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  1. #1
    RobertSmith's Avatar
    RobertSmith Guest

    Default Rafter Splice - Staples

    Has anyone every seen rafter splices stapled together? I've never seen this before; I've only seen them scabbed together. It's a 1999 home and I didn't see any visible evidence of structural movement. Seems to work.

    Is stapling proper? Okay? Noteworthy?



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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    You're not talking about trusses are you? What size rafters and stapled in what way? Did they use truss plates?

  3. #3
    RobertSmith's Avatar
    RobertSmith Guest

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    stick framed, not truss. 2x8 rafters over a long run, so they spliced the rafters together.

    The Builder used staples, not plates. Staples as in staples. Like staples for shingles, but thicker guage. A zillion of them along the splice of the butt-ends of the two rafters they spliced together.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    Quote Originally Posted by RobertSmith View Post
    stick framed, not truss. 2x8 rafters over a long run, so they spliced the rafters together.

    The Builder used staples, not plates. Staples as in staples. Like staples for shingles, but thicker guage. A zillion of them along the splice of the butt-ends of the two rafters they spliced together.


    Unless some structural engineer has signed off on that, or is willing to again if one did and there is no paperwork trail with a signed and sealed engineer's letter.

    From your description, though, a simple "No." seems sufficient.

    Not that photos would change the answer, but photos would sure be nice.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    RobertSmith's Avatar
    RobertSmith Guest

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    stick framed, not truss. 2x8 rafters over a long run, so they spliced the rafters together.

    The Builder used staples, not plates. Staples as in staples. Like staples for shingles, but thicker guage. A zillion of them along the splice of the butt-ends of the two rafters they spliced together.

  6. #6
    Randy Cooper's Avatar
    Randy Cooper Guest

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    Quote Originally Posted by RobertSmith View Post
    Has anyone every seen rafter splices stapled together? I've never seen this before; I've only seen them scabbed together. It's a 1999 home and I didn't see any visible evidence of structural movement. Seems to work.

    Is stapling proper? Okay? Noteworthy?



    What, rafters spliced together? Are they spied end to end to create a longer span. Or are the spliced one on top of another to created a deeper rafter? An end splice can’t be done with out some sort engineering and to use staples, me thinks not. Rafters should be continuous plate to ridge.

  7. #7
    RobertSmith's Avatar
    RobertSmith Guest

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    Nope...the spliced rafters are end-to-end to create a long run. Man I wish I had my camera!


  8. #8
    Jeffrey L. Mathis's Avatar
    Jeffrey L. Mathis Guest

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    Man, I don't even like finger jointing, but I see it more and more. Gotta have an engineer's seal.

  9. #9
    Mitchell Toelle's Avatar
    Mitchell Toelle Guest

    Red face Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    Quote Originally Posted by RobertSmith View Post
    Nope...the spliced rafters are end-to-end to create a long run. Man I wish I had my camera!

    Tell us why you don't routinely take pictures at your inspections, pleeease.

  10. #10
    RobertSmith's Avatar
    RobertSmith Guest

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Toelle View Post
    Tell us why you don't routinely take pictures at your inspections, pleeease.
    I never said that I don't routinely take pictures at inspections....i said I wish I had my camera. It died recently.

    Nevertheless, I don't find it value-added to include pictures in my report, at least for the home inspection part of my biz.

  11. #11
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Rafter Splice - Staples

    It sounds like an idiot framer butt spliced the rafters and tagged the butts with a framing stapler. Typical duct-tape craftsmanship. Must be from Texas.


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