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Thread: Brick siding?

  1. #1
    chris mcintyre's Avatar
    chris mcintyre Guest

    Default Brick siding?

    I saw a display today at Slowes for this product. It is a "self venting" veneer that that screws (occasionally) to furring strips nailed over the house wrap.

    Has anyone seen this installed? To me it looks like there could be a lot of issues.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Charlotte NC

    Default Re: Brick siding?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris mcintyre View Post
    I saw a display today at Slowes for this product. It is a "self venting" veneer that that screws (occasionally) to furring strips nailed over the house wrap.

    Has anyone seen this installed? To me it looks like there could be a lot of issues.

    NOVABRIK -> Welcome
    Might not be the exact same, but there are a few houses I have seen with that type of siding. The trim looked like cra@, some of the problem could be due to installation but the corners were really bad. The lack of mortar joints and the brick siding hanging in air above the foundation wall shouted fake brick. The only real problem I have seen so far is cosmetic but the homes are only 5-7 years old.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Brick siding?

    I don't know anything about the stuff but I'm a bit skeptical of a company that expects you to pay $5 for an informational DVD about their product.

    Maybe I'll start doing that and when I answer the phone the first thing I'll need to continue is a CC#

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Brick siding?

    The brick paneling I see has a ton of water issues.
    Run from it.

    It is for the fireplace wall , not the outside.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: Brick siding?

    I'm always suspicious of companies that can't even bother to spell-check their website:

    " - projet pictures
    - installation specifications
    - FULL installation Video
    - and MUCH MUCH MORE!"

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)


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