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02-06-2009, 09:53 AM #1
Canadian owners with asbestos contaminated Zonolite/vermiculite insulation claim mfr.
As reported by a Richmond, BC newspaper article "Asbestos in the walls" , many Canadian residents worry about the removal cost of vermiculite insulation in their attic.
In September 2008, the manufacturer of vermiculite insulation, W.R. Grace offered a $6.5M settlement to Canadians whose homes now sit contaminated with the "Zonolite" insulation. The deadline for filing a claim on that settlement ( is Aug. 31, 2009.
For more information/links about asbestos, please see my article Richmond Watch! 我們關注列治文 ¸‚政與民生: "Zonolite" vermiculite insulation contains asbestos ä¿æ¸©è›*石å—çŸ³æ£‰æ± æŸ“.
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