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  1. #1
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Lightening Strike__ MINE!!

    We had a nice little storm this evening with micro-bursts of wind that were pretty nasty to say the least. In addition to some very heavy RAIN in an isolated area, we had an impressive lightening storm to top it off.

    Well, today's episode got just a little too close to home. As a matter-of-fact, it took out a very mature Bradford Pear in my front yard which landed on my Mother-in-law's car!!!

    Anyway, take a look at the pictures and notice the scorch marks. Pretty damn impressive as the lightening actually scorched the upper limbs as well as the sections that it actually hit.

    Needless to say, my evening was filled with making large tooth picks with my NEW chain-saw. Good excuse to go and get a bigger one...

    Rich (with his big tool) Rushing

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Lightening Strike__ MINE!!

    Rich, looks like the MOM won't be so excited to stop by next time huh!
    Did the new saw come out before or after the storm?

  3. #3
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: Lightening Strike__ MINE!!

    After... I ran down to the Lowe's(t) store and picked-up a 20" incher.

    That bad boy spanks that-azz...

    The old M-I-L is headed to Virginia this weekend. I offered to buy her plane tickets if it would help ease her pain-- I KNOW IT WILL MINE!!


  4. #4
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: Lightening Strike__ MINE!!

    By the way... that last picture (bottom right) shows my little buddy in the middle of the street coming after me when I was taking the pictures.

    "Scooter" (my little Sheitzu) really is this man's best friend. He's dedicated his life to seving me and protecting me from my wife. He'll bite the shi+ out of her if she messes with me.

    God, I love that dog...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default Re: Lightening Strike__ MINE!!

    Rich, your mil's car will be all set as the lead float if you ever have an Arbor Day parade in town.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Lightening Strike__ MINE!!

    Don't you know that is all those Bradford Pear trees are good for.

    I hear they attract lightning due to excessive moisture content. We came home years ago when we lived in Garland and found the same thing had happened. I had left one of little tie down straps between the forks for support and the strap grew into the fork of the tree. It had a little grommet which I think actually attracted the lightning.

    Not near the tree and mess you had to clean up though, Richard.

    You should cut down those red tips on the corners too.

    A 20 incher, wow. That stuff really works huh? Smiling like ole Bob.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Lightening Strike__ MINE!!

    Ahh yes, the Bradford Pear! We have those brittle things all over the place! One thing I have seen done in my new area is that they prune them back every year so that they don't get so dang big. They have some around my area that have trunks like 50 year old oak tree. Just a little info that might help down the road.

    FYI you might be able to claim that tree on your insurance as well. When we went through Katrina we were paid $300 for a 10 year old silver maple that did not pass the wind test.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN


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