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  1. #1
    WRPTex's Avatar
    WRPTex Guest

    Default Rafters v. trusses

    I'm buying a house with traditional framing (rafters/joists, not pre-engineered). I have seen some nail pops in the exterior corners of of one side of the house, but not really any where else that I have noticed. I've read about "truss lift". Is there anything similar with rafters?


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  2. #2
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Rafters v. trusses

    Wood dries out. Homes settle. With the changes of the seasons to wet dry back to wet again as well as hot and cold your home does a dance all year long. I would say that if there are only a couple minor nail pops then you are one of the lucky ones being from Texas and the soil conditions here.

    As far as up lift on stick built homes. You generally do not see it as much because it is stick built and not one long engineered truss. The stick built homes will have a bit more flex to them while the home is doing it's seasonal dance. Other than that, not seeing the home it is honestly to difficult to tell you the exact cause of the movement.

    If you are in DFW I could do a home inspection for you....for a slight fee


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