- we can let'er'rip again when the next legislative session's licensing bill comes up.

  4. #4
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Home inspectors unregulated - Newnan Times-Herald

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob White View Post
    Brian, this discussion board is chock full of those with opinions on licensing, and licensing in GA.

    Why are you pointing us to a letter to the editor of a Newnan GA paper? Who wrote that letter, and what the **** are his credentials?

    The letter writer added nothing to the debate a except rather weakly substantiated opinion.

    Let's just let it be for now ---- we can let'er'rip again when the next legislative session's licensing bill comes up.

    Better wait for a new Governor cause Sonny ain't signing, hey but don't let me stand in your way from pissing away any hard earned money chasing this lost cause.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: Home inspectors unregulated - Newnan Times-Herald

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob White View Post
    Brian, this discussion board is chock full of those with opinions on licensing, and licensing in GA.

    Why are you pointing us to a letter to the editor of a Newnan GA paper? Who wrote that letter, and what the **** are his credentials?

    The letter writer added nothing to the debate a except rather weakly substantiated opinion.

    Let's just let it be for now ---- we can let'er'rip again when the next legislative session's licensing bill comes up.
    Bob -

    1) I may be wrong, but I think Brian has an automated system for posting articles that may be of interest to home inspectors.

    2) This is Brian's discussion board.

  6. #6
    Bob White's Avatar
    Bob White Guest

    Default Re: Home inspectors unregulated - Newnan Times-Herald

    And I would submit that a letter to the editor of a minor small town newspaper about a dead (for now) issue is not of interest to those who read and comment on this board.

    I realize that Brian's 'poster' is automated to a degree - I like to think, though, that someone looks at the "articles' queued for posting and actually presses the 'approved for posting' button (kinda like my email filterer thingamajiggy.)

    I realize it's Brian's board. I think I am allowed to post an opinion and render a suggestion. My opinion, to reiterate, has nothing to do with whether I am pro or anti licensing. It's just that this bill is dead, and I wanna wait til the next version (the third, I think) comes down the pike to before I try to sift through the pro - versus - anti debates for meaningful information again.


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