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  1. #1
    brianmiller's Avatar
    brianmiller Guest

    Default Access panel installed on exterior wall

    A metal access panel cover, about 1/8 of inch thick or so, was installed in the stone veneer to access the master bathroom hydromassage tub plumbing/pump, etc....

    Question: The metal cover does not provide the proper exterior wall insulation value, correct? There wasn't any insulation behind the tub, just a straight view to the tub components.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Access panel installed on exterior wall

    Quote Originally Posted by brianmiller View Post
    Question: The metal cover does not provide the proper exterior wall insulation value, correct? There wasn't any insulation behind the tub, just a straight view to the tub components.

    Because they did not think about it.

    My guess is that they did not insulate any of the wall below the tub.

    I used to find those two things all the time - no insulation behind the access doors and no insulation on the walls below the tub.

    Also, if you are in Florida and where hurricane shutters are required, those doors require a shutter as they are not impact rated.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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