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  1. #1
    RobertSmith's Avatar
    RobertSmith Guest

    Default Vinyl siding flashing

    Last edited by RobertSmith; 12-20-2007 at 04:03 PM.
    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: Vinyl siding flashing

    "J" channel is all that's required there, the water seal is provided (hopefully) by the window 's flashing below the siding:

    See for example pp 19 here:

    The kickout is a potential trouble spot, I'd be concerned about its construction - for starters, that caulk is not going to form a permanent seal - and about the detailing you can't see behind the siding at the roof/wall junction, unless that's done properly you are just funneling water into the wall. If accessible I would check the wall behind and below that junction with a Tramex or similar meter.

    If you are registered there, check out this thread on the NACHI board:

    kickouts - NACHI Message Board

  3. #3
    Chad Fabry's Avatar
    Chad Fabry Guest

    Default Re: Vinyl siding flashing

    It's an idiotic design that will be problematic for the life of the structure.

    The kick out was designed by a trained chimp. I'm sorry, that was harsh; a poorly trained chimp.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Lake Barrington, IL

    Default Re: Vinyl siding flashing

    Flashing over windows that have a nailing flange will not need the additional flashing - provided the building paper is proper taped underneath. Also, no caulk should be present between the J-channel and the top flange - that's a very common oops.

    Eric Barker, ACI
    Lake Barrington, IL


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