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Thread: Mentor needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Mentor needed

    I am currently training to become a home inspector and I am now at the stage whereby I need a mentor to ride along with. I live in a small town (Alamogordo, NM) and I cannot find one who is prepared to help me. Is anyone out there from, las Cruces, El Paso or near these towns who can help me.



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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Mentor needed

    You can ride with me

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Lancaster, CA

    Default Re: Mentor needed


    I've found it better to approach another home inspector when *you* have a home to look at.

    A mock inspection of your own home or friend's etc...

    I would think you would get more cooperation by asking other inspectors to help in a setting that is non-competitive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    so so, California

    Default Re: Mentor needed

    You can ride with me too... Tim S lives around the block from us, he'll probably take you out also ..he's also a giver and all around good guy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lake Barrington, IL

    Default Re: Mentor needed

    Derek, Hook up with a national home inspector organization and find a local chapter. Mentoring programs are available and well worth investigating. While an inspector's forum is a great source of info there is a boatload of excellent inspectors who do not use them and as a new inspector you don't want to miss out on an opportunity to associate yourself with them. The top drawer people will want to help you out.

    Eric Barker, ACI
    Lake Barrington, IL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mesa AZ

    Default Re: Mentor needed

    I agree with Tim and Eric.
    You mention your at the point of getting a mentor. Out of curiosity what point is that?
    Tims suggestion is great IF you know whats he's doing.. My experience was I hired someone prior to having a clue what an inspector did. The inspector was great and did explain everthing to me , but without class room and field training I was just another home buyer.

    I often see comments how locals will not help you because your going to be compition, honestly I found that's a bunch of bull..
    The truth is there are 100s of guys that think hey I want to be a home inspector, then find the cheapest on-line training and believe they now know everthing, or at least enough to call them selves a home inspector.. Truth is 99% of them never make it to a full year and many never do their 1st inspection.

    Put youself in our position, when we inspect a home we need to apply 100% of our time to the condition of the home, and our clinets best interests, not training another inspector, that's where Tims suggestion come in play if you have proper training. You are then the clinet.

    Before asking for a mentor, or a ride a long, Eric's suggestion helps in several ways, one, as an inspector, other than seeing your post here, we don't have a clue about you, how much you know about the profession, and how you present yourself, [ if you look at avaitors of few some of the guys that post on this site, there are some pretty rough looking guys doing inspections,
    It's very loney out there if you believe you can succed , meet others and learn everything from a computer.
    Attending local inspector meetings, and meeting the local inspectors does help solve that.

    Like Eric stated the experienced guys are more than willing to help. My experience was, it took me attending 3-4 local chapter meetings to have other inspectors see that , hey maybe he is serious, after that exposure I asked a few more questions and they were more than willing to offer advise, offer ridealongs, [on vacant homes where the buyer was not there] and to this day share marketing and inspection tips.

    Last edited by Dan Harris; 09-29-2011 at 09:53 AM.
    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Safety Harbor, FL

    Default Re: Mentor needed

    Consider trying this.

    Select the inspector(s) who you either have a relationship with or would like to be a "mentor". Ask him if he would consider accepting the next HI referral from you with the provision he take you with him to allow you observe HI's inspection process. He would do the inspection, report and would receive the fee for the inspection. In turn, you would receive an invaluable OJT training experience.

    I actually did this with the HI who performed inspections on 3 properties I own prior to becoming an HI. I probably did this process about 5 times before I felt confident enough doing it solo. I also went out with him when he had a Roof Cert or Wind MIT inspection of his own to do and I learned how to perform those inspections as well.

    I can tell you he was extremely thankful for the inspections I threw his way as was I for the experience gained. To date, we refer back and forth to each other when either of us cannot handle an assignment for some reason. The referring agents never had an issue with any of these inspections we performed jointly.

    May or may not work in your area, just a suggestion on how you may be able to seek out a mentor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Mentor needed

    I have mentored many younger people over the years and the ones that I go out of my way to teach are the ones that want to be taught.

    One kid that was particularly gung ho picked up a broom and started to sweep the shop floor when he ran out of stuff to do and I was busy. He just kept being productive, I like that. He asked questions and limited his opinions unless asked.

    Several other kids already knew everything already. Every time I would offer some guidance they shot back with a better story or how they know all about that. People like this, young or old, don't learn very well.

    Good luck which ever route you choose!

  9. #9
    Robert Duell's Avatar
    Robert Duell Guest

    Smile Re: Mentor needed

    I have been qualified as an inspector since April 2011. I have market myself,
    email accounts, business cards,a lot of shoe leather, meet and greet. I
    have to sell myself more to get started. I am license and bonded,UBI
    master license and inspection license. My experience is eight years in aircraft
    inspection docks,20 years aircraft mechanic,4 years POL.
    I know the market is tough till you yourself known.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Mentor needed


    It was not uncommon, maybe some still do, for 'apprentices' to pay the Inspector for a ride along as part of the comeuppance and education. I agree that many a good HI will be happy to help you out if you approach it from a professional point of view. You will, after all, one day be someone else's competition if you follow through. Be smart about it.

    Have you performed any mock inspections yet? If not, I would do at least 5 or 6 and produce reports that one of the seasoned guys or gals can take a look at to assess your beginning skill set. There are many ways to do it but I certainly wasn't truly comfortable for about 6 months. Take pictures of EVERYTHING, do your homework and research, don't be afraid to say you don't have an answer b/c people will weed you out in a heartbeat if you are BS-ing.

    Good luck, the 80/20 rule is alive and well in this business.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    West Chester PA

    Default Re: Mentor needed

    when I first started out
    I worked with another Inspector for almost 100 Inspections
    before I set out on my own.

    Took about 4 months to get to that level...


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